It scans your files, you can't turn it off

it scans your files, you can't turn it off

Attached: 1200x630bb.jpg (630x630, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:

PC files? or just cache?

oh no. it's worse than I thought.

> Windows
Wow, and nothing of value was lost.

the windows operating system is going to be a service you pay monthly for
it scans (I think already) word documents and other files on your computer to know you better and thus create more custom tailored ads for you

uh oh the google defence team is here

Google is fucking disgusting tbqh, governments around the world need to come down hard on how much power and influence they have.


educate yourself lad

Governments around the world want to BE google, you tit


the fucking brits... the fuck outta my board faglord

>using Chrome instead of Chromium or other Chromium-based browsers past 2015

what did you mean by this?

>not using Iridium that has all chromium telemetry removed

Okay, fuck Chrome, you guys finally sold me on switching. I know Firefox is shit, as is IE, and I tried Brave a few months back but it just seemed buggy.

What else is there that works as well as Chrome without the bullshit?

okay, this is the final straw. Fuck google, fuck windows. I'm moving to Debian today.

>Chrome Is Scanning Files on Your Computer
>And thats a good thing

Glad i ungoogled myself long ago

first get rid of the pakis and nigerians killing the native british population be posting on pseudo anonymous subforums faglord

Attached: GUNS-IN-OTHER-COUNTRIES-U.K.-Violent-Crime-and-Firearm-Ownership-Rates-Before-and-After-1997.png (1410x1015, 120K)

op here, i switched today to firefox because of this article, i planned it for a long time, it's okay, sometimes a little more cpu intensive but who cares, werks for now


>Comparing ff to ie
I mean really

Attached: 29512604_1794367107292668_6573413530916610796_n.jpg (720x478, 49K)

Yea. I've been ending google chrome tasks in task manager for a while.


Are there really people on Jow Forums who use Chrome?

Why not use Chromium?

Chromium is Google-integrated.

Only ntfs fags give a shit about this. Meanwhile ext4 and chmod are the best AV/AM out there on GNU/linux

For the next chrome threads.

Attached: 1522696891463-Screen-Shot-2018-04-02-at-13056-PM.png (656x310, 97K)

which browser should i use instead of chrome, vivaldi and firefox are compromised by chincs arent they ?

Firefox Quantum is not that bad actually, you should give it a shot user

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 55K)

literally wat
never experienced this but shits scary

Attached: donramon-ramon-valdes.jpg (600x600, 19K)

botnet browser do botnet stuff in your botnet OS.


oh for fuck's sake we're not 12yo and your "trying to be so mysteriooouuuss XDDD" on a imageboard of all fucking things is just lame

fuck off CIA Nigger

>google product is a botnet
FF Quantum is unironically as good or better than Chrome.

nothing on the market currently is as fast as chrome, everything will appear relatively slow and buggy in comparison

Ungoogled Chromium has Windows builds again, you have no excuse

>using windows
Just use chrome. It doesn't matter anymore.

>Linux plebs don't know how to turn off the spying

use chromium you idiot

Beaker Browser or w3m

>windowsniggers think it's possible to turn off spying on a closed system

Attached: 1521574943445.png (1000x1271, 314K)

Not up to date.

>"these buttons and switches surely do what they say they do!"
>having to opt out in the first place
Here is what you can expect from Microsoft:
>Telemetry not being disabled
>vscodebot bot locked and limited conversation to collaborators on Nov 16, 2017

Not a problem for me since I just block everything related to Microsoft at a DNS level. Guess that's too hard for you Linux plebs, eh?

You can actively block windows updates at the DNS level? Huh, I didn't know about that.

OH FUCK!!!! DOES IT DO THIS ON CHROME OS?! AM I FUCKED Jow Forums?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!

>having chrome installed

Google makes money from you being part of the botnet. Many junk programs, extensions and tools are bundled with adware that changes the search page and injects counters to make you a part of the different botnet. Google protects its investment by removing those.

What is your option in that? There just isn't any. Know Your Place With Google® Chrome™!

>chrome os
You're a fucking retard is what you are

I'd uninstall Chrome but it still has the best web dev tools

I've found Firefox to unironically be less obtuse for getting shit done because it doesn't sandbox every tiny thing apart

They still have quite a long way to priper Murican murder rates.


Its when you have adware extensions.
Its a huge thing in normalfag computers.

I miss chrome dev tools soo much, ff dev tools can't even perform a quick search properly, pure garbage.

sadly this. normies are so incompetent with technology that a fucking browser has to babysit their computer. Holy shit!

>ctrl+z doesn't work on css properties

Attached: 1522793115605.jpg (351x351, 22K)

>title says chrome is doing it
>it's actually the chrome cleanup tool which is not a part of the browser at all

>>it's actually the chrome cleanup tool which is not a part of the browser at all
it is still a tool provided by google, not a third party extension

firefox retard


u deserve it

Why the fuck nobody is proposing break Google?
They are becoming too powerful and too intrusive. That's awful knowing that their business model is based on information control and possesion.

It is installed by default when you install chrome.

you care about a piece of software collecting data but you don't seem to care about google overthrowing countries and deciding which narrative(s) to follow?

>but you don't seem to care about google overthrowing countries and deciding which narrative(s) to follow?
I'm telling exactly that, retard.
Every google related thread this is proposed somehow.

it literally never gets mentioned or brought up that google has and is still capable of overthrowing countries


Its time to mention it more and make google pay for their crimes then.

I'm a retard for liking fast and useful tech?

>being a chromecuck

Attached: google culture.png (904x206, 26K)


>Firefox is shit

So that's why my HDD that I direct my downloads to was so loud when I went to bed.

1.) Not everyone is American. It's a color/colour type deal.
2.) That particular issue is more related to syntax than grammar.

>invent english
>no it's MINE language get the fuck out it's RRRREEE
sorry mutt but the only language you own is Ebonics

Lets move Mexico to their border and see how well they do.

Enjoy your botnet.

>it scans your files, you can't turn it off
Then don't use it. Good thing forks of it exist, right?

*scans your files*
It's for your own safety, goyim

Damn Mexican border, fucking things up in Chicago and Detroit lmao

you sad little attention whore

is there a reason to use chrome instead of chromium?

you want to say that, they know about my diary?

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what about chromium?

Chrome software reporter tool. I noticed that on laptop, it would start trashing drive and wasting battery after boot/sleep cycle, delete that shit and it quietly self installs again, change permissions for that directory and it creates new one. Nasty as fuck.

better write jk next to bad things from now on
just to be safe

Attached: 1515566113667.jpg (900x1200, 99K)

It literally does. Drug trade, retard.

Oh we don't have that in Europe. Or immigrants. Or whatever, but the point is that clearly the murder rate in US isn't the fault of US, it's just an innocent, helpless victim.

The windows 10 OS also scans your files and can alter/copy/delete/upload them as well. Why would brainlet windows users care if a browser is doing the same thing their OS does?

Overlaying demographic data and murder rate, then comparing various US states and other countries rly make u think. You'll find that places with shit cultures are shitholes, and the US is hobbled by a high percentage of illegal immigrants who haven't adopted the civil western culture, and destitute black communities that US liberals refuse to admit it a problem.

went to go see if I can disable it and accidentally set it off

>literally no option to cancel the scan

Attached: fug.png (1147x724, 57K)

US overall is a bit of a shithole though if compared to other first world countries. There's less shit parts in US but that's the same for any country. Also I think if you wonder about things that contribute to crime rate, two things stand above all else: poverty and income inequality. And the US has large sections of population in poverty while there's a wealthty section of population who continue to get weathier.

I am suspecting Chrome is the cause of my PC going once a day into a permanent deadlocked state,is this possible?

>Firefox is shit
You're shit
>BAWWWW it takes 10ms instead of 9ms like Chrome !!!

>Not closing the fucking window

Attached: brain.jpg (453x563, 30K)

>borrow another countries language for hundreds of years
>fail to learn it properly
>complain about people who have learnt it properly
Go and be fat somewhere else

Literal fake news

they don't look like mexicans

Attached: mall of america.webm (720x404, 2.94M)