What would be a good linux distro to install?

What would be a good linux distro to install?

I'd like something simple that won't break every week (pic related) and works fine without being bloated.

I'm thinking Debian with i3-gaps (on Dell XPS 13)

Usage is coding, web prog, game prog (with godot), movies and stuff.

Any recommendations or advices against / for Debian?

Attached: arch_linux_logo_by_nintenmario-d6419p8.png (500x500, 3K)

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What the fuck are you doing to break Arch every week?

He's not. He's never even used it before. It's just kids parroting memes.



Debian will break if you try to do anything involving recent software. Arch Linux is your best bet for a simple laptop distribution. It doesn't break unless you break it, and you'll always have the latest software with security patches as soon as they're ready. Arch Linux is actually the most stable rolling release distribution available.

Attached: minimal_0.png (500x2000, 264K)


I run Arch on my XPS 13 and it's completely fine.
You need to pick a distro that has a recent enough kernel which properly supports the NVME-SSD in the XPS, else you will have reduced battery life. Also there are some issues with waking from suspend/hibernate; those are probably worse on older kernels.

Just install ubuntu minimal/netinstall/whatever the fuck they call it

if you manage to break arch regularly then maybe you shouldnt even bother

>I'd like something simple that won't break every week (pic related) and works fine without being bloated.

Debian testing
Gentoo is also fine if you have the time and patience


Attached: arch is not minimalist.png (1169x3679, 513K)

Arch confirmed for it just werks

Source mage is pretty fun

Attached: tiny witch.jpg (61x48, 853)


Probably trying to update his programs.

this, but unironically
I installed Arch on my T420 when I bought it new in 2011. Still works to this day without any major breakages. You just need to occasionally read the news on Arch website and stay away from AUR as much as possible.

I hope you regularly execute pacdiff

try Ubuntu you fucking mentally inferior faggot, that sounds like more your cup of tea.

Or you could use a distributor with sane package management that doesn't regularly remove old dependencies that half the repository still relies on without at least creating a symbolic link to the new version.

Ubuntu minimal is smaller than Arch minimal

Ubuntu: too fucking dumb for Arch
Debian: too fucking dumb for Arch
Fedora: too fucking dumb for Arch
CentOS: too fucking dumb for Arch

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Attached: 1518227356638.jpg (600x600, 375K)

Because you have to download pratically everything from the internet. The ubuntu minimal iso without internet is useless. The arch iso contains almost everything you need even without internet.

>Because you have to download pratically everything from the internet. The ubuntu minimal iso without internet is useless. The arch iso contains almost everything you need even without internet.
I'm talking actual bootable installation.
Ubuntu bootstrapped
Arch bootstrapped

i like cloveros tbhfam

Attached: 2018-04-03-121623_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 513K)

Unironically Debian. Install it then don't have to fuck with anything for the next 3 years. Just don't fall for the i3 Jow Forums autism and use a real DE and enjoy life.

No matter how often you spam this, it's not going to become a meme, because, like you, it's retarded.

Unironically Void, I installed it the other day and besides being a bit more minimal than I expected (But hey at least it installed sudo) because I clicked the wrong option, it's pretty good, currently running fine with 600 packages, you'll have to sudo xbps-install xorg i3-gaps after you install it though.

(I clicked install from internet rather than from local)

>won't break every week (pic related)
it's not the distro, it's you

>I'd like something simple that won't break every week (pic related)
I don't get it.

Aka too dumb for gentoo

I've been using Arch and arch based distros (antergos) for 2 years and i broke it only once.
Totally my fault though.

just booting it up should do the trick

You're either a baiting faggot or a brainlet who can't follow basic instructions. If you follow the installation guide and read the news before updating, shit never breaks. Why don't you try using Arch before you talk shit about things you know nothing about.

Simple that won't break every week you say. Well Slackware of course. It follows the KISS principle and it won't break. Ever. I doubt it will even hitch once.

Who is she?
>tfw no bbw waifu

>newer packages = better
Jow Forums bait tactic, the OS is deeply flawed:
>Male alienation as proto-soy affect
>Emasculated, isolated wanting virgin users
>80s neo /v/eddit video game aesthetic
>systemd init system
>dishonest package management
>Pseudokino affectations (to arouse the sub 115 IQ Distrowatch population)
Unparsimonious installation process as means to the soy psyche, its run time is self conscious whilst its aesthetic laid imbued with post macOS futurism as soy affect, no doubt misapproriated by vileueve sycopants who rush to middle brow estrogen-as-suburban-culture enabled by 'Press to skip' ADHD. IN truth they're simply dopamine whores for kinesthetic simulation in proto unix porn imagination and miasma as perpetriatic post Jow Forums consciousness.

ZorinOS Lite

Huh? When a dependency is updated, everything that depends upon it is recompiled and redistributed alongside it. What you're describing doesn't happen unless you perform a partial upgrade, which Arch Linux explicitly doesn't support.



no but seriously what is the superior init system to systemd

At this point? Almost nothing. OpenRC is the only one that comes anywhere close, and it's recently started losing ground. Whatever supersedes SystemD will either be something like a revamped version of OpenRC or something else entirely.

>and it's recently started losing ground
Oh boy, I sure do love unsubstantiated claims that can be easily summarized as opinion but are presented as fact to dissuade the ignorant from checking for themselves!

what manner of thesaurus are you?

>t. delusional 1337 arch users

How is Arch 32bit?

it's hard to break arch if you actually know what the fuck you're doing

Attached: watching-youtube-while-i-pacman-syu.jpg (554x365, 75K)

This, I have been running arch for 2 mounts on 2 pc's now and I haven't had any problems yet

>le ebip meemay