Convince me to not buy this and buy a different laptop.
Convince me to not buy this and buy a different laptop
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you already suck cock. we cant stop you from swallowing the cum.
i don't care how you spend your money
>no fuck you
Buy whatever you want, it's your money.
Do it faggot, buy it.
it's your money
do whatever you want with it
buy a MacBook Pro you fucking retard
If you're so set on using Winshit why not just get a Thinkpad?
>0/10 ifixit score
You have to rip apartthe base to replace battery when it inevitably dies in 2 years
Not op but I'm about to start CS. I have a good desktop at home, should I even get a laptop if so what would y'all recommend ?
Thinkpad x220 or Latitude E4300
XPS 15 9560 4k screen
Just get the first gen surface book. It's the same price but
>all metal
>2 in one
>you can actually use the pen
I'm pretty sure teh surface lineup is the only one with a 3:2 display
As long as you understand you are buying disposable tech, IMO that alone makes it worth the money.
Lelnovo fucked up bad releasing their anniversary thinkpad with the same shitty 16:9 screen.
I got a surface book and desu I don't think I can go back to a 16:9 screen in a laptop.
Just use any *nix(fagos,*bsd,linux). Don't even think about doing programming on windows. Shit's more work than it's worth it.
It looks like it's trying too hard to be a MacBook, people will just think you got it solely because of this and couldn't fork out enough for an actual MacBook...
But with aesthetics aside, I use the following specs as a rule of thumb for buying laptops:
>500GB SSD
That wallpaper is beautiful! Sauce?!
However OP, if you can afford it and the specs are alright for you and what you need, and you like the OS, buy it.
The Surfacebook is better.
the specs are garbage for what you are paying for. realistically you will use tablet mode as a novelty at first then slowly never use it again because what is the fucking point?
get xps or zenbook.
25% failure rate on all Surface products.
Who are you quoting?