>hostname: Senpai
>alias notice\ me="sudo"
I have achieved peak weeb
>hostname: Senpai
>alias notice\ me="sudo"
I have achieved peak weeb
No, sysadmin is peak weeb
Dear God it's beautiful...
oh you haven't seen the half of it. That's not just one system, he has a dozen machines and VMs and such all named after 2hus. To say nothing of his famous battlestation
$ alias notice\ me="sudo"
bash: alias: `notice me': invalid alias name
This is all neato, but what does he do with all of those machines?
Computing the math behind creating a functional wormhole to an anime dimension, obviously.
Anime is freakin gay kill yourselves for striving to be weebs
>Use space in alias command
Brainlet detected. The 2D waifu is a representation of femininity, in the same way a classical statue or a famous painting is. Anime is the superior art form, women are women, men are men, and it's completely free from Jewish influence. One experiences anime in the same way that one experiences a classical myth, you have to be open to the symbolism.
Go back to Rick and Morty you fucking faggot.
Very enlightened and dare I say euphoric post you got there, cartoons are for children.
Literal brainlet
My favourite alias is 'DO IT FAGGOT', it basically repeats the last command adding sudo in front of it.
Haha I like this guy
I always wondered how do people print pixel art in the terminal. Is that a specific package or is it just a py script?
or you could just do "sudo !!"
where do i get the cirno cowfile Jow Forums?
You are that guy.
Has it ever occurred to you that there are people on this site that don't really care for anime stuff at all and are neither one of your caricatures?
alias oyvey="shutdown -h now"