Well, it was a good run. RIP x86

Well, it was a good run. RIP x86.

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how is this different to when they used PPC?

That's like, 1,4% desktop market share.

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The difference is that apple accounts for the vast majority of profits in the pc industry now.

Where Apple goes, others will follow. Like it or not, what they do matters.

So from 2020 every mac is going to be a glorified iPad?

what the purpose of x86 anymore

Intel stock TANKING since the news broke.

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good luck with x64 compatibility. Unless they are planning to dump all old apps and telling the "professional" market they don't care anymore, use itunes.

Intel and AMD would sue Apple for tens of billions if they tried ARM with a x64 interpreter.

They will create a new proc from scratch? How do they plan to achieve that? Do they have people with the know-how?

because they overcharge for absolutely everything and screw over customers constantly.
The only reason people buy them is they're built themselves a niche among badgewhores.


rip hackintosh.


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They'll just replace macs with ipads. Computers are ancient history, remember?

they will use their own cpu, they already have those on mobile.

it doesnt even have to be x86 at this point.

In the phone market maybe.

The many other PC manufactures aren't going to simply abandon intel/amd because Apple did it.

Apple is sinking too.

Attached: apple.png (650x500, 21K)

Not in the desktop market, thats a retarded assumption user.

apple devices have better security OVERALL than android. prove me wrong

p.s. keyword is overall. SANE defaults.
>Facebook users on Apple devices are on the safer side, as iOS has never allowed silent access to call data.

That and because nobody is even trying to compete with them on build quality.
I guess it doesn't fucking matter anymore. If this transition goes as badly as I expect my next laptop will be a Lenovo or some shit.

They might be able to license AMD64 from AMD.

Applel will get rid of macs and expect you to do everything on an ipad.

Remember wats a ghompooter.

Doesn't say anything about the operating system or desktop functionality, so no. How did you arrive at that conclusion?

Why would they. Apple is moving to arm, it is the only option, and really a development nightmare.

>tfw i just bought an iphone 5s battery replacement kit
>tfw i don't plan buying another phone for 5 more years

this kills the planned obsolesence jew.

>using facebook

Apple has been designing their own chips for ages, dumbass. If they actually sold them to anyone they could give Qualcomm a serious run for their money.

Intel and AMD cross-license a lot of shit, they can't just license that stuff to 3rd parties

It's not their only option, they could have a Dual Proc option, Make their Arm chip the primary and use an Intel U-series chip as a stop gap till they kill off x64 entierly. This was a fairly common tactic for game consoles back in 90s & 00s.

But yeah Apple will need an army of lawyers to break Intel strangle hold on x64. Which may be a bad thing since NVidia is sitting a re-compiler for x64 that never got released.

The question is if they are going to keep developing amd64 OSX for a couple of years or if they are just going to fuck everyone who bought a mac recently

Apple security is a fucking joke. Fuck off street shitter.

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>how is this different to when they used PPC?
They design their chips, so Apple wouldn't be fucked by IBM or Motorola being unable to deliver on their promises.

>If this transition goes as badly as I expect my next laptop will be a Lenovo or some shit.
Check out the new Dell XPS if you can. They actually use revolutionary new materials no one else does to change how small they can make it while still effectively cooling the CPU. That and it uses a Maglev (magnetic levitation) keyboard

What are you going to do when ios 12 drops support for the 5s this year and all 3rd party apps start requiring ios 12 a few months later?

literally why macintosh faggots would need anything more than what they use on the iphone

I've waited so fucking long for this day to come. Now I'll get to live to see it. I'll actually get to live to see Intel and Microsoft fade into obscurity as UNIX-like systems on RISC hardware become more mainstream. This is absolutely beautiful.

They'll just port OS X to their own ARM based platform. They're already half way done with the bootloader and kernel related software they can just pull from their iOS stuff. The only real kernel space modifications that need to be made are new drivers, which is easy. The rest of it is just cosmetic stuff and recompiling some user apps for ARM. From there they pretty much take a slightly modified iPad logic board and slap it into an aluminum case with a screen, keyboard, trackpad, and battery.

I would unironically buy their stuff if they still allow users to install alternative operating systems like Linux. Right now there's no incentive to buy their hardware when it's just Intel x86. The power efficiency, security, and scalability of ARM would incentivize me to buy it.

But I'll probably be disappointed when they roll out an iPad with a keyboard.

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*deafening coil whine*

do you have a source for this? or are you high on crack?

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Good, fuck intel

you wont be able to install another OS for a while, and I'm guessing a lot of software will be needing a port of sorts.

even if you think they're sticking to desktop apps, you gotta consider that fact.

this mac is a fraction of computer market. other companies copy it, but Apple itself doesn't sell enough machines to make much difference.
It seems like Apple is shooting itself in the leg

>RIP x86
Can I get a "fuck yes"? It's about time the CPU space got interesting again.

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>have tiny pathetic 5% marketshare
>kills off ALL third party software support

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>In the phone market maybe.
In the laptop market as well.

The fuck are they planning on doing? Telling everyone to go fuck themselves if they want their software to work on the new Mac?

>theres NEVER been any hacks to android
okay kid

>the same morons that pay $1000+ for $200 fruit toys are the same morons that pay $2000+ for $300 fruit laptops

why would they do that? the 5s can still hang with the best of them. it's not that much different from the SE really. my guess is they will continue to support it but it just wont get all the fancy new features the newer phones get. but if they do drop support i will just keep it for parts and buy an SE. since the 5s parts are interchangable.

People use software, not operating systems.
Apple sure is fucking themselves.

RIP Intel

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>according to people familiar with the plans
This is all a fucking conspiracy, lads.

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They literally beat out the entire rest of the industry combined.

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That's not even close to what he said. Is your IQ lower than room temperature?

Yeah, no. Lenovo/HP/Dell/Etc don't have the resources to make their own processors. They may copy what apple do aesthetically but this is one thing they cannot copy.

I wonder if you will be able to make PowerPC, x86, x86_64 and ARM 4x fat binaries for MacOS, lol.

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lmao, enjoy your burns

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So you're saying your own distinction between Mac and Android is meaningless and that there is no reason to buy Apple products unless you're a low test soy-boi?

This is good for RISC-V

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Souce to apples stupid profit margin.


From 2013, they make 45% of the profits in the PC sector.

Most software is sold on a subscription basis now anyway, so people will just be able to download the new ARM version for free and it will continue to work.

Why yes, they do have higher profit margins and yes! They love fucking Mac users.

Microsoft too?

>data from 2012
>ignoring revenue in favor of operating margin

How are jewtube fags and artist gonna cope with shit rendering speeds.


Apple out of ideas and copying Microsoft as usual.

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Isn't that part of the issue though? Laptop makers dont make chips, they buy them. And if Samsung, Qualcom and Nvidia see a market, Why wouldn't they try to gain a share early.

not surprising. They overcharge for stupid shit. You can spend half the money at another company and get a more powerful laptop. They appeal only to badgewhores as I said.

Iirc Intel threatened to sue them for trying to emulate x86 on arm tablets, so may be probably perhaps.

>top: based syrian
>bottom: shlomo shekelstein

Its going to take decades until there is a half way decent software library available for ARM.

That'll be fun if they make desktop computers with ARM processors, ARM will be on the desktop again, like back in the late 80s and early 90s.

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They're still probably going to be x86_64 chips

Nvidia can't do powoerful x86 shit. They've tried.

Pretty much. It's 100% apple tax that's accounting for their profits since they sold WAY less then anyone of the other PC makers


Microsoft actually has a really good x86 to ARM translator, IIRC.

>Lenovo/HP/Dell/Etc don't have the resources to make their own processors.
But they absolutely can put a licensed ARM CPU in their laptops and ship it with Windows 10 for ARM.

It only took a year for all major software devs to port their apps from PPC to x86.

>like 10% of all units shipped
Yeah, they're the voice of the market alright.

We are talking about ARM. They are already have their own Arm core that's in every modern GPU and the Tegra.

Good post.

But they won't because nothing would fucking work on it that isn't on the winblows 10 store.

>RIP x86.
Every fucking time.

Isn't Tegra dead? I thought they gave up after shield

Nope its in the Switch.

A version of Tegra is in the Nintendo Switch, so it isn't completely dead

They repurposed it for self-crashing memes.
It still uses their shite in-house meme cores (looks like Denver's successor).

It is. I already look forward to Apple transitioning to RISC-V in 2030. Really, Apple : Microsoft :: Ruby : Python. You either break compatibility early and often (with a migration path) or you wait for so long that any breaking change becomes unthinkable to your users.

Microsoft isn't moving from Intel, they are just expanding.

Intel will still be the king of the high end CPU by 2020.

Posted in this very fucking thread, dude.

They got a second wind because they manged to flog off last gen tegras to Nintendo. It is still mostly dead outside of that though,

I'll be glad if this helps push ARM performance forward rather than the usual perf/watt. I don't think I'll be buying an ARM desktop but I'd like a more powerful Raspberry Pi.

The road map has the X2 and another furture proc in development.

Apple has never been afraid of breaking compatibility though. They change cpu architectures once a decade.

Rather dead than in a switch. Poor chip.

It works slow as shit.
Even a 6W GLM Atom runs circles around it.

but why would they do that?

They couldn't get TDP down enough for smartphone use, so they repurposed it as self-driving car CPU.