These tiny abominations make me irrationally angry and I am not sure why

These tiny abominations make me irrationally angry and I am not sure why.

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Then you have autism.

No F-keys is a sin, and a non-laptop keyboard without a numpad is just sad.

Form over function

It's retarded for a desktop.

Better autstic than unproductive and having to remember FN keys in order to use functions any other keyboard has a key for.

If that pisses your off, then you should see this

Attached: file.png (2048x1340, 2.1M)

any 60%'s cheaper than the anne pro?


Attached: symbolics-keyboard-2.jpg (2802x795, 157K)

This it the ideal keyboard layout. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Attached: 75.jpg (1200x959, 385K)

You get all of the keys on a function layer, without having to move as far from the home row. That's all. Might not make sense to people who can't properly touch type.

that's some good hate flowing through me

holy shit ergo batman on the right side

Name of this model?

It's a vortex something, sorry I can't remember the other bit. Just look at their lineup and you'll see it

It's Vortex Race 3. It apparently has a new version coming out with normal size Esc and Delete

>no arrow keys
>five rows
>orange on light grey

its a Vortex RACE 3

>Might not make sense to people who don't have manlet hands and can touch type with one hand if they have to.
I can't even remember the last time I had to use function keys in the middle of typing, they are mostly mapped to window management anyway. And I rarely use arrow keys, Esc, Backspace, or the whole Del/Ins area since anything useful accepts bash/vim keybindings, but when I do need to use those keys, I'd rather have them separate instead of limiting the use of my left hand by holding down Fn.


Attached: 217.png (300x100, 26K)

>no numpad
>ironic colourful keycaps
Make me angery every time

>using arrow keys instead of hjkl on a super layer

>because I'll never want to map S-h, S-j, S-k, or S-l to anything

Seems rational. I get why they remove the right of the keyboard to save mouse space but removing the function keys seems heretical to me.
pic related to cheer you up
>nonstandard shift, delete, and esc

Attached: 1518910561345.jpg (4032x3024, 1.33M)

I don't think a lack of function keys is a problem only one I use is f4 and you can achieve the same command with ctrl w

>that fucking space bar
what the fuck


I only have a tenkeyless because my desk is small

I feel like a lot of people don't use function keys simply because they don't know what they're used for. They speed up a lot of stuff if you can remember them.

>that space

The only thing wrong with it, otherwise it's awesome.

I don't understand why if you are only using one had to type, that you'd like a much bigger board to have to navigate.

You can have fn bound to caps lock and next to right ctrl fo example, and with you gigantic non manlet hand you could reach anything from either of those two spots.

This issue only even appears if you are for whatever dumb reason typing with one hand. If that's the way you type feel free to stick with full-sized boards, maybe wear a helmet as well

>tfw I fell for the meme because I'm retarded, and I still have a Pok3r in my basement
>can't even sell it because international shipping would mean I'm basically giving it away

Sell it on Jow Forumsmechmarket, you'll probably find someone in your country who wants to buy it.

too big

Attached: 1IMG_0079.JPG.jpg (1600x1200, 275K)

at some point you will admit that you don't use the numpad.
That being said not having at least 6 rows is fucking gross.

Wrong. It's peak fashion.
Peak performance involves a split layout for optimal comfort and from that comes peak performance.

Why do you need an extra row of dedicated F keys? Seems like a waste of space for 99% of people

Professionals require it. Insectoid numale hipsters don't matter.

>its not dvorak

More like brainlets who are incapable of remembering where keys are if the symbol isn't printed right at the top.

>it can be

as a dwarf fortress player and general hardcore gamer I definitely use the numpad

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where can I find these keycaps?

I will leave this here and study the results later.

Attached: textbladeunfolded-800x472.jpg (800x472, 82K)

It's pretentious-looking shit that just exudes hipsterism from every orifice, usually used by the kind of consumerist sheep who won't shut the fuck up about owning a mechanical keyboard and acts like they're special for knowing how to touch type like There's nothing irrational about shitting on these tools.

no, all my shortcut mappings are on ctrl and alt layers

I love muh 60% meme, but there's no way you can do anything quickly on that thing

>if you are for whatever dumb reason typing with one hand
Tell that to my cat. Whenever I use the mouse, she comes over and lies down on my arm. She's doing it right now.

>You can have fn bound to caps lock and next to right ctrl fo example
So you're going to make keyboards better by having more elaborate unconventional and unnecessary chord combinations because pressing three keys at once is better than having an extra key.

>you'd like a much bigger board
I don't care about it's spatial dimensions as long as it is a complete PC keyboard, which also means a numpad, unless it's a laptop < 17" wide.

flash it into dvorak and swap the keycaps.

>tfw WPM/key ratio of 25

Attached: img_3078.jpg (2507x1671, 690K)

imo those things are only good if there's a track nipple and third-tier super functions

>not dvorak
into the it goes
only good keyboard in this thread

>spends $80 on meme keycaps just to use 30 of them

wait till you see this

Attached: TransitVan.jpg (3458x1592, 1.03M)

please kill yourself

I love it

>extra keys that do nothing but take up space
ok user

i would rather have tenkeys than a numrow desu
plus, you don't need arrow keys if you have tenkeys

Well, good for you. I guess I should just use Fn-Alt-Ctrl-1 instead of Super-F1, so much more convenient...

Attached: mod4.png (612x583, 10K)

But there is something irrational, considering some people actually just prefer the form factor of a 60% or less. And if you can't touch type then even caring about keyboards is pointless in the first place.

Not being able to understand how people are capable of having a second layer memorised and how that can be useful if you use a keyboard where everything is accessible from the home row is your problem, not an objective truth.

I personally map caps lock to ctrl anyway so those kinds of shortcuts dont bother me.
Also I have bigger hands so 60% memeboards let me basically stay on the home row at all times.
scrolling in pdf readers and libreoffice with win+hjkl is beyond comfy

so is using mupdf/llpp and the vim plugin for openoffice and surf and not having to globally change my entire keyboard layout

The only vim plugin for libreoffice is old as fuck, and this is easier, plus it works globally.
Also I need annotations, highlighting, proper indexing etc. and pretty much only okular offers that

My laptop has a numpad so its extra sad.


Once upon a time
you are a fag
The End

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>libreoffice ui
vim plugin is old but it still works. Like LILO. Best bootloader I've ever used.

Also if you had a numpad/scroll lock, then you wouln't need to remap everything either. Keymap ricing is a faggotry more cancerous than wm ricing.

>The fewer keys you have, the better you are at programming.

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That board looks great, you miserable bastard


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Attached: cure.png (500x403, 105K)

It's just there for style you soyjack samefag

what font?

>It's just there for style

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Compact fullsize is the best layout imo

Attached: 101681-kira-product-mechanical-keyboard_1024x1024.jpg (1024x683, 87K)

My laptop has a stupid fucking keyboard like this so I can never find the arrow keys with my hand

Attached: asus_s56_laptop_keyboard_key.jpg (700x236, 88K)

>there are ppl on this board who unironically choose to use the top row number keys

its retarded either way, im sitting here iwth my desktop using a k230 keyboard on my legs and the mouse on my recliner arm and i have a full num pad and function keys

My laptop is the same way, but I don't have that problem at all.

If you don't use a numpad you are most likely a neet

I use the numpad because you can enter numbers much faster once you learn to touch type the numpad. I barely use the top row unless I'm typing singular numbers while writing some other documents, for financial stuff, phone numbers, addresses, etc it's infinitely more useful.

this nigga gets it too

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imagine getting upset over keyboards

Attached: g_.jpg (1142x885, 1.24M)

I don't like the huge shifts, enter and backspace. They are a waste of space.


Attached: Braille_keyboard_DASA_museum_Germany.jpg (2272x1704, 783K)

This is Jow Forums, people will argue about anything

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No num pad? No F keys? Good-fucking-luck trying to get anything useful done.

At that point, it's a keyboard for browsing leddit

I honestly got this keyboard and couldn't stand it. Anything less than 87 doesn't do it for me; the layout's super-cramped and the lack of differentiation on the F-keys and arrow keys really throws off my touch-typing.

People that learned to type on typewriters, dumb terminal mainframes, and older home pc's like the c64 did not have the num pad.

I am still faster at random number entry using the number row, and I don't need to move my hands from the homing area.

>0 and period switched


I don't use either of those things when I'm getting things done. We must do different things.

No num pad is better for gaming. Allows hand to have more range.


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Special snowflake syndrome

I have something similar, and I rather like the layout. Nice and compact, doesn't take up too much space on the desk.

Attached: Board.png (1200x899, 1.75M)

This one in particular makes me irrationally irritated.
>Shifts for double spaces
>Only two arrow keys
>That keyset

Dunno, but I do know that keyboard in particular is reprogrammable so it wouldn't really matter.

Attached: kira carbon.jpg (1024x576, 58K)

underrated post