/hpg/ - Headphone General

How to request purchase advice: pastebin.com/dybEUJ1Y

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Jow Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones

Headphone guide: canpicker.com/

Previous thread:

Attached: headphones.jpg (1296x1812, 825K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice headphones

you can't expect a foot degenerate to be good at anything let alone paint.net

you are pic related

Attached: beef 2 baloon.jpg (629x644, 52K)

S.e.x with hd800s is goooood

Attached: 71333B7B-F7ED-409D-AB53-2B92450920C6.jpg (3580x2646, 1.65M)

my KSC75's are kill
what are some good and cheap headphones I can buy on amazon?

this but actually you foot degenerate

>posting in a shitposting footfag thread


Another pair of KSC75, obviously.
Please do not post spam threads. You bumped a perfectly good thread off of Jow Forums by posting a superfluous /hpg/ well after this one had already been created.

Feet or no feet?


Attached: nbb7f.jpg (1200x675, 57K)

that's a foot fag thread for degenerates who like unpure waifus

Fill out the template in the OP.


I'll just repost to both threads desu, this is a mess anyway

#need to replace my meze 88s, they've started getting a buzz when listening to any level of bass
>Budget: around £300, probably no more than £350
>Location: UK
>Source: ASUS XONAR ESSENCE STX II sound card
>Type of headphone: over ear
>Open or closed: probably open but not sure
>Comfort level: need to be usable for hours
>Sound signature: don't necessarily need 'accurate', I'm not a music producer
>Past headphones: Meze classic 88s. I like how they sounded, gave everything a much richer tone than before but the where my first headphones over £40. They've started buzzing in one ear so need replacing

You should be more specific regarding sound signature.

HD 600


HD650, X2

I agree with this: It doesn't say that it's required in the Pastebin. I don't see the problem. It's funny.

unfortunately I am quite a noob but I guess probably more balanced? I want things to sound clear but I like the feeling of being in a movie theater the mezes kinda gave me

>user claims he doesn't mind feet in the OP just doesn't like the pastebin being fucked with
>angrily creates a new thread because the new OP had feet in it
some people get so upset over feet

Attached: RMAF2012_Schitt_main.jpg (600x380, 36K)

HD600 for truly balanced, HD650 for balanced with a little more bass.

read the pastebin
>You are more likely to obtain good recommendations if you post cute barefoot anime girls as an offering.

PC but willing to buy amp; budget doesn't include amp.
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Comfortable, obviously.
>Sound signature
>Past headphones
Shitty gamer headsets. Want to move beyond this stage of my life.

Obvious false-flagging. Nobody ever actually insisted on this until user started autistically screeching about the pastebin.

this has been a thing for awhile already it just hasnt been in the pastebin. why do you think post feet with recommendation requests?

>Another pair of KSC75, obviously.
well, how do I fix this?

Attached: PIC.jpg (2340x4160, 2.47M)

With a new cable and a soldering iron, obviously, but KSC75 are so cheap might as well just buy a new pair.

HD600, the best headphones in the world, obviously.

Idol trash here. What's your OpenBSD 6.3 like, user?
Good OP.

Attached: 1516664034597.png (936x526, 15K)

I've never once seen it insisted upon so aggressively as He's false-flagging.

Attached: 1522624919273.png (1064x1600, 1.06M)

>OpenBSD 6.3
Do you actually use this, IT?

Yeah. Personal laptop (a hand-down core2 I mostly use as ssh/mosh client to a load of places) and one of my personal servers.
I also have it on my main workstation, but do not boot all that much. It's relaxing once in a while.

Attached: 1518492108734.png (1920x1080, 2.78M)

What do you like about it?

hi idol trash. I wanted to publicly declare that I am throwing my support behind the new pastebin. let's make /hpg/ great again, will you join us in the cause?
you are new, I started that meme last year as a joke. lighten up

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why two threads

Attached: IMG_20180402_194117333.jpg (2340x4160, 2.25M)


Clean code (like the netbsd it forked from, which btw I run sometimes on my A1200, which is still in Catalonia), sane defaults, everything on it seems to make sense and documentation (manpages and openbsd guide) is excellent. Also, Freebsd-tier CoC bullshit would never have a chance on openbsd, considering Theo and the core team.
And, btw, after it is installed (15 minute job), it's possible to pretty much startx, pkg_add chrome, launch it and start watching idol videos. It just works.

Attached: 1499817428072.png (1920x1080, 2.19M)

Do you like it better than Linux?

It's really annoying. I'm busy at the moment but if someone could pop into irc and ask a mod to remove one of the two that would be cool. It's a slow general as it is, having two threads shits up Jow Forums and the general at the same time.

Obviously, you mean the HD 650 (Driver matched, obviously), the best headphone mankind has to offer, and driver matched to 1db, the best Sennheiser, the best manufacturer in the world, is capable of doing :^)


Attached: frequency-response-graph.png (900x520, 42K)

Unfortunately, some of us are even less fortunate... Why you should always buy driver matched headphones, desu. Luckily, the best headphones mankind has to offer (HD 650(As expected)) are also driver matched to the brim!

Attached: Gross.png (1601x700, 141K)

Yup, you have my full support. Idols. Feet.
I like pretty much everything better than Linux.
Linux is a clusterfuck, and I only ever use it (linux-rt anyway, fuck mainline and its scheduling latency, at least on desktop/workstation loads) because it has a useful set of compromises.
I believe their kernel design isn't. Linux is but a pile of hacks by now, very complex, nobody understands the whole thing, working on it is several times more difficult than any of the BSDs and making any fundamental changes to it is by now simply impossible.
Scalability-wise, I believe it's Dragonfly BSD that's gonna leapfrog it. For an example, they already match Linux's network throughput, but with lower and more consistent latency. And that's despite their comparatively limited developer time. The difference is in the fundamental design (LWKT, amiga ports-like messaging, tokens, system servers as lockfree/lockless processes), or the fact that they put some thought into it, rather than the Linux as-they-went approach, or FreeBSD's lets just copy Linux's mistakes. I do respect Dragonfly's matt, and did already in Amiga times (dice C).

Attached: 1511693621872.png (1920x1080, 2.82M)

accurate post

Defective HD600 sample.

But user, who are you to call the HD 600s defective? Should one order a non-driver matched pair of headphones only to receive them non-driver matched? I definitely hope not, those would be the thoughts of a mad-man!

Luckily, HD 650s (Driver matched, cough, cough) exist, driver matched and hand picked by only the purest of hands! You are assured to receive non-degenerate pair of drivers!

It's defective and if you can't tell you can't read graphs.

My dear user, you didn't answer the questions. Truly ashamed of you...

i emailed my cat's boyfriend and he said the hd 600 are not driver matched but i lost my email pass

I too hate listening to music but enjoy masturbating to frequency response graphs. When I"m feeling especially perverse I'll jerk it to a waterfall graph.

Is this acceptable driver matching for a ~$400 headphone?

Attached: new cushion.jpg (400x284, 46K)

the anti-feet anons think it's a conspiracy now that large majority of /hpg/ support anime feet.
>every time a new vote as added the other thread bumped, he wanted to add more unique IDs to his thread. What desperation.

Attached: imnotsaying.jpg (470x264, 31K)

I'm not sure, are they driver matched to +/-1db?

Whats been the word on that hybrid cavalli?

As you can see, the HD650 is not.

That's fine, I guess they're defective. You are always free to purchase an HD 6XX if you're poor too. An AssDrop copy of the HD 650 sure, but as such, they're also driver matched beyond belief :^)

Attached: HD6XX FR.png (600x400, 18K)

It's the same bunch that hate idols or HD600.
They just hate anything that make other people happy.
Anti-social trash.

Attached: 1507022776739.png (1920x1080, 2.99M)

Truly amazing, a sight to behold!

HD600 is driver matched and HD650 is not. Pic related is objective proof.

Attached: hd600hd650.png (630x978, 78K)

Replace the whole cable, a few buck max on Ebay. Doesn't really make sense trying to solder that original back together, as tese kinds of wiring are a total bitch to solder together in way to: A) make the joint durable and B) not look like a bulky piece of shit.

Amazing RNG, but very disgenous of you to provide such a defective headphones. A shame! Unfortunately, some of use are not as lucky...

Attached: Gross.jpg (500x400, 79K)

Perfectly fine, however, the best headphones the planet has to provide (HD 650s (Obviously)) are also driver matched!

You guys have any in-ear headphones you recommend?

Fill the template in the OP out.

I like my isine 10s, but I didn't pay anything close to retail

I wanna see

Attached: feetistics101.png (661x332, 20K)

pc and phone
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
not uncomfortable
>Sound signature
muh bass
>Past headphones

tacstar pro 82

takstar pro 82 if >muh bass
jvc-sz1000 if >MUHH BASS

Clearly poorly sealed. The lower bass part of the graph is a clear tell.

Attached: 1501665001943.png (1722x1107, 229K)

That's just your average HD 600 driver matching :^)

Also, gross looking graphs, famalam

$300 (less preferred)
Focusrite Scarlet (for mixing in DAW and listening for long periods), no amp but cool to get one
>Type of headphone
Full-sized, over ears
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Comfy as fuck, might be willing to accept less comfort for better quality but it would need to be a good deal better
>Sound signature
Flatest possible
>Past headphones
Samson HR850s, M50s, 7506s, various ~$20-30 pairs


God, that disgusts me

HD600, the finest headphones ever made, of course.

>dem flat frequency responses

Incorrect! That'd be the HD 650, the best headphone mankind has in their disposal, while conveniently, also driver matched by the gods of past, present, and future!

Attached: 1522471799696.png (928x960, 104K)


Attached: 1514596082075.jpg (752x528, 171K)

Not the HD650?

These posts are astoundingly accurate.
This post is stupendously inaccurate.

>Flattest possible
Correct. Not the HD650. See:
HD650 are warm/dark, not flat.

No worries, EQ is your friend. Always choose the more reliable of the two headphones, without driver matching, you never really are going to know what you're going to receive. With the HD 650s, they're driver matched and tuned with the purest of hearts! No RNG, no speculation, of course

Attached: 1522472591627.png (929x647, 92K)

This poster is honest and truthful.
This poster is malicious and misleading.

Why two threads??


What’s wrong with that downsy fellow?

It's a good DAP.

Attached: DSC_0890.jpg (3264x2448, 2.28M)

There’s too much fedora in that pic

its only missing you


Nice. The best headphone brand.

it's nice, I like it.
what build are you rocking?

Attached: IMG_20180330_151908_DRO.jpg (4827x2793, 2.87M)

You talking about the vape or keyboard?

What DAP is that?

Glad for ya. What tube?