What's the difference between generic ram and branded?

What's the difference between generic ram and branded?

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About tree fiddy.

is it you matter don't give up or you don't matter give up?

that's the joke

Branded RAM is made for first worlders who can afford it, whereas generic RAM is made for shitskins from countries whose HDIs are lower than 0.915

Probably no difference. Maybe the PCB is shitty.

The DRAM itself is almost certainly the same as the ones used in known brands, even if it's in their value line.

Difference is binning. The cheaper ram won't be stable at higher frequencies.

it's harder to identify the owner of a generic ram, you have to look for tags and stuff like whose land you're on

Are you really going to joke about such a thing?

My sister hang herself.

It's retarded is what it is
>Don't you give up matter

tell me more

this. Cheap ram just runs only in specs, and for normal users it is not an issue.

>Branded RAM is made for first worlders who can afford it, whereas generic RAM is made for shitskins from countries whose HDIs are lower than 0.915
wew. The Netherlands is safely in the former category

Attached: the great commandment shows the contempt between the world and their embarrasing pavement.png (601x553, 32K)

>Don't You...Forget About Me...

She was pregnant with a black fetus.

[spoiler]And wasn't sure who the father was.[/spoiler]

How about antimatter?

oh the humanity

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the difference is that branded ram preserves it's content even if it's not powered

two motivational messages, "you matter" and "don't give up". When you put them side by side it can be read as "You don't matter, give up"

Or it can read as "You Give Up, Matter Don't".

Good warranty and limited warranty

Ha nz just happens to fall on that line...


Why does USA beat Sweden?

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

How do you check the color of a fetus

Must be muslims

There is not such thing as generic ram. There is value ram and (((gaming))) ram. The difference is that you can easily identify the specs of value ram and in most cases chips, PCB design and rated speed is included in P/N. Gaming ram is black box but with XMP profiles (which are not guaranteed to work anyway and most likely will not work if you include sticks from different packages, e.g. if you try installing 2 kits of 2x8G gayming ram XMP will most likely be unstable). Also gayming ram is binned and pushed to the limits while value ram will overclock (though the potential is random).

gopro on a selfie stick

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also, this is all bullshit.

>My sister hang herself.

>butthurt gaymer
>muh leds make it better


The brand.

the sticker on it


CAS timing

An example of this, goto the pc parts picker and filter a single ram speed type.
Then put it in CAS order, the higher the cas the slower the cycle and most of the results will start with crucial or kingston valueram

Does this matter?