How do I get around gigabyte's warranty denial and get a new card?

How do I get around gigabyte's warranty denial and get a new card?

I'm a poorfag and an idiot who got a 1080 for christmas and immediatly repasted it with Liquid metal.

(I used a minimal amount and protected all of the surrounding board with thermally resistant electrical tape so there's no chance of a short that way)

I forgot that I had did this, and six months later my power supply makes a pop and my 1080 and power supply are both Kaput.

I RMA my power supply no issues (Thanks seasonic)

My Graphics card gets denied because I'm an idiot and forgot to reverse my mod before I sent it in.

What do?

If someone could give me a legitimately helpful suggestion I have no qualms about sending them a decent amount of crypto.

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck yourself
also buy more gpu

You are fucked they already have the serial number when you sent it the first time.

It's over user, you fucked up by falling for the liquid metal meme in the first place.

Sell the decent amount of crypto and buy a new GPU.

By "decent amount" he means 10 dollars.

You're fucked.

scam bezos

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can't fix stupid bro, how does gigabyte know you didn't apply the paste properly?

fuck i got lucky i had a old psu go kaput (silverstone 1kw beast) back when i had a 390x and my ryzen build, luckily nothing was damaged

You done fucked up, the stock gigabyte paste on the G1 is actually damn good

if my 1080 pops outside of warranty ill go get a navi/vega

nvidia done goofed with ampere

>liquid metal
>removing this sticker will void your warranty

GPU typically don't have a heatspreader on them, the IHS are directly mounted to the die. removing the IHS to do repairs is most likely a common practice. as soon as they took it off, bam, obvious.

buy evga

buy msi

sell that shit on bazaar to suburb kids

This is what you deserve for being retarded.

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Even if you reversed the mod, they take one look at that non-oem thermal paste and you still get warranty denied.

Heck some GPU screws even that blue or some color seal that break off when you turn them.

Buy EVGA next time, they don't care what you do to their cards.

What seasonic?


Kinda unrelated questions.How long did they take to send it back?

I just sent mine in to them today because one of the fans are not working and I think the sensors are fucked up since they don't respond to profile settings.

>for Christmas
>6 months later

die in a fire

>Liquid metal
Op is indeed a retarded faggot.

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Warranty void stickers dont have any legal standing and if you press the matter they'll RMA it if the problem wasn't caused by you.

Liquid Metal is a meme, in the long run this shit will fuck up your pc since it doesnt stay sit. Wow, cool, you got minus 10 degrees for 2 months and now you smell smoke, but what about that warranty void

Why would you think the risk was worth the reward? You risked destroying all the components in your computer for a few fpps in games. You deserve the loss next time think before you do something. I think most RMA rejections are bullshit but gigabyte is right this time.

op did put a conductive liquid on the gpu die....

also it depends on the state/ country you're in every company has guidelines that they follow but their terms are loosely defined for a reason,

they label their warranties as "limited".. interpret that whatever way you want, i'm not saying they will or won't do this or that but it's pot luck

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if you're poor why the fuck would you buy (or ask for) a $1200 graphics card (in lieu of something you need like cash to put in savings)? seriously neck yourself


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if his mommy was buying in mid december it may as well have been that much

gtx 1080s never got that expensive tho.

>don't have a heatspreader on them
>the IHS are directly mounted to the die
You seem to be using abbreviations you don't quite know the meaning of.

$900 freedom bucks = $1200 hockey bucks. all the same shit though. it's a fuckton more than any poorfag should spend on a computer part.

>getting a 1080 while being a poorfag
>doing anything that could even remotely void the warranty on a 1080 while being a poorfag

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not only that he tries to wash his hands of causing the short when he said himself his powersupply checked out fine

there is a metal thing with more metal thing attached to rocks +sand and held together by helical metal rods

You cant, they will have lodged your serial number as a declined claim.

>replaces perfectly good paste.

why would you even do all that? what the fuck?

4 % temperature difference

if you're poor why did you mess with the hardware for some CÂș less AT BEST? even I know you're not supposed to remove the heatsink

>ill go get a navi/vega

Why would you downgrade?

OP don't listen to them, just feign ignorance and keep trying.

I warrantied an HTC One M8 that I had taken apart and butchered. I'm talking ribbon cables torn, speaker grills barely tacked on, usb port fried, etc.

I just didn't mention it, said it stopped working, and they sent me a new one after a couple weeks.

If they do have record of you turning it in and admitting it was your fault then you may be fucked, but try sending it in again. Don't mention the serial number and do the best you can to speak to a different CS rep this time.

>just feign ignorance and keep trying.

meanwhile in India, at Gigabyte's RMA department

>sudeep opens a package containing an RMA GPU
>first things first, he scans the serial barcode to his windows xp machine
>excel opens from a 5400 rpm IDE HDD
>30 seconds later after it stops hanging sudeep notices the unit had been sent previously already
>"customer has modified the GPU - warranty voided"
>with hands still a bit shitty after wiping his ass after shitting on a nearby unpaved main road he packages the GPU again and puts it in the outgoing mail bin
>package arrives at OP's mom's trailer
>almost gets stolen by tweakers but the dog, which has already lacerated at least 5 people in the trailer park, scared the tweakers away
>op comes home
>no mom I just came home from school
>op takes his bike and rides to the nearest booze store
>gets the cheapest 40% proof he can find
>pockets the change, one day he'll be able to afford those programmer socks with leds integrated
>gets back home, mom already passed out
>go to room
>package on the bed, weird brown smudges on it
>open it
>it's the same shitty GPU with warranty conditions attached
>waste of paper, if it has over 5 lines of text OP won't read it
>stuck with igpu
>except OP is a poorfag and bought a poozen so now he doesn't have picture

That's more compelling than anything I've read in the past month.

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Buy the same GPU from Amazon
Swap your old one in
Tell Amazon it's DOA
Send your old one back to Amazon in the new one's box
Get a refund
Working GPU

> you

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This. The best way to salvage this. Then you'll have two 1080s, and can either do SLI or resell the second 1080.

yeah this is the best solution, dont even resell one, just get the money back and call it a day

In the US as long as you don't do something to actively fuck it up, like op did, then you "violate" you warranty removing the sticker but it doesn't hold and you can actually take em to small claims court over it. If you harass them they normally take it though but op actively did something to break it so they won't take the rma.

>with hands still a bit shitty after wiping his ass after shitting on a nearby unpaved main road he packages the GPU again and puts it in the outgoing mail bin

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If your psu blew your gpu, your psu warranty covers that

it doesnt cover idiocy though

thought you folks might get a laugh out of this
found it cleaning out a desk
512 mb of ram!

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good solution/10

can it run minecraft

sick of nvidias bullshit

besides the 1080 is getting overtaken in most games by a 56 and 64

Ill probably just wait till vega hto

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>all these plebs hating on liquid metal

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>liquid metal
The fuck you smoking nigga? You killed your GPU and probably caused your PSU to fail, and you want the GPU covered by warranty??

Many manufacturers won't mind if you repaste your own card (with decent non-conductive thermal compound), as long as you do a good job.

doubt it
heres the back of the box
look at the difference; you can turn this shit laura croft into a less shitty laura croft

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your fault for using gallium...

I don't trust myself, or the material itself. Always use non-conductive thermal paste.

Buy the same one on Amazon and return the broken one.

buy it

I short circuit mine hard wiring it to a molex and got sent a new one from the store when they received it and I guess it didn't power on. Top kek. I was very happy
>Waterforce 1080 Ti

Tourch it beyond recognition and tell them it fried!

Good job. OP.

Next time, don't fall for gamer and overclocker memes.

Oh and you cannot get around the warranty denial. The serial has been registered, and if you try to RMA the card again, you will be denied again. Had to to deal with people like you through work, the service centre has access to your items service history.

How would you scam bezos?

>Trying to further cool gpu with jerryrig fuckup when brand is best gpu cooling on the market.

Neck yourself and don't make the same mistake in the next life.

Can confirm: burnt out a 1080Ti doing 'housefire' OC and they replaced it without any troubles.

I bought a Aorus 1080Ti a while ago, I reparted it probably 4 months ago, if I ever had to RMA it what would happen? There were no warranty stickers on any of the screws or anything like that.

Lol when I was taking the heat sink off I lost grip of my 1080 ti and flung it 5 feet. Landed board side down. I almost killed myself. Then I went through with liquid cooling it without checking if it even worked first. Luckily, it works.

Repasted it*

>liquid metal
Why the fuck would anyone do this? Is this a meme from Linus Cuck tips?

>laura croft

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Impressive, tripfag was funny for once.

>buys a 1080Ti
>powers it through Molex adapters
What the hell is wrong with you?

>be OP
>be poorfag
>decide to mine coin to get money
>use debt to buy a 1080ti
>decide to mod it for higher hash rates
>card dies due to stupidity before making back the investment
You fucked up. And anyway, the current RoI on a 1080Ti is something like 16 months.

>Grass is clear
>It's a goddamn picture of 'Laura Croft'


>If someone could give me a legitimately helpful suggestion I have no qualms about sending them a decent amount of crypto.
Here's an idea, don't be a fucking idiot and put liquid metal on a GPU.

Time to send me that crypto as I gave you a helpful suggestion

>I broke my card by doing something that violates warranty terms, how do I scam gigabyte to give me a new one?
Srsly have some dignity.

My gpu also popped recently but power supply seems to work fine. Will it toast another card i plug in?

>Will it toast another card i plug in?
I hope so

Me too.

Lol stupid people gonna do stupid shit.
>he fell for the liquid metal meme
>on a gpu

pretty gud
>Programming socks wiht integrated LEDS
Top lol

you used an expensive thermal glue/whatever meme shit that's conductive... on the stock cooler.
congrats you're retarded.

>he fell for the liquid metal meme

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>He didn't OK it with the GPU partner before modifying it.

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Why the fuck would you replace the paste on an Nvidia Pascal GPU to begin with? It't not like it runs hot like AMD GPU's do.

That's locktite paste, it's to prevent unscrewing.

>10 degrees
Haha you fucking wish, that crap is at best a couple degrees improvement, sometimes literately nothing. Conductive paste is a total meme.

As if EVGA actually checks that shit. When I RMAd my 980ti I got sent another one except as soon as I plugged it in my PC said it was a 970. Someone had swapped the shrouds.
