Apple moving Mac off of Intel chips

I T ' S . H A P P E N I N G

As has been rumored for a while now, along with the presumptive combining of the Macintosh and iPad lines, there are new reports today that Apple is moving the Mac off Intel chips.

Intel stock is taking a hit on the news/rumors.

Mac fags BTFO

Attached: apple_intel.jpg (640x481, 23K)

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>Mac fags BTFO
why would mac fafs be BTFO'd? You surely meant intel, seeing as they just lost all their teenager customers.

Any word on what chips they’re moving to?


So this... is the power... of iPajeets.

Attached: 1501757942911.webm (640x290, 2.43M)

Most likely ARM or IBM. I don't think it will be AMD, since it would be dumb to go through all the trouble to switch from intel just to go to their competitors when both are pretty similar.

dontcha mean intelfags btfo?
that's a big contract to lose.

Attached: 447929c223.png (582x95, 14K)

They're designing their own chips. Interesting to see what they do with this, the chips used in iPhones and iPads have been very good recently.

>very good
Fucking kek. The absolute delusion.

it's in house development.
The rumors are quite old by now.
Don't feel like it but I reckon it's easy to find some quick google results with them.