1080 Ti of my youth

1080 Ti of my youth.

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>tfw still have my 9800gtx+ in it's original box and it still has the price tag of $800

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Nice Ultra kid

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>tfw used an 8800gtx in my first homebuilt pc for 3 years
>Had my pc for 4 years now

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nice bulge

I'm still using the colder version of it, and it's not that bad.

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I was still using a radeon 9700 pro then

My first ever GPU (that wasn't an integrated piece of shit like the Nvidia 6150 LE) was a GTS 8800 640MB.
It died on me so I got a replacement 9800GT+ from EVGA which I then used the 90 day step up program and got a free GTX 260.
Sold that GTX 260 and then got a HD 6870 which I hated and then got a GTX 660 Ti which I then upgraded to a GTX 780 which ended up performing terribly after like 2 years due to awful Nvidia support for Kepler CPUs, and now I own a GTX 1080 that I got new for $420 before the bitcoin shit.

I would say it's the Titan of your youth.
The like the Ti but slightly faster.

The 8800GTX 630M XXX was like the Ti of the G80 over the regular 575MHz 8800GTX.

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Man those xfx cards were the shit.
Why cant card makers put cool prints on cards anymore....

While not as good as the Voodoo 5, I still like my still working Creative Voodoo 2 12MB cards.

They might not be as fast but they were work horses.
While some praise the 8800GT/GTS the 8800GTX didn't cripple as soon as you raised AA and resolution like the 8800GT or GTS.
Sadly it died from VRM death so I tried to give it a fish funeral.

It didn't work, but it inspired a cult thing we now call water cooling.

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RIP BFG you were so good to me

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IIRC, remember how big a deal it was with how large the 8800 series was? Wasn't it the first of the new super high-end category of cards?

Well the generation before that we had the 7800/7900 GX2 cards, so I'd say no. Dual-slot big-die video cards were expected by the 8xxx generation, at least at the high end.

First GPU I ever bought with my own money was the 6600GT 256MB. Played CoD4 on it on my Pentium 4 prebuilt. Good times.

1080 Ti of my youth. You can tell it was my youth because i was only able to buy one 19 years later.

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Literally came here to post this card, but it was the first one I bought. My first pc built by my dad had an ATi Rage Pro Turbo in it, whopping 8mb we played Halflife on that shit and loved it

Funny thing was, the Rage Pro Turbo could not render fog so when I went online in HL and played maps like gasworks that had underwater parts I could see players across the map that could not see me and I racked up a lot of kills just hiding in the water the whole time.

i should have bought a novidea gpu instead i went with this ayyyyymd

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>i actually own a 1080ti since last august
what have i become??

The grill of my youth...

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my bfg 9600gt 512MB still works every day on my dad's computer. it was the single-slower blower fan, upgraded since 4 years with an accelero cooler with a noctua industrial fan

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>thread is full of PCI-E cards

GeForce 4 Ti 4600

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I remember playing fallout 3 on a Gtx 9800+.

Thanks dad, I was a happy boy.

>tfw spent $6000 on 990x and 580 quad sli
>tfw they all burned out in 2 years, replaced with 780ti sli
>tfw they burned out in 2 years, replaced with a single 1080
>tfw performance never got better after all this time

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>quad sli


these cards were $100 street msrp
you didnt even need more than 1

Diamond Monster 3D.

I know how to use nvidia's drivers so had no problem with at least 290% scaling forcing afr2 quadgpu spec and the right sli profile.

1080ti of your youth would probably be the amd hd 4890 that wiped these cards that gen

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>titan V circa 2006

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>tfw bought the 1030 of my youth

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The 1080ti of my... Okay so I was 22, but it's the first gpu i remember buying that wasn't ati rage pro

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Right? In my youth AGP was the card slot that was 'hard' to come by at first (ISA was the dominant slot) so when I see all these PCI-E cards it makes me feel old af, especially considering the first gpu i ever bought when i was out on my own was an AGP GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB card for like $400

I ran these in sli. Full load 92c

8800 GTS was great.

PCI/AGP was all the rage in my younger days. A lot of pre-built's didn't have AGP so PCI was it. Didn't really mater though cause back then (Mid 90's - 2000s) games really didn't push the pci bus to the limit. That came around 2003+. Godly card, pic related. Around 2004 I paid $400 for a 6800GT. Still got her today. Still got the Voodoo to.

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