
What even is Usenet? I first heard about it 20+ years ago and I still don't really know.
I see one file that I can't seem to find anywhere else and it says I need Usenet for it. Is it worth getting it for that odd file or can I justify the subscription with other downloads that I will most definitely use?

Attached: usenet.png (540x360, 73K)

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What is a search engine, OP?
Also, what file.

It's something that was before peer to peer technology where instead of people giving each other parts of the files the server takes all the parts of everyone and spreads them to people who don't have the parts or some shit like that and it's very fast and is mostly used by pirates but it sucks ass because you have to pay to use it

>you have to pay to use it
that's basically the whole reason why I still don't know anything about it

Some providers give free trials and you can keep free trialling by just making new accounts with a VPN.

You will be able to find some free trials just to test out if Usenet is for you.

>What even is Usenet?
A fantastic, and ahead of its time, discussion platform killed by piracyfags.

>killed by
That was what even kept it afloat for so long. Specially after the introduction of WWW.

>discussion platform killed by piracyfags.
>killed by
Revisionism is such an ugly business.

NNTP protocol newsgroups. You can browse/post to them for free via Google groups if you don't mind the botnet, or pay an ISP for allow you to make NNTP protocol connections. It's not like some big dark secret. If you've ever heard of stuff like alt.binaries.slack or alt.religion.kibology or comp.lang.functional, those are usenet groups. Some graybeard shit. Still kickin, still better than the normieweb. Still more normied out than gopherspace. I still use usenet a LOT, usenet/gopher/ftp servers make up about 95% of my internet usage

so what you just pay to join one of these providers and you access every file on all the usenet networks? Where are the files hosted and why are they so fast if it's peer to peer (as user said ) ? Can you get any file that's allegedly supposed to ever have been on Usenet, or is the reliability more spotty like with torrents?

Are you willing to make the argument that ISPs dropping UseNet access because of the size and legality of binaries doesn't mean they dropped it because of piracy?

I wasn't aware ISPs were dropping usenet access. I have Comcast, does this mean I can't subscribe?

You'll probably have to use a third party server like Eternal September or Aioe

If isps were going to try to make some argument, it wouldn't be genuine, so they would turn to some hysterical reason like cp. If the ISP have dropped, likely you will find they feel they aren't making enough.$$ to justify offering.

That said, like the other user, I use Usenet, ftp, and, in my case, irc pretty much exclusively for shit, and I prefer using this proven tech, the normies have all left decades ago. It just feels like home.

The file may or may not be there depending on the age of the file and the provider you use.
But the basics are this , get a block account , that's a non expiring account that gives you 20GB to a few TBs depending on how much you want to pay , then get SABnzbd , then find a nzb search engine you like. If you want to read use google groups or the program Xnews , google usenet is text only but it's free.

And know that information about you is sent out to usenet when you post , your IP your provider your news agent all that stuff , downloading is like downloading from DDL.
For files all you need is an account , SABnzbd , and the .nzb of whatever it is you are trying to download , and make sure it has par2 files , those are magic files that will make sure you get the complete download.
When you download you are not sharing anything and no one can see your IP.

Thank you, user! Besides news, discussion, and downloading, what else can I do on Usenet?

rich people network for file sharing and also other shit

just how rich do you have to be in order to be able to afford usenet

Any use foe it besides piracy these days?

Prolly a good way to smuggle data between borders more obtuse than cloud. Encrypt, up, retrieve from nzb in new territory

For all intensive purpose the back up is a junk file without decryppt


It was basically Jow Forums of the 90's

it's like email but the conversations are out in the open for everyone to read, and mirrored

I'd rather put a USB drive in a condom and swallow it.
Anyway I meant like for discussion and stuff.

I've been using usenet a few years, it's not bad but you'd better get a cheap seedbox if you want to download stuff. You'll have to pay for a block account or a monthly plan, then try to get into the best indexers and then pay for them, where you have good content but not really better than torrent public trackers. I'm happier now with a cheap seedbox and public trackers where I can find everything I need as I only download movies, series and music. And discussion on newsgroups nowadays are mainly dead or not interesting.

Those are 95% of your usage? Then you sit around talking to one one and doing fuck all for most of your time online. How autistic do you have to be to visit dead sites, and not only that, but have it make up most of your time online? They're dead so there isn't all that much to do there. What the fuck do you even do for all that time?

This kind of lifeless faggot is what usenet has walking around.

The more expensive (premium) servers keep files for longer. It's called retention. Usually it's mentioned on their website. For example, my server has 2500 days of retention so I can download files which got posted after May 2011.
It's not peer-to-peer, at least in the traditional sense. If you post a file to Usenet it gets saved on the server you posted on. That server has peering agreements with other servers so that file gets shared with other Usenet servers. Eventually, that file can be found on every Usenet server in the world.

Why are you preaching how to use the internet?

Lets go back to BBS.

Would you judge me if I used telnet?
Fuckin epic brah!

I'm judging you for being a faggot and telling this dude to waste his time and money on dead shit. You're acting like what you use is lively and is full of content when all of it is fucking dead. That's just dishonest. Just because you're an autistic sperg who enjoys reading discussions over random shit that was last replied to over a decade ago does not mean it is a good way to spend your time or worth it for anyone who actually goes online to get shit done or have fun.

Nobody cares if you are a loser, just don't be a dishonest hack and go "hurrr da usenet n gopher and ftp servers are full of ppl an stuff to do just like teh internetz u know!"

Get a grip on reality.

There is no discussion and no news to be had. And you can find downloads elsewhere without wasting your money.

Yes yes hide the knowledge. How dare he explore.

Guess what, sometimes, old technology can even inspire new technology.

Apparently the knowledge of mankind has a best by date, and only dorks mess around with stuff that isn't contemporary

We give some advice, tools, how about op decide for himself you cuckerberg taste maker literal cunt with a side of bitch.

you can get access to the text groups for free

I use Usenet because I can automate my HDTV/ Netflix rips and movie downloads with sabnzbd and sickbeard

The only thing it can’t do is anime

It's a great feeling rolling your sleeves up and getting down and dirty with some scripting making use of All of mankind's tools at your disposal doesn't it.

Contemporary is over rated, trends are over rated. Flavour of the month is seriously over rated.

But we can use old stuff with new stuff and old stuff to get new stuff

To the user trying to post the ascii. Just flip up a png. Font size is a bitch.

Hi boys, strange things happened here. Having a directory dir. So opening a stream DIR *dir. To get file names in the directory, i get the structure pointer struct dirent *sd. Now I want to check whetever the file in that directory name isnt ".", ".." or my "execfile". So I do a comparison if(!strcmp(sd->d_name,"execfile.c") && !strcmp(sd->d_name,"execfile") && !strcmp(sd->d_name,".") && !strcmp(sd->d_name,"..") and, well, it still accepts that execfile belongs to true. Why?

Forgot to mention its C

Hell yeah brother

sounds really lame

Died off because people wanted controlled, moderated safespace forums where no trolling or scary people could post.

Usenet as I remember sometimes had literal psychopaths posting, far more fucked up than anything ever seen on Jow Forums.

you can post asciis here perfectly fine in a code tag, the only problem is syntax highlighting
pretty sure you were able to disable it either here or on /prog/ at one point but I just don't remember how

got any examples / screencaps?

Literally anything on alt.politics.

alt.atheism had some pretty insane posters.

Would you say video recorded degeneracy is worse current day, or BBS, Usenet, Edonkey era.. Coz looking back, now I'm thinking was more shocking then.

Also what happened to all the old shocking videos, it's like they never transitioned to new internetz.. Maybe some. Not all.

Some of my earliest online postings were to when I was 14. God, those posts were embarrassing. I never ever want to see them again.

What's the problem, at 14 you would have been a well spoken, witty, little up and coming man, I'm sure the posts are patrician. You doubt yourself too much.

Piracy on usenet was awesome some years ago. The main benefits were secure connections, no peer-to-peer sharing and downloading everything using your max bandwith. It was also fantastic for automated downloading of tv series and movies.

I feel like it died a few years ago when anti-piracy fags forced providers to delete stuff. Suddenly there was a pretty good chance that small parts of whatever you were downloading was deleted from the servers. It ruined the main benefits of downloading from usenet (for me anyway) which were speed and convenience, so I stopped subscribing eventually.

I noticed this, but it seemed to be a provider issue and if I swapped between providers plus par 2 I could still win, but using two providers then becomes double cost.

>What's the problem, at 14 you would have been a well spoken, witty, little up and coming man
At the time I thought I was anyway.

I used to have an infographic, the Jews bought up half the Usenet providers, and you had to really hunt down non Jewish-race owner in euro, of course they exist.

I tried solving it by adding block subscriptions. My monthly was at astraweb and I bought blocks from a handful of others. You can tell sabnzbd to only use the block providers for chunks that aren't available on astraweb. It helped, but I still got incomplete downloads from time to time and it just got annoying.

>anti-piracy fags forced providers to delete stuff
I know! Imagine people not letting me have things for free!

Hit exactly the same thing with astra, same annoyance, found I had to hit the nz so 0 day to ensure clean leech, then felt bad because that's the opposite of retention.

Astra are willing participants in this.


>how dare you liking things I don't know!

What bothers me the most about his post is that everything that preeeeee is ftp.

And it shits me that sum guy think it's all about... Whatever the fuck he is riffing about.. Being lively... Who the hell even uses the term

>I'd rather swallow a condom

Attached: 1513780790866.jpg (480x740, 34K)

>he put a usb dingle dangle stick in the condom to swallow
>not a micro sd
>making a conscious decision to not swallow less plastic and pcb, so as to swallow something longer, thicker, with more girth but not necessarily more storage

and that's a good thing!

Usenet/NNTP was a discussion platform/protocol before """web 2.0""" came and killed it with its normie-friendly web-based forums. You can think of it like a bunch of mailing lists or forums (called newsgroups or just groups) organized into hierarchies similar to that of DNS. For instance, the hierarchy for discussing all computer-related topics was comp.*, with subhierarchies such as comp.os.* (operating systems), comp.lang.* (programming languages) and finally actual newsgroups such as comp.os.unix or comp.lang.c.

NNTP as a protocol is pretty similar to SMTP. In fact, many mail clients were/are also NNTP clients. The way it works is a central server (or rather, a bunch of them kept in sync with each other) hosts all discussions happening in all the groups. Your NNTP client would query the server to pull the headers of the latest messages (consisting of topic, poster's "From" field and the post's position in the thread tree) from groups you follow and allow you to pull the actual message bodies as well. You could pull the entire group, just a thread that interested you, just a branch of the thread tree, or individual messages and read that shit offline if you wanted. Then, to reply to a post or two, you would "push" your messages to the server which would then synchronize with other servers and other people would see your post during their next pull.


During dial up bbs era was anyone dabbling in BBS and Usenet.

I remember at the time of BBS, felt like all trading was 100% BBS, at the time.


The great thing about Usenet as opposed to web based forums was that you could participate in a bunch of threads without having to keep track of them or refreshing/re-downloading them like a fucking animal. The download sizes were minimal. You could read and reply offline. You could grep the entire archive of a group in a second. You could auto hide/ignore posts from faggots you didn't like (and replies to them as well). You could filter/sort/score threads/branches/posts based on a bunch of automated criteria. Also, the entry barrier of having to configure a newsreader was keeping Usenet retard-free for a very long time (until web-to-NNTP gateways started to appear) so the discussions were very enjoyable, even though vi vs. emacs flamewars were there from day 1.

Eventually, web forums won and pirates started to litter Usenet with binary content (which NNTP allowed but was never really designed for) which turned it into absolute fucking shit and now it's dead.

dont bother nsa cracked it

>that you could participate in a bunch of threads without having to keep track of them or refreshing/re-downloading them like a fucking animal
My biggest problem with web forums and even image/text boards. Most of the time you're waiting for something to happen, or checking to see if anything has.

A far cry from running slrnpull every day/week/whenever.

I can do that with Jow Forums X's thread watcher. I think the native extension lets you do it too. Most web forums nowadays will tell you if anyone has replied to you sitewide without making you dig for it

You forgot to mention
>triggering metal detectors with your intestines

>Most web forums nowadays will tell you if anyone has replied to you sitewide without making you dig for it
But you still need to re-download the entire thread (95% of which is HTML noise anyway) if you want to remember what it was about. And don't even get me started about those forums that divide long threads into multiple pages.

Also: a proper newsreader facilitates a lot more than just monitoring (You)s. It can score posts up or down depending on branch, poster, keywords and a bunch of arbitrary criteria so that you never miss the stuff you don't wanna miss and never see the shit you don't wanna see.

whatever happened to the pr0n scene releases on usenet? seems like the people uploading went offline early last year after years of doing it

Do you really wanna know?

>I see one file that I can't seem to find anywhere else and it says I need Usenet for it.

Attached: 1513058985572.jpg (782x440, 69K)

how does moderation (banning, post deletion) even work in such a system?

mainly client side*, but IIRC servers could also choose not to mirror certain parts of the Usenet tree.


Usenet had unlimited thread lengths, zero moderation, and ability to cross post across multiple groups. You also didn't need to register for a site to post one trivial question in a forum.

Downsides: You couldn't delete your posts or samefag, and you couldn't really be anonymous like on image boards (I seem to recall that people replying to you could see your ISP's name and/or IP address). You also couldn't post images except in binary groups, just link them from elsewhere.

Moderation was mostly client-side, as mentioned. You saw an obvious troll, you "plonked" him (added to kill file, also known as plonk file) and never saw his shit (or replies to his shit from people who took the bait) ever again. Serious offenders were sometimes banned by the server admins, especially when spam started to become a problem. Also, back when the Internet was way smaller, you could always report an offender to his ISP's or email provider's abuse@* email and they would often put him in line.

There was no post deletion (some servers supported cancelling your own posts, but that only worked if they haven't already been propagated to other servers), but servers did purge old posts because of limited storage.

You have to pay for a usenet provider, which store user contents for a certain period of time. The files are distributed in a hybrid p2p architecture between the usenet servers. The servers can store binaries and text news (shitposts most of the times)
The download speed is better than torrents because you use the whole band just for download.

>but servers did purge old posts because of limited storage.
Surely these days they keep them forever? I mean, it's only text. Even the UTZOO tapes aren't even 2GB.

One grand a month

why can't you just rent a server for 50-100 bucks and install it yourself

Mine is still full of stuff. I use it to try unknown authors' audiobooks.

$10 - $15 /mo

Text probably, but the binary retention is what you pay for. I think all of the old usenet text archives are probably searchable on the web.

> a Jow Forums user typed this
the hypocrisy

Attached: oZD2czw.png (1011x1088, 923K)

man strcmp

> expensive

You can get over 3000 day retention for $5 a month.