Rpm distros?

Previous archfag, tired of breakage. I want to move on to an RPM distro. What should i choose and why? I want to make it somewhat minimal

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I wiped my Arch drive for CloverOS

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OpenSUSE Tumbleweed

Void is nice, unless you want systemd. If you want systemd, I'd go with maybe Ubuntu net install.

Edit: if you want systemd, I'd go with centos

You must be serious, you have the mug too!

What for ? Fedora is perfection for work station, cent Os other wise


CloverOS is gentoo for retards
install gentoo

Just use Debian you fag

If you rely on the AUR to get meme/obscure software you going to have to get used to compiling EVERYTHING on your own.
Even programs like retroarch aren't in the repos.

I would go with debian stable, fedora tends to leave broken packages broken for months.
I remember a couple years back when terminus was all fucked up and it took them a long ass time to fix.
same with qutebrowser too.

This. Or if you want super stability, use OpenSUSE Leap, both are pretty good. Easily the best rpm distro around.

if you manage to break arch, you'll do the same to another distro

gentoo is for retards

what breakage

>the absolute madman

no, gen2 is for full retards

Fedora is good unless it's not. What I mean by that is it carries endless overlapping config files and not one fucking ounce of consistency in them. So when it works, great! Just use the graphical tools it came with to adjust things (KDE, LXDE, LXQT). If you want to do something like set up 2.1 speakers and a custom low pass filter on the LFE and have it not break audio in stereo or 5.1? Yeah good fucking luck. On the flip side DNF is an awesome package manager - enough to make me overlook a lot of fedora's pre-installed faggotry. You will probably have different results if you go with a minimal install but I'm fucking lazy and LXDE comes with openbox and a functional file manager and panel.


Here you go OP.

openSUSE has OBS though, worth checking out if you want niche software but hate compiling

>tired of breakage
>move to fedora

Attached: tard.jpg (1024x512, 71K)

>using openPEPE

yeah pulseaudio is pretty fucking shitty on fedora but great on debian sid and arch, it's weird
I think overall debian sid is probably the best rolling distro

Oh you got me there