What's the best DE to use?

I recently ordered a laptop and I plan on installing linux on it as my main OS. Coming in as a wangblows babby, what's the best and most familiar desktop environment for me to use?

I run linux on a virtual machine on my other computer at the moment, and I gotta say, gnome is a real piece of shit. What's the best windows like DE?

Attached: gnome.png (800x450, 80K)

I like gnome but only if I bind my super key to the middle mouse button click

Attached: 1520676737967.jpg (540x348, 81K)

i use gnome on my xps13 because its the only de that can do high dpi scaling without looking broken

Gnome is ugly but kinda works
KDE is pretty but instable as fuck
Everything else is not worth considering
make your choice.

Don’t bother with DEs, they’re all pretty crap; just use Openbox

It’s pretty similar to a wandows setup

This is really disappointing. Is everything else seriously that shit?

Bspwm, but if you want more windows like full blown DE, then I guess Mate

>What's the best windows like DE?
Any other answer than Cinnamon is bait.

KDE for desktop
i3 for work

rest are shit

Xfce is an option, it’s both ugly and unstable

KDE, XFCE, or Cinnamon are probs your best choice
Also maybe Budgie

Go for GNOME, it is the best.

Linux desktops start falling apart when they get more complex than Xfce

Attached: big_mouse.png (10000x4646, 474K)

KDE is the best one with the most features.

It's the most stable, behind the times DE in existence. You sir are a fool

Xfce is good
t. xfce shill

Q 4 O S

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KDE is stable, beautiful, really customizable and the fastest (for the amount of features it has).
Don't go for the foot.


Fuck windows-like, learn i3

Your mother's uterus when I filled with cum, foot fetishist.
Bloated my fucking ass. You fuckers complain about Neon not having Kcalc installed by default but then call it bloated. Suck me.

It uses a lot less ram than gnome does.

Xfce is stable as fuck, also very easy to customize.


Deprecated. Is the GTK2 VTE widget even safe to use? I can't get it to run ncurses stuff correctly.

CINNAMON, user. it just works and feels like WIndows XP


lol what the actual fuck

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>Comes pre-packaged with Linux Mint (most normie friendly aside from Ubuntu)
>comes with a dark mode natrually, but can easily be any color you want it to
Fuck these snowflake DE's OP, keep it real and be an adult.

Cinnamon and XFCE are your two best choices. Cinnamon is prettier, XFCE is faster.


a. Install a distro with a pre-configured desktop (like Mint Cinnamon or manjaro XFCE or whatever)


b. Install whatever distro and use i3 or openbox with your own configuration

It's best not to know how the sausage is made when it comes to linux DEs. "You can install whatever DE on whatever distro!" is a meme. The "beginner friendly" distros do a lot of work to smooth over the rough edges, which is very important if you want to get actual work done.

OP is a beginner, not a sadomasochist who likes manually programming his clock.

LXQt. that's as simple as and looks as good as but with none of the and GTK insanity. You should try it!

t. LXQt shill

Attached: 1519244558228.jpg (351x396, 71K)

Midle mouse is stupid
Get a gaming mouse with additional button, that would be genius

t. another xfce shill

Peppermint OS. You're welcome.

Attached: Peppermint OS Logo.jpg (350x350, 31K)

Attached: sshot.jpg (1680x1050, 837K)

KDE barely uses more RAM than XFCE these days.

that is the worst desktop screenshot i have ever seen, why does everyone who uses Linux Mint have terminal shit taste syndrome?

Attached: screenFetch-2018-04-02_21-30-38.png (1024x600, 653K)

I like KDE, XFCE and LXQT.

Still looks kinda weird, but better than XFCE w2k theme

I hate Cinnamon, but it's the most polished Windows-like I can think of other than KDE.

I did tried, multimonitor support sucks

I like XFCE because if you want it simple, you can have it simple. Or if you like advanced configuration, it can do it. Plus, xfce4-terminal is the best.
I love GNOME, but it's got memory leaks.