How to request purchase advice:
For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Jow Forums wiki headphone FAQ:
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Previous thread:
How to request purchase advice:
For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Jow Forums wiki headphone FAQ:
Headphone guide:
Previous thread:
you gave two threads for floor user to blog about his $1000 snake oil cables
Please do not post spam threads. There is already a chronologically earlier /hpg/ at but you knew that and posted your spam thread anyways.
Hd650 w/s.e.x is pretty good, but hd800s s.e.x is incredible.
This is the correct thread that follows the correct format which uses a non-shitposting pastebin.
Delete your thread, shitposter-kun.
To feet or not to feet?
I don't care about feet in the OP image but adding feet propaganda to the pastebin is downright dirty.
that's a foot fag thread for degenerates who like unpure waifus
>is downright dirty.
why? it's funny.
need to replace my meze 88s, they've started getting a buzz when listening to any level of bass
>Budget: around £300, probably no more than £350
>Location: UK
>Source: ASUS XONAR ESSENCE STX II sound card
>Type of headphone: over ear
>Open or closed: probably open but not sure
>Comfort level: need to be usable for hours
>Sound signature: don't necessarily need 'accurate', I'm not a music producer
>Past headphones: Meze classic 88s. I like how they sounded, gave everything a much richer tone than before but the where my first headphones over £40. They've started buzzing in one ear so need replacing
Well no shit, the majority agrees that feet propaganda shouldn't be included in the pastebin.
Are you 12? It's not funny.
HD650 if you want some added bass and an overall warm tone while still being relatively accurate.
>Are you 12? It's not funny.
it's absolutely funny. Imagine a butthurt anti footfag like yourself having to fill out a request form after searching through anime feet because they need a recommendation. that's hilarious
dt 880 if you want a v shape "fun" headphone
DT990 is a good choice as well if he wants a more aggressive V, DT880 is what I'd consider a mild V.
Not to mention it has matched drivers unlike the HD600.
I have no idea what either of you mean
V shape means boosted bass and treble.
>cardas cable
lol why?
is that good for anything? I see a lot of cheaper headphones with "THA BIG BASS" trying to compensate for shit quality, I think I want something more balanced
If you want a balanced signature then your options are the HD600 or HD650, HD650 has more bass. The Meze 88 has a somewhat strong bass response. Maybe you'd find the HD600 too accurate to enjoy.
This poll is completely irrelevant to the pastebin because nowhere in the pastebin does it say it's required. This is an autistic response to a funny joke.
>footfag resetting his router to spam votes
When I first put on the 88s I got the feeling kinda like the audio you get in a movie theater, that kinda epic feature length film style audio I really liked, made the room feel bigger at first too, would I get that more with the 650s extra bass? or is that just what going from cheaper ($40) headphones to something much higher end is like?
PC but willing to buy amp; budget doesn't include amp.
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Comfortable, obviously.
>Sound signature
>Past headphones
Shitty gamer headsets. Want to move beyond this stage of my life.
That's probably soundstage, desu the Senns have decent soundstage but they aren't their strong suit, it's better than the 88s since its an open headphone but other open headphones do it better.
The HD650 has a decent soundstage, the HD600 is known for having a small but accurate soundstage. You can't go wrong with the HD650 as an upgrade.
are over ear headphones just the best option if you want the best sound quality for your money? is it more personal preference?
also is open back just better than closed if you're never taking them in public?
Yeah open back tend to give better sound quality, but more neutral sound quality I might add, it's personal preference
do the 650s have a detachable cable btw? I'm really not a fan of fixed cables
It does, and so does the HD600.
Cause I wanted to.
good for you user-kun
Does it change the sound?
Reminder people recommending you things here haven't tried anything other than the 1 headphone/amp they own and the rest of their knowledge is seeing a graph
Reminder audio is a snake oil business where they sell you $800 cables with a straight face
Reminder the same people who think they're so smart for not falling for the $800 cables either fell for, or intend to buy the several thousand dollar DAC and amps
I just hate people who recommend Schiit gear.
>zmfshill, idoltrash and comfygrados are confirmed footfags
No wonder /hpg/ has turned to garbage the past few months...
He hates money, apparently.
They both have shit soundstage.
There is nothing wrong with Schitt amps.
Even the DAC stuff is basically inaudible, though I'm not defending them, they should really do a better job.
t. Jason
>They both have shit soundstage.
Yeah but the tonal balance are superb. You can't have everything on a single headphone.
wouldn’t say so. I needed longer cable and have good history with Cardas. Gonna swap the rca connectors with cardas, just cause. Also gonna swap the s.e.x speaker connections with those patent cardas jobbies.. Here they are on a pair of my loudspeakers, I like the design.
>wouldn’t say so.
Kek, I was just testing you.
To be fair, there's nothing wrong with current Schitt amps.
They certainly fucked some people's drivers in the past before they put in the muting relay
Wat? Dc was getting through?
Yeah, based NwAvGuy exposed those frauds and their lack of engineering skills.
Any sort of refund to those unlucky anons?
You could have sent your amps to Shit for them to fix em IIRC.
This thread has significantly less shitposting
I think I prefer this
Touch luck on the damaged speakers?
I don't think anyone's headphones actually blew.
Compare HD6X0 and HD800 and tell me soundstage isn't real friendo :^)
Asgard sent 2.2 volts of driver killing power during power down, and head fi, shills that they are, banned people for warning others.
Schitt's take on it:
Oh, shit, Lyr did it too, he even admits it killed headphones!
That said, they've figured it out now, and I have two Schitt amps, I just like mocking them for fucking up
>Asgard sent 2.2 volts of driver killing power during power down, and head fi, shills that they are, banned people for warning others.
Was any headphones damaged?
"An aside: to this day, nobody has ever blown up a headphone with Asgard, at least to our knowledge. Lyr, yes—which is why we added the relay mute to it before the whole Asgard Incident. "
>Compare HD6X0 and HD800 and tell me soundstage isn't real friendo :^)
Soundstage is literally FR
This, every time a new vote as added the other thread bumped, he wanted to add more unique IDs to his thread. What desperation.
Anons are shitposting over the usual driver matching bullshit in the degenerate thread.
no it isn’t, it’s also driver and enclosure design
yeah get open cans if you're listening at home
soundstage aint real on headphones, headstage however is...
Taking """""draw""""" requests in this mostly shitposting free /hpg/ thread
Prioritizing Peeps, no exceptions
I'm team chocolate on my desktop but peep on my mobile.
Draw me an anime girl using an er4sr pls.
Anime girl inserting IEMs with an ahegao face
maybe these can be consolidated :^)
This, /hpg/ has a level of integrity to uphold.
Looking for a decent pair of headphones as a gift for my son. He's really rough on them, so durable is preferable.
>Budget - $40
>Location - South East US
>Source - Phone, PC (directly)
>Type - Full sized
>Comfy, over-ear
>Detachable cable
Oh you, again. I notice that your budget has been reduced.
Anyway, ATH-M20x.
Nice quads.
Etymotic MK5 vs HF5?
They're still shitposting about driver matching in the degenerate thread.
I need a portable speaker for my phone, it can be either paired via Bluetooth or aux I don't care either way, preferably 30 bucks or less and function over form. What do?
You won't know until you try them.
I'd recommend going into a store and trying some stuff out to see what you like first.
Is there anything objective to support that?
I guess we know which thread won