Which DE/WM and distro are you currently using and why? What do you like and not?
Selection of Linux/GNU
linux sucks
Void Linux
I am hipster and I like to have minimalistic OS and still remain productive as web developer.
stable, fast, bleeding edge, compact and does everything
I fucking love it I'm literally erect when I use my computer
I've just used this so much everything feels natural and I understand my system. I want to try plain gentoo though. I had CloverOS installed but I'd like to customize my build
debian netinst
Sick of Gnome and KDE crashing and I don't really need all the stuff WM offer.
ubuntu (it just works, good repos, lots of ppa, much user support), with XFCE (lightweight tools and daemons that are stable and can be used with any WM), awesomeWM (tiling, can into floating, lightweight, easy configuration, comes with a taskbar, system tray, application menu...)
basically i use awesome with xfcesettingsd, xfce4-volumed, xfce4-power manager, all of that is easily configurable with xfce4-settings-manager so it's convenient that way.
xfsettingsd, whatever
Why you're using botnet?
KDE/KWin on Gentoo. Too much stuff going on for my tastes - I don't need much more than just a terminal and Firefox. Also, KWin crashes sometimes.
I used debian for about 2 years but systemd(not just the journal) recently was giving me about 40% cpu usage
Because it just works and has for years.
>xmoan ad
>void loonix
Why do you care? Leave the user alone and move on with your life
it just werks
KDE Plasma
openSUSE Tumbleweed
Support for multiple monitors is shit, glitching all the time. Other than that it literally just werkz. Also I am dual-booting LTSB for muh games.
Arch Linux.
I like that Sway is built on Wayland and fairly mature. I get to enjoy both future-proofing and stability at the same time, which is pretty rare. As for why I chose Arch Linux, I love having the latest software at all times, and Arch allows me to do that with surprising stability, unlike other "rolling release" distros. Haven't been happier than I am with this combo.
KDE/openSUSE. For easy setup of a fullfeatured KDE desktop. Also btrfs and fde.
LXDE, Openbox
Trisquel w/ Libreboot
I like freedom
I'm using Antergos at the moment. It's good. It's basically just a preinstalled arch. I like the bleeding edge packages and pacman a lot. It's so fast compared to the other package mangers. The AUR isn't as good as people say. It's better than the stuff they have for the other distros with mini repositories for every app but it's still annoying a lot of stuff is out of date and won't build anymore. I'll continue to use it because it's kde support is amazing. Especially with the stuff from the AUR. Really only opensuse comes close but it doesn't have bleeding edge packages.
bspwm for browser and thunderbird
tty with tmux for general dev and everything else
arch because compiling takes too long
Do you use devuan on a desktop pc or a laptop?
Install arch yourself or don't use it
I know you're joking but I have before. it wasn't too hard but it really comes in handy if something breaks in Antergos. I now know how to chroot with a live cd and fix it. Anyone that uses Antergeos or Manjaro should try installing arch once. It saves you a lot of trouble in the long run.
Linux 17.10 with the Ubuntu desktop haha I think thats how you call it
I rarely have to screw around with my system, so I actually get work done.
DE: Xfce
Distro: Zorin
It just works, Xfce is stable, Zorin adds a few more features to it and themes it so it doesn't look ugly as fuck (I hate ricing).
>what do you like
The stability and ease of use.
>what do you not like
The fact that it doesn't vsync by default, the obscure default window sizes when opening the pdf viewer, the fact that you can't properly save a custom resolution (xorg's fault, happens on any distro), thumbnails sometimes randomly stop working/refreshing, suspending and waking up sometimes doesn't enable the display and this requires a reboot (fault of me using a manual resolution, or HDMI gimmicks, again xorg is shit), you can't set the size of the titlebar manually unless you make a whole theme, menu bar can't be integrated into the titlebar natively, multiple display support is weird since you can't properly use a touch screen display if you use multiple displays.
Most of these are just Xfce related issues. If it had a bigger development team it would pretty much be the best DE.