This cannot be allowed to happen, we can not have the wholesale destruction of the sea bed.
This is not progress, this is total destruction of the blue planet, our mother earth.
There must be a massive protest against this move, by all the inhabitants of the earth.
Mining of the sea bed for the new gold cobalt…
>the sea bed
as long as they don't touch corals it'll be fine
also how is this technology?
The sea bed is already sinking due to global warming, so it's fine.
They'll probably stir shit loads of methane up and blow themselves up
we should be reclaiming lost oil and carbon from plastic dumps and
its not impossible we just don't care as long as someone won't pay us to do it.
already too late the corals are dead
you'd rather keep exploiting little niglets in africa I guess?
Fuck off hippie, "mother nature" is a disgusting whore and needs to be kept on a leash. Humans are entitled to everything earth has.
Fucking this. Mining the seabed will disturb literal shit tons of frozen methane, accelerating global warming at an incredible rate.
Found the French Chinaman. The Cold War will continue to be fought in Africa for decades to come.
Send this to /ck/
This means no more shrimp, no more crab, no more lobster, no more anything. People already know trawling is bad. This is just trawling times ten.
There are animals that subsist in the undersea wastelands scavenging for dead fish that float down from upper layers. I imagine if their habitat is disturbed, the bodies will begin to pile up.
very interesting discussion guys , check out my website for more on topics like this
global warming is a hoax, so sea bed is hoax too
ok vegan fag
that looks fucking badass and I want one to drive over your wife's house
mass production MUST continue, at ALL costs
>don't farm fish
>don't catch fish
>oh no we won't get to eat fish
carrying shit is literally the only job kangs can do
yes I rather have them doing that than chimping out in jewurope
lots of shills in this thread
>sea levels rise 1 metre
>remove 1 metre of sea bed
I doubt they're talking about "mining" in the shallows on the continental shelves where crustaceans and mollusks live and breed.
Those animals are very few and far between relative to upper layers of ocean. It's basically underwater vore hell.
fuck off commie
corals are fucked anyway, the sea life population is fucked we wont be eating seafood except out of a tank/farm
t. australia last time i went to the beach the amount of coral washing up along with other dead sealife is insane
whoa let's do it
we found ourselves a genius lads
I don't live in the ocean, why the fuck should I care
Seafloor farming. Have you ever had cheesy baked sea potatoes that blew your socks off? Cause you're gonna be.
no, you dumbass
you remove 500mm of sea bed, and put it on land to end up with 1m difference
kids these days
So literally make a Great Wall surrounding North America made out of Seabed to save the Burgers from the seas?
in the long run, everyone is dead
I don't think you realize how big the sea bed is. Underwater mining is never going to get as widespread as surface mining and you don't see mines fucking up the landscape every where up here. Underwater is bigger.
It's a non-issue.