/mpv/ - crossplatform is cancer


Attached: mpv_icon.png (256x256, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Anobody knows if there is something like madVR custom resolution creator but fully automated?
It's a pain to run videos with specific fps for hours manually.

opinions on shaders?
what combo is the best for high end cpu?

CPU is useless for shaders...

sorry, meant to say high end pc, not just cpu

- SSimDownscaler with dscale=gaussian
- RAVU to 2x upscale animes
- FSRCNNX to 2x upscale real action videos
- SSimSuperRes (one-pass) to upscale animes
- SSimSuperRes (default) to upscale real action videos

Did mpv change icons or what?

So this is my mpv.conf, how am I doing?

# YouTube

Is there a way to hide OSD elements when taking screenshots?

Why use that instead of gpu?
Also you want to use a copyback hwdec method so filters can be applied to the video.
You're better off using
And remove the vo=opengl-hq line.

Unless your mpv is outdated, in which case update it.

I would appreciate it if someone looked over my config and gave me some feedback.





Change it to hwdec=auto-copy

I've just read the documentation for it and I don't really understand the difference between them.

Any video filters, such as deband, scale, cscale and any other in the gpu-hq profile won't work with regular hardware decoding. It needs copy so it copies the stream back to system RAM and then the CPU can apply those filters.

Got it, changed that line. Is there anything else worth changing/adding?

What's the difference between upscale and upscale 2x? There are some special presets made for exactly 2x upscaling?
Also, can I make a hotkey to toggle between real action video / anime (and have 2x or the other version chosen automatically depending on the window size / file resolution)?
Also, which one would be better for vidya? My guess would be the anime one unless the game aims to be photorealistic.

I've tried enabling hwdec=auto-copy but then i get this output :
>Using hardware decoding (videotoolbox-copy).
>VO: [opengl] 1920x1072 nv12

Which looks weird because without any hwdec option i get this
>VO: [opengl] 1920x1080 yuv420p

What the fuck is up with the vertical res (1080 vs 1072)??

remove interpolation

Is there a way to toggle shuffle on/off using a KeyBind

How come?


makes my chinese cartoons look horrid

Do you mind elaborating? If you're referring to blurriness I personally like the tradeoff for the increased smoothness.

>h cycle shuffle
to your input.conf to toggle with h

Not sure what the correct term is but I believe it's ghosting. Got it once and flipped that shit off fast.

I don't think so.

What version are you on?

Shit bothers me too, but some stuff looks better with it on, so I just set a key to toggle interpolation.


Attached: 1402702624795.png (300x297, 94K)

Attached: Clipboard01.png (1037x274, 29K)

Thanks, I've always thought it had to be "ctrl+s" for a screenshot.


The thing is I did look under mpv.io/manual/master/#options-screenshot-format but as I found no option I thought I'd ask. I didn't even think about checking the controls to be honest.

How do you properly downmix?
Need normalize since I get popping on stereo but then shit is quieter.

i was on 0.27 but just updated to git-master and it still does the exact same shit. 8 lines literally disappearing

What's a good config if I don't really care about picture quality and only want performance? I lost my old config years ago and have been using the default since. Thinkpad X220 if that matters. I remember MPV's website had Low, Medium, and High example configs but I can't find those anymore

is there a way to globally differentiate eng tracks in the preferences? for the most part a bog standard
deals with any weebshit properly but sometimes dual audio releases have two [eng] tracks for songs/signs only and full english, usually defaulting to the prior

This is wrong. The only filters that can't be applied are those that are done in the CPU. Everything you mentioned is done in the GPU and therefore works fine without having to copy it back to RAM.

Don't think so. I suggest setting sid=2,1 (replace 2 with whatever is the right subtitle ID for the right track) while watching those releases then commenting it after you're done.

I have found no good way of dealing with this. The only way I know to avoid having to manually change tracks ever time is to use

and make a mpv.conf with sid=1 or 2 in whatever folder the show is in.

eh, figured as much, thanks anyways though

After resizing a window manually then playing the next video in the playlist the windows resizes by itself

how do I prevent mpv from resizing the window after playing the next video in the playlist ?

That shit's a real pain in the ass, I just use mkvtoolnix to change the defaults.

How can i set the URL in screenshot-template?

What I want is that the full URL is showed between braces and i get this:

Currently I have: screenshot-template="%{media-title}-[%F]-%P"


you probably don't want the full path for local files so add it under your [protocol.https] profile

Thanks! That's what I wanted

is there a webm script that doesn't mind livestreamed videos?

>Unknown profile 'gpu-hq'.
Doesn't work.

I'm using mpv 0.27.2. It seems good enough, any real reason to update it?

I did try hwdec=auto-copy and it doesn't play videos smoothly, I guess my CPU is too weak or something.

>any real reason to update it?
>Unknown profile 'gpu-hq'.
That's a reason. Update your shit.
The gpu vo is objectively superior. Maybe it could even help with your toaster choppy playback with copy-back hwdec.

>What's the difference between upscale and upscale 2x?
RAVU and FSRCNNX can do 2x upscale only, if your upscale factor is for example 1.5x it will be downscaled.
>Also, can I make a hotkey to toggle between real action video / anime (and have 2x or the other version chosen automatically depending on the window size / file resolution)?
yes, see input.conf
>Also, which one would be better for vidya?

wats the best config

is there any way to use mpv-git without upgrqding ffmpeg to 3.5?

Try any combination you can think of and find the best configuration for you.

No, current mpv is built on an unreleased version of ffmpeg so ffmpeg-git is required. This is also the reason why most distro haven't updated mpv to 0.28.2 despite it had been officially released

yes, mpv-build-git

I've noticed my videos have been freezing momentarily lately. in stable and git.
sound still plays uninterrupted, but the video freezes for a second or two, and then catches up.

anyone else having this issue?

What's the mpv profiles to do it properly?

Time to switch to the madVR stability!

I use dispay-resample and interpolation (oversample). I watch 23.976fps content, of course. Is there a reason why monitor at 144Hz drops frames but at 48Hz is ok? 72Hz drops a little. 24Hz isn't accepted by the monitor.
I mean, does it make sense?
And by the way, I'm happy with 48Hz (48.952Hz) but it's nonstandard and not officialy supported by the monitor. Could it harm it?


why are you using interpolation when using a multiple of the content rate?

those of you using youtube-dl...


Why not?

Its the best option

because i've been sitting here for like 10 minutes trying to form a more detailed question and understand the rationale of someone going through the effort of finding a youtube URL, then pasting it into their player, or having youtube video links open in their player instead, when they're a click away from just watching it on the site, presumably going back to the site again for another related video, and then back to their player to watch it. seriously, why bother? surely there must be some kind of motivation for all this, beyond autism...

Attached: 701.jpg (400x562, 26K)

Attached: 1520403808141.jpg (355x369, 83K)

so autism is the answer? well, that clears it up.

it is click vs drag and drop
so much effort...

>videos look better
>has more features and functionality
>can cache the whole video
>can pause livestreams
>can block all scripts (except maybe one to allow thumbnails) which is safer and loads pages faster
Just a few reasons, there are more.

No, what you wrote was so stupid I couldn't be bothered to write a proper response, but fortunately some other anons did.

Another one for the list.
>ability to easily create webms

i have a keybind which opens whatever is in my clipboard with mpv
it only takes an extra second to copy the link then press the keybind, and mpv is a far, far nicer media player than my browser

You can just statically link ffmpeg you know, which is exactly the purpose of mpv-build.

what was the option for seek bar to work properly ?

I'm pretty sure the devs are smart enough to code in auto detection that turns off interpolation when it's not needed.

It is highly configurable.
I can play webm/youtube links in a sticky floating window at a desired default window size and position that follows you around when switching workspaces.
Can play links as music only as well, or download the link with or without video or audio at your desired resolution.
Combine that with openwith addon or equivalent and you can see how seamless it can be simply right clicking on links and selecting a desired command without having to deal with all the youtube clutter.

Pic related.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-04-03_22-08-50.jpg (2560x1440, 214K)

What is that?

I think I know the exact post you're referring to but I don't remember the actual commands.


Yeah it was on a day or two ago, can't find it

it annoys when watching small videos, seekbar jumps from 0-10 secs in one drag

I want to say it's this option from reading the manual


but adding to mpv.conf


does nothing

What is what?

>Open With

yeah that works, thank you

I thought just putting


would do, but apparently not

so i have to open the mpv window, then go to youtube.com and find a video i want to watch, then drag and drop drag it to the mpv window? i now need 2 windows constantly open instead of one? or do i reopen mpv everytime i want to watch a video? sounds hardly ideal.

so if i don't watch livestreams or make webms, or struggle with the page loading, or have issues with scripts, and would rather have the option to click on a related video and not have a separate window at the ready, taking up additional desktop space, then youtube-dl isn't for me?

it could work if i had more desktop space and wanted to have a dedicated media window, i suppose. although for now i like the idea of keeping media in the window you opened it from.

likewise, i couldn't be bothered to formulate a proper question without feeling like i have to try and rationalise someone's unrefined autism

>[osc] script-opts: unknown key seekbarkeyframes, ignoring
mpv 27

Attached: DZmTg_iW4AQLD5D.jpg:large.jpg (336x442, 31K)

You can put it in /lua-settings/osc.conf


>with dscale=gaussian

We get it, you just want to troll. There are legitimate reasons. Also, you forgot being able to block all scripts which can stop malware.
>inb4 my OS doesn't get malware
You're full of shit

Attached: You.png (645x729, 56K)

>so if i don't [...] have issues with scripts

Attached: 1521445061979.png (606x638, 413K)

So the only solution to the shitty seek to compile mpv 28 myself?

Does this go in your main mpv config file?

It is just an addon for firefox that allows you to open links with a custom command.
In this case I've used mpv, used to be a lot simpler to configure before v57 or so with more options to boot.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-04-03_22-25-36.jpg (2066x1439, 272K)

Very nice, thanks for sharing.

you could download the latest osc.lua and put it in your scripts folder then add no-osc to disable the old one. the osc is basically just a userscript that was made "official".

or seekbarkeyframes=no in /lua-settings/osc.conf

>There are legitimate reasons
i'm sure there are, i'm just trying to figure out whether they're worth it for me. sounds like that's not the case.

>block all scripts which can stop malware
i only have the couple scripts required for playback enabled, everything else is blacklisted. and no i'm not worried about getting malware through those two scripts.

>not using whitelists
Not all sites are the same. Some sites require a lot of scripts. It's just better security practice to not allow any or the least amount.

yes, sorry, i meant whitelists.

The devs are smart but it won't turn off automatically.