Is it "Reeeee-zen" or "Rai-zen"?

is it "Reeeee-zen" or "Rai-zen"?

Attached: serveimage.jpg (599x1030, 102K)

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Its OP is a fag

When would you pronounce a y as an e?

>AMD will always be shit tier compared to Intel

The mega made charizard quite useful.
Now no one ever use machamp.


holy shit I did not expect that voice. I've seen pictures and though it would sound like a typical japanese man


say "family" out loud

made me slightly more forcefully exhale, will try to sneak it into conversation next time

Huh the y is at the end of the word and not after the first letter

I see, so actual tasks can be represented as rocks, right?

Attached: 1522022501554.jpg (223x226, 8K)


This nigga was obviously never hooked on phonics.

Attached: laugh.jpg (640x633, 41K)

>AMD is fire type

It's not a vowel in that case

Say "gay" out loud.

I don't get it.

Say "say" out loud

sheeeeiiit I've been calling it Reee-zen all this time

it is neither reeezen nor raizen
it is actually rwhyzen

based german


it is like horizon just with y instead of i and with zen instead of zon and without ho

In "sync", for example.

Lol are you Australian? Because that's pronounced sink

Both are pronounced [siNGk].
'e' in "reeeeee", as well as standalone 'e', is pronounced as [ē] which is the prolonged version of [i]. And while OP's just being an underage he is, the question would be whether it's [ˈrJzən] like "risen" which is likely to be the word "Rysen" is based off or ['rīzən]/['rīzn] - the common reading of y in words like "fly", "sky", etc.


Attached: gluttony.jpg (1024x768, 165K)


Isn't it Rye-Zen
rye as in the grain
zen as in the buddhism

Are OP re-tard or im-becile?

>because the time for Ryzen has rise


>Charizard sucks

Has arrived, ESL-kun.

Attached: ebyn.jpg (960x720, 98K)

>OP re-tard
> or im-becile?

I think you're looking for fah-ghott.

>I see, so actual tasks can be represented as rocks, right?
I don't get it either

>Zen architecture
It's obviously "zin" like bin, duh...

Friendly reminder that latest pokémon versions are shit

In Pokemans rock type is immune to fire type, the joke is that Charizard is ineffective at it's duties. (this is why I'm single, fml)

>mixing cpu series and cpu tiers
Who the fuck made this?

reminder that Charizard can use Flying type movies :^)

May you say "say" out loud you gay

>it's duties
no, it's because you're actually pretty stupid and women know it


Spell ICUP out loud

Obviously the latter, otherwise Ryzenfall doesn't exist.

The same as the Y in EPYC.

Words with Y as second letter. How are they pronounced?

gynecological, gynocracy

dynamic, dynamite

byword, byline, bypass
(not -by, which is from old norse, like derby)

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