ITT: Ask a Telecommunication Spec. Anything
ITT: Ask a Telecommunication Spec. Anything
How get that job
Electronics, Some math and Systems Technology.
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger?
Why does my butt hurt when I poop?
Wow, legacy voice. Why do you want to be unemployable?
Install gentoo?
Damn, I guess I unqualified
Care to elaborate?
not enough fiber in your diet, consider cannibalism
Do you have battletoads?
How would I do my own call spoofing from the ground up?
why can't you learn to rotate your pictures?
Holy shit you actually the ENTIRE motherboard!?
How do you even the motherboard?
How often do you see phones get tapped?
Do you have any part in that?
REEEEEEEEE I hate you fucking miners!!!!
Do you know how to program?
Could you defeat an alligator in a fist fight?
Not OP but I could, easy
Level 90 death mage reporting in.
What's the absolutely stupidiest thing you seem someone do on your job?
How many wires have you punched down in your time? If it's less than several hundred thousand then you're just a bitch intern.
Do you encounter horrible spiders?
what country?
All aboard the nope train
meat is low on fiber you retard
Will I regret choosing computer systems instead of telecommunications?
Tits or ass?
>i daisy-chain a bunch of power plugs and ethernut cables for a living
> t. unemployed parental basement dweller
which desktop phone is the most secure and cant be wiretapped? if cisco, which one?
Hey thats our..
i think i know you
Why cat you rotate a picture?
t. you're cancer t.
.t sucks teh epeen
not OP.
long times ago I work on telco's but as my former senior was told; intelligence services has their own line in telco's. in my country, goverment services like corruption instituions also has their own line that has permission "to look inside".
Phone call and message always got tapped and and recorded and save on harddrive if their record got leak, employee go to jail and fine a billion.
Do you work at XO?
If so, you completely fucked me last Thursday.
Spiders are cute.
But fuck bees
What's the largest backbone bandwidth per node you've ever maintained?
OP your thread is shit. Tell some stories in til it gets better
What do you exactly do?
does your ass itch if you skip showering?