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what should i use? (OP)

just use vim.
it's less of a commitment and less time consuming to get into.


vim, then use emacs

learn vim
learn plugins
then move so Spacemacs

I love spacemacs, but I'm thinking on switching. I'm using the scala layer with ensime, but I keep getting bugs (like macros and even . not working intermittently). Also, the lag is really bad, and it's not just ensime, stuff like highlight indent and column seems to cause unacceptable stuttering.

Really sucks that there is no better alternative, because spacemacs blows everything else out of the water on pretty much every front other than performance.

I use IntelliJ with the vim plugin for Scala, not the same, but works.

I'm aware of it, but I really, really do not want to use an IDE. With spacemacs I will frequently have .org files open while working on scala et cetera. The whole space thing just really works well too.

>doesn't want an integrated development
>wants a development environment with even more integration than an IDE

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you got me figured out m8

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Spacemacs is lighter than most IDEs though

I use it mainly for tcl, org and python. I found myself contributing to some emacs packages because I required some features.
If you have the time, consider contributing. I suppose it's a more complicated task than what I did, but if the boost to your productivity will be significant, it's worth considering.

people who use vi/vim are idiots

When I grow up I want to have a workplace like that.

I always see an IDE as a bad window manager combined with a bad editor.
Maybe it is because I have only used eclipse, kdevelop and qtcreator but those made me want to compile in a terminal instead.

how's that keyboard.io treating you? Can you compare it to a kinesis advantage 2 or the ergodox?

That's true, I'm pretty dumb but that doesn't mean Vim is bad

What's your job function? You look fairly well equipped for a cube drone.

both vim and emacs have garbage cross-platforms. use something that's equally good on Mac, Linux and wangblows. like vscode, sublime or atom.

Vim works fairly well on every platform, what are you on about?

Emacs works for every platform

i have tried it on wangblows, it's so garbage id rather use a notepad.
never said it, it's garbage too on both Mac and wang

It literally works the same way it does on any other platform. You just must be a very special person.

good luck getting plugins working properly. it is garbage on microshaft thats why everybody uses something else.

I use Vundle and I've literally never had a problem except for maybe with plugins that use outside binaries i.e. ctags (and I use quite a few plugins).
Confirmed for being special.

>needs 3rd party binaries to execute basic tasks and literally every command
you are a special retard for using it.

Sure, if you manually write your .tags files for autocomplete, do your thing. I would rather, you know, use it to be productive.

damn thats a hella nice setup. also i like the cat photo on your wall

I'm working on muh phd. I'd call it research, but atm it's mostly programming.

>falling for the uni meme.

t. work for one of the big bank farms in jersey courtesy of my github account and contributions to GNU/Linux

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meme tools for students and sysadmins

i bet your project manager is going to be very exited about your dev environment using minimal resources and not going to notice your low productivity rate at all

Honestly I'm using this right now and I'm quite happy with it.

but I'd never get 300k starting that way. I'm doing what I'm best at, then I'll take it from there. All things considered I'm pretty happy with the salary I get (norwegain unis pay decent phd wages) and I can probably make a lot of money when I'm done anyways.

your coworkers literally make fun of you behind your back.

what do those moonrunes on the stickies on the right say?

Reminder that vim is bloat and you should use nano.

> tfw I might never make it to a PhD program

Its the one thing I want to do in life. All I want to be is a prof who writes Foss code and teaches math and programming. If I don't get into a master's program this year, that's it for me.

>writing code on windows or mac

With vim emulation