Just installed hackintosh

Just installed hackintosh

What to do now?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-03 at 12.33.01 AM.png (1920x1080, 2.33M)

Whatever you were trying to achieve by installing OSX.

You did have a reason, right?

Yeah, post about it on Jow Forums.

Now you can rice it and boot it up whenever you want to take a screenshot to show others

rice it

Attached: FE8F03B4-DB1B-4A6B-AD18-103F318CC662.jpg (1920x1080, 843K)

Damn, it looks nice
Good job OP
Do whatever the fuck you want with it now, you just installed the comfiest OS ever made

I want to do this. But i give up even trying to get a VM running on Ryzen.

You can now use it casually to find out how retarded macOS windows management is

Remove it and install Linux. If you want to run MacOS buy an Apple PC.


install gentoo

commit suicide

use it

Delete opera


but why

Check your HIV status

You mean GNU+Linux

No such thing exists, you probably mean Microsoft Visual Studio Code + Linux


Attached: 1496291078176.webm (990x720, 2.45M)

enjoy your apple botnet

how do i get that mouse blur?
asking for a friend

>motion blur
please tell me this is rice and not post-processing

>macOS on a resolution below (at least) 2k
Why even bother

Cry because eventually they'll drop support for intel.

>that motion blur

You're literally proving that again, all mac users are fags.

>What to do now?

Nice font rendering, fagget.

Are there any features that don't work if you do hackintosh as opposed to just buying a Mac?

You sullied it

I could never get iMessage to work. But everything else is just like a normal mac on mine

uninstall it and install an os people can take you seriously with

They will not... Unless microsoft make another arm windows..

apparently is a feature from a screen recorder program called screenflow. fuckin macfags

Just compile with XCode whatever the fuck you needed, and go back to Linux asap.