It's happening

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What a day to be alive.

April fools

but mom...

>By Abhishek Prakash

Mint should unironically be based on LFS

>not Gentoo Mint
I'm disappointed

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>not assembly mint
super poop




>Last updated April 1, 2018

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>B-but I can only handle a system for kids

>Mint should unironically be shitcanned

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Actually mint would be better off without Ubuntu given the amount of config, script and sometimes source changes they do that get fucked up by ubuntu updates. I guess at first they couldn't afford full repo mirroring and had to rely on manual package blacklisting (only visible in their own updater gui), but at this point there is no excuse.

You mean a system for work? Arch is for NEETs with no skills other than deleting their GUIs.


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kek i thought this was real for a min because ubuntu became botnet

The fact that they don't name it M-Arch. Or just march (as in marching) is a missed chance. Also: they should've presented it in...the third month.


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>Chem says that even if after moving to Arch Linux people >call Mint a friendly distribution, they plan to switch to >Gentoo and then they’ll see how would anyone call it a >noob’s distro while compiling all those packages.

Oh boy.

Am I using fucking notepad or are you using a newline format even more retarded than CRLF?

4chanX is retarded and told me there was a shitload of newlines

Actually pretty funny even if it's coming from poos.

Nice digits user. 4chanX a shit though.

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>using Arch

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> We didnt want to be considered a noobs distro so we decided to go for the edgelord title instead.
Also april fools was two days ago.

>mint maintainers are butthurt over being called a noob-friendly distro
why are linux cucks such elitist jerks?

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Unironically this.
Although the thought of Arch-based Mint does sound fun to me...

Same here. Starting with a good base and then trying to ease the complexity of the initial setup is the whole point of bloated meme distros like Mint. It'd be cool if they based on something more interesting than Debian.

>not realizing this post was an april fool's ""joke""

Mint should not even exist. They should just develop Cinnamon and upload patches that would apply all differences between Ubuntu and current Mint.