Tfw I can finally upgrade my Bitchin' Fast 3D2000

tfw I can finally upgrade my Bitchin' Fast 3D2000

Attached: gpu.jpg (979x240, 55K)

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You're a big gpu


how much graphics potential does that actually have? this thing could probably run a vr theatre. fuck i want one just to play 4k 144hz games.


Attached: 1 AnWwzbB42U5RlpVqRckdkg.jpg (1920x1080, 422K)


The purpose is to replace CPU farms

it uses less watts than an equivalent, more expensive CPU farm

>10 kilowatts
I know its a rack server, but jesus.

Attached: 1352868412045.jpg (2000x1225, 692K)

Wait for NAVI

No more than the same number of any gtx cards

can it calculate 1+1?

but how many Bungholiomarks does it get?

That's an ancient meme grandpa.

of course it's 2.1

3.5 u

Attached: 1427416644285.jpg (1234x1024, 301K)

But will it run Crysis?

>the product costs $400k
>this fat fuck complains about 16 tesla gpus using 10000 watts.
who do you think buys these?

>cpu farms?

did you bothered to check its FP capabilities?if you remove the tensor meme their fp capabilities for that kind of money is SHIT

>if you take away some of the hardware


>cpu farming
>tensor computations
pick one

heres the link