Ssds are a meme

>ssds are a meme
>gaming ram is totally legit
End yourselves.

Attached: 1450031096123.jpg (348x342, 37K)

>implying that gaming anything isn't coming from /v/
did you confused boards you were suppose to make this useless thread?

Did you confuse your English grammar?

SSDs haven't been a meme in half a decade.

>lol I troll u
grow up

>OP fell for the memes and now mad


Gaming ram usually doesn't cost more. It's just branding. Faggot.

No one said that.

They say it's gaming to make it more expensive.

>can't use his own brain and decide for himself what is just a meme and what isn't

Attached: ram-guide-v3.png (848x1492, 487K)

What the fuck.

"SSDs are a meme" is a meme
The only ones who fall for it are the newfags who also try to install Gentoo

Shit list

SSDs are overpriced for what they are.
HDDs aren't worth getting unless it's 1TB+.
HDD speeds are minuscule and aren't worth paying an extra $10 for.
It's more practical to use a RAID 10 of bus-powered non-mechanical portable storage devices than to overpay for an SSD.
DVD-RWs are not legacy.
Bluetooth is a meme.
RGB is a meme.
You're overpaying for a gaming case.

SSD are still too expensive. Price has never managed to come down.

>>ssds are a meme
said no one

250 GB for 80bux isn't expensive. It's still more expensive than similar size HDDs, but you're paying for the speed.

SSDs aren't for storage you fucking morons, they are for eliminating delays in programs you frequently use(like your operating system). Nobody says you should replace all your storage with SSDs. Everything gaming is a meme, but it doesn't mean it can't be good - simply check the actual numbers.

Shop harder. Picked up a Samsung 860 EVO 250 GB for $59.99 about 10 days ago. For a boot drive with all my applications on it, worth every penny.

TEAM 480 GB SSDs have been selling between $90 & $100 for the last month. They're budget, slightly slower, but still plenty fast to perk up any system compared to HDD.

>250GB SSD, $60
>4TB HDD 7200RPM, $60

Why is it so hard for people to understand that fast storage costs more? Nobody's saying replace your 4 TB drive that's probably mostly media with an SSD. Media storage doesn't need speed. You use an SSD for your OS and programs, so things boot and launch faster, and don't slow to a crawl when you do more than one disk operation at a time. Then you have a large HDD for pictures, videos, music, and other large files you don't need terribly rapid access to.

or older think-pad owners; there seems to be a disproportionate representation here.

My t61p (used from 09 to 15) had a sata interface limitation roughly equating to a SATA1.5 interface. You could only ever hit around 150MB/s read/write matching a 10k RPM laptop drive for normal workloads. Ram Caching did not help much either since you were at the disks limits anyways.

In it, since the disks almost never got a chance to sleep due to the slow speeds the SSD's also consumed more power (race to idle conditions never got satisfied)

Same disk does 480Read 550write in a newer (2012) Latitude.

>slow to a crawl while booting
install gentoo but unironically

>gaming ram is totally legit
It kind of is, RAM prices were all over the place locally when prices were rapidly climbing. I bought a 32 GB 3000 MHz DDR4 RGB kit because it was the cheapest alternative and it was cheaper than many 2400 MHz kits too.

SSDs are cheap enough for what they are: fast disks for your OS and programs. A 256 GB SSD isn't too expensive to be affordable. You're not going to make 50 TB arrays out of those things and why would you, there is no reason to store movies and things like that on SSDs.

Are people so impatient, I only use a shitty SSD in my laptop because I need to quickly be able to edit my shit, desktop runs on a nice 2tb drive, manjaro feels only a bit sluggish with tons of processes going on.
SSD's are just made by jews.

Is an SSD basically a giant SD card that's directly linked to the motherboard?

same type of technology but of much better quality

short answer is yes

I think you meant to say that SSDs probably won't be a meme anymore in half a decade, because they definitely are a meme right now.

>buying spinning rust
At least with SSD's I get the writes I payed for.