Why is Jow Forums not helping this guy?
He lost everything and is now homeless.
He needs your help, you can donate at his website
Why is Jow Forums not helping this guy?
He lost everything and is now homeless.
He needs your help, you can donate at his website
Other urls found in this thread:
It doesn’t sound like he’s in a state where he can manage money
I hope Terry hunts down and drives over the janitor/moderator who keeps deleting Terry/TempleOS topics.
>janitor/moderator who keeps deleting Terry/TempleOS topics
Is God testing Terry or has he abandoned him?
seriously why are the Jow Forums mods so fucking idiotic and power hungry. deleting fetch threads and temple os threads yet we get apple shill threads every single day.
even tight-nit chans like lain allow fetch threads, they facilitate discussion about distros and such.
we need a mutiny
Jow Forums is consumersim bullshit now we already have a /tech/ thread
So far, so good.
People should really help this guy.
He does not deserve to rot away behind a McDonald's like he currently is.
I want him to die so you fucks will quit circlejerking over him all the goddamned time
You should just ignore the solitary TempleOS/Terry topic and go to higher quality ones like these...
good post
Because fags are in the constant war mode, they try to get in a position of power to feel better by humiliating normal people.
Those threads are literally better than you meming about a schizophrenic third-rate e-celeb
t. brainlet
How did he end up homeless? Thought he was still living with parents
>How did he end up homeless? Thought he was still living with parents
dude you missed a LOT!
He either left the house or got kicked out, and started travelling around and living in a van, even streaming out of it for a while. He then got arrested for assault or something, somehow got out of that, got laid, and is currently living as a homeless dude in a van. Also I don't think he has a computer he can stream from currently.
his van got impounded he is full hobo now.
he has a channel from which he still streams
>some dude is now homeless
>please give him money
The absolute state of this board.
I hope for you this is fake otherwise you just
posted your credit card info
I'm laughing so hard Alex.
T Hanks bro, imma buy myself a ps4 with ur card.
nothing like the smell of bullshit in the morning
fuck!!!!! fuck fuck fuck!!!!! how do i delete this? can a mod delete it for me?? fuck!!
Click the little box on the left side on your post and then in the right side bottom of the side you press "delete."
In case you're not trolling then cancel your card.
Mmmh, delicious.
thanks bro!!!!! i love you
kek i wonder if it was actually real. also
>(hilariously this is your tax money i'm spending)
His PayPal is on his website but I think its compromised... in his last couple vids he said NOONE has donated ANYTHING. I find that hard to believe... someone has gotta ask him to confirm his PayPal is linked to HIS account
>multible streams every day
>suddenly, 5 days ago: nothing
is he dead?
Meant last stream was 5 days ago and since then he went silent.
I'm scared, bros.
I hope he still updates TempleOS...
Why would you give this demented fucker money?
You can't help him in any meaningful way.
He has no appreciation for any help he gets, he's incapable of it.
He'll spend any money he gets as fast as he gets it, he has no idea how to spend money wisely.
It all just delays the inevitable.
All his shit got stolen.
The gay center is all he has now.
>he went silent
He was talking in IRC all day yesterday...
How do you expect him to stream without a phone or a laptop?
I thought the double chan anons were helping him out
>van got impounded
It didn't get impounded, he totaled it. The van is gone. Donezo.
He is online on the irc channel on his website all the time.
Hobo as sleeping in the street?
I remember him taking 10$ showers at truckdriver places when he began the fapmobile arc.
Even when fucken tight on money he used to go to Denny's for dinner and stay all night for WiFi.
You can't really expect common sense or wise spending from someone who's a schizophrenic off their meds
apple threads are fine
what the mods should be deleting is desktop/speccy/thinly veiled desktop threads on Jow Forums
Neither, god is testing US.