is a degree in computer engineering worth it?
but im fairly bad at math
should i go for CS or IT instead?
Is a degree in computer engineering worth it?
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The CS program I am in isn't exactly light on math either. We're required to take Cal 1, Cal 2, Discrete Mathematics, Statistics, and Linear Algebra. None of these are exactly hard if you just put in the time to practice and study.
just put in the time you lazy fuck
math isnt the hardest part about computer engineering
ive taken college level algebra and statistics
personally im only eyeing the computer engineering degree over CS for the title of engineer si ce my brother is a doctor and im sorta intimidated
im more than willing to work desu
Well, I can't exactly vouch for this, but I've heard that Computer Engineering degrees aren't regarded as highly as either EE or CS degrees, because you only get about half of each, and don't dig in enough to be useful in either field to prospective employers. I say suck it up and do CS.
>im fairly bad at math
Don't bother. Go be a code monkey instead.
do it if you wanna work on processors or if you wanna know in depth how computers works (useful for low-level programming). You will learn C and assembly. Comp.Eng is also useful for hyper performance computing since they know how to optimize computer usage.
If you wanna program lot of stuff, make compilers, learn lot of languages,work on theory of computers, etc go into CS.
There's no math in computer engineering. There's some electrical engineering stuff but that shouldnt be worse than CS.
Never go for IT unless you're pajeet.
Ultimately depending on your projects you can go into programming with comp.eng degree and you can go into comp.eng jobs with a CS degree.
IT has less math than cs, both get the same job. Your average dev job wont be using much math if any
I have a BS in CE, minor in CS.
It's not terribly long on math though, and not more so than other engineering disciplines, but one thing that you will have to spend a few courses on are statistics courses, which I thought were tough but interesting.
I'd highly recommend staying in CE because it opens yourself to any sort of career in computers.
With CS and IT, you're kind of setting your ceiling low.
interesting point, ill admot i havent done much research but ill look into it
blunt, i like it
interesting point, but perso ally i dont see whats wrong with IT tho im no pajeet
how difficult is the whole course in general, honestly ive also been eyeing industrial engineering or electronics and communication engineering as well.
the honest truth js im currently in a humanities course so this shift is a given
Computer Engineering is a mix of CS and EE. I would say it's more math heavy than CS (but both require 5 + semesters of math).
Computer Engineering grads tend to go into embedded software (the CS side) or digital logic design (EE side). If you are into electronics, electricity, stuff like that, Comp E. might be for you.
You'd consider IT if you are absolute shit at math such that you can't pass the courses. Or if programming isn't for you. Taking an intro level programming course will help you find out if it's something you want to do for a living.
Also user, keep in mind that for a Comp E, the "engineer" title is just what industry calls its employees. The only certified engineers are guys that build bridges, Mech Es, stuff like that.
For the tech world, there is no certification and many software jobs are titled "Software Engineer" and that is the accepted job title across the industry.
IT's definitely lighter on math
because there's a bit of logic and proof in CS (in particular in algorithm and formal languages classes (very abstract))
also some classes like compilers you really need to understand state diagram logic
it requires a board ecam where im from so....
in actuality regardless of whether i take it or not ill likely go into my families buisness in the end, and im taking this course mostly for interest/pride but ofcourse also as a backup incase this buinsess fails
im not that poor at math but im no savant either, when the term engineering comes to mind i always think that being really good is a requirment
I think the Comp E. degree is cool because you get a variety of subject matter as opposed to just CS. You get the generic 2 underclassmen engineering type courses that cover chemistry, mechanical engineering, electrical. Then you get some more advanced electronics courses. So you get to see how everything works from bare metal to the application level.
>how difficult is the whole course in general, honestly ive also been eyeing industrial engineering or electronics and communication engineering as well.
It's no cakewalk but if you like computers, it's pretty rewarding.
Learning analog and digital circuitry, computer buses, ALU's, etc... it's a pretty good major to be in.
It was definitely the right choice for me.
The school I went to, if I did an additional semester, I could have double majored in EE, so it's closer to EE than CS.
CE involves learning analog circuits (briefly), digital logic, embedded system design, assembly language, computer architectures, etc...
You might want to consider EE too if you're considering electronics, control systems (maybe?), digital signal processing.
>the honest truth js im currently in a humanities course so this shift is a given
Hold onto your butts then
meant to reply to
i work in support of a large academic research school. i meet a large number of EEs and CEs working outside their field. make sure it's what you really want.
That picture is lame :(
is there anyway i can practice this shit to get a general feel if ill enjoy it or not?
like a website or anything
perhaps ill finish my humanities course then take a second course into ECE engineering since im already halfway done anyway
Check out these lessons:
CE roughly expects you to learn intro and circuit analysis, EE will expect you to learn more.
"Signals and systems" is also a biggie as it relates to DSP for EE and see if it strikes your fancy.
Robotics are kind of fluff engineering, BTW. Fun and showy, but not a hard science.
Kahn doesn't have a CE curriculum, so it'll be tougher to demonstrate...
Here's an extremely brief introduction to digital logic and translating logic to C code:
Maybe this series:
Computer engineering is EE without power and replaced with more software
CE probably hits in an area that neither CS nor EE covers, which is the integration of the two.
In a very real sense, without CE, you wouldn't have CS, and EE wouldn't have a big need for the transistor.
Always found it retarded that SE is engineering when CS isnt.
CE student here. It's not about being good at math, but putting enough effort into your studies and exercises.
I took all of that + calc 3 & 4, physics 1 through 3 and a lab on physics.
Those advices are good.
Go for CE if you want to work with μCs, circuit design, computer architectures or anything "low level" (doing C on top of Linux is not low level).
thank you so much for the link
ill try to see if it works with me
Sure thing. Good luck with your future.
If you had a decent grasp of the concepts in high school calculus, you'll do fine in pretty much any engineering program as long as you stay motivated.
You have to be good enough at math to get past 2nd year and forget 60% of it for 3rd year.
Can vouch for this guy
I'm in CE and we have literally a handful of different courses throughout the program. We do a bit more OS and computer architecture related shit, and they do RF and power shit.
Boo hoo faggot I have to take real analysis
If you're bad at math like I was, then IT, just program in your free time.
For me it worked out. I enjoyed programming and tinkering in my free time. That worked in my favor as I didn't need to be taught anything upfront to work during an internship. I was able to be given an ambiguous task and just work my way through it with minimal instruction.
That turned into a full time job programming and operations work. Generally flipping between the two which is a nice balance.
>no math in CE
I'd beg to differ in my country you study just as much math as the EE and CS
My CS friends did study all of those math (Multivar Calc, Linear Algebra) and none of them use it. I'm not a CS major but I actually deal with these math to varying degrees due to the nature of my job.
Most CS grads end up as software engineers so I'll assume you want to become one.
You'll rarely see a software engineer using those kinds of math unless they do Machine Learning or academic CS, or they create software that requires advanced math.
Discrete Math however will come in handy.
Short answer, doesn't really matter.
I'm a CS student and the maths isn't THAT bad but if you feel like it's your weak spot then CS/CE possibly aren't for you. On the other hand I wouldn't suggest you totally rule them out though, IT seems like the sort of degree for people who "like" computers but don't even know how to write a simple "Hello World" program but that's just my opinion.
My advice for you, research the fundamentals and see how you get on.
Few topic area suggestions to get you started:
>Object Oriented programming
>Relational Algebra
>Shannon Entropy
>Formal Methods
stay out it's horrible
why so?