How do we replace Windows as the most popular OS once and for all before it becomes a heavily locked-down monstrosity...

How do we replace Windows as the most popular OS once and for all before it becomes a heavily locked-down monstrosity ala iOS?

Attached: Windows-10-S.jpg (2076x1215, 94K)

eh what?

>BEFORE it becomes a heavily locked-down monstrosity

Make your own Operating System.

Unironically install gentoo

This but Unironically

I hate to break it for you but Gentoo is never going to beat Windows 10. Sorry user.

this but ironically

You're fighting a dead war.

Desktop OSes are less and less relevant these days.

But well, autism is one heckuva illness.


It's not a "dead war" when hundreds of millions of people still use desktop OSes. Just because it's not fashionable leading to businesses chasing fads in the over-saturated mobile market doesn't mean desktops/workstations are irrelevant.

I bet you in a few years time, something will happen causing folks to give a shit again.

videogames, unironically

When you make an easy way to disable a fucking touchpad with xinput when a mouse is plugged in, without having to make a retarded udev rule.

Tell the normies that Windows 10 is doing what Facebook was/is doing. Teach them that anything that shows them ads does this.

Attached: 1458450478597.jpg (1280x1890, 806K)

Just show them a gnome desktop, a kde desktop and a xfce desktop but not an i3 one because we dont want to scare them.

We don't. The more people migrate from Windows to Linux, the more Linux will be made to look/feel/act like Windows. Why should you even care what other people use?

Most normies I know, including my family, don't even use an email anymore. Like I want to send them a picture and they ask me what's my "whatsapp".

Yep, it's that retarded. They don't even use shit like discord or skype. They're all on whatsapp, facebook and crap like that. Using phones, obviously.

My sis' family has like 4 tablets and they're all gathering dust. They don't even use anything but phones.

I don't see what could possibly happen for them to go back to desktops. It's just impossible.

Something completely different, neither NT nor Unix based.

Then don't replace it with Linux but something else instead?

It's absolutely terrifying that this is the only vaguely sensible response in this bread.

who cares? This is a shit thread and OP is probably a cross boarder from /v/ and should fuck off back to there

So what? Lots and lots of people still use desktops even if many people have replaced it with their phones.

How do we replace cars and trucks as the most popular mode of transportation once and for all before it becomes a heavily locked-down monstrosity ala airlines?

Attached: cars.png (1200x675, 88K)

How about we replace it when that time comes.

>Make your own Operating System.
But user, it's a dangerous coding world out there, with CIA niggers and schizophrenia lurking around every corner.

Again, why should you even care? They don't know or care about privacy. The most you'd get out of people is "Oh gee, that's scary," and then they don't do anything. Or they buy some encryption software that stores their keys for them. Or they'll get an iDevice and say Apple locks their phones so well that even the FBI can't get in. If you really care about privacy, throw away all your credit cards, close all your bank accounts, and go live off the grid.
My uncle is extremely knowledgable about computers and tech, spent decades in the industry and another 15+ years as the only computer repair/service guy in a community of ~2000 people. He has touted the technical superiority of iPhones since they first came out, and defended Windows 10 for "really fixing all the problems they had with 8." He sets people up with the best malware protection software and makes sure they don't do anything stupid. People who see computers as a consumer product for home entertainment, managing a small business, or playing games want Windows because it does that for them. People who use computers professionally are either developers who, even if they contribute to Linux kernel/drivers, will only make money on Windows, or media/design people who have to use Mac because it's been their niche since BeOS died. Let them have it. They don't need Linux and Linux doesn't need them.

Op, thinks its 1996.

Video games.
I dual boot, but use Windows almost exclusively because I'm a gaymer

How do we replace walking as the most popular mode of transportation once and for all before it becomes heavily locked-down monstrosity such as bus.

Wait for Extended Support of Windows 7 to end.

You realize WhatsApp is better than Skype as Skype offers 0 encryption.

Linux missed the boat when it came to industrial control systems.

Windows rules all of that. Tablets don't work well when you need serial and cable Ethernet cause no wifi. The windows desktop pc and laptop market will live on in it.

Unix and Unix-type systems were always for computer science and engineering, not physical-world stuff.

Windows S === Windows Pro. Just unlock it

>He has touted the technical superiority of iPhones since they first came out
>defended Windows 10 for "really fixing all the problems they had with 8."
your uncle fell for the most basic marketing tactics in both cases
>extremely knowledgable about computers and tech.
thanks for the laugh

>He sets people up with the best malware protection software and makes sure they don't do anything stupid.
so essentially he tells them to install a certified backdoor

because these are products
Overpriced or not, Apple crams their shit with high-end hardware because they are and have always sold computers, not operating systems.
I haven't used Windows 10, but one of the computers at my old office had Windows 8 and it was such garbage that almost anything they changed in 10 would have been an improvement.
You can be a green-texting edgelord sneering down at people who use this shit. I am too. But most people see computers as an appliance and operating systems as products, and they don't care if the government collects data on them in the interest of "national security", and they don't care that their habits are sold to advertising companies so that they can watch shitty videos and use social media and play candy crush for free, etc. And that is exactly why Linux should not try and capture that market. Most of the distros and DEs and systemd are turning to shit as it is because they want to match the Windows/Mac "UX".

>before it becomes a heavily locked-down monstrosity
Did I accidentally time travel in my sleep again? What year is it?

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