..if someone gave me a dime every time something GUI-y doesn't properly function on GNU/Linux
..if someone gave me a dime every time something GUI-y doesn't properly function on GNU/Linux
Unplug the usb from your compooter
And plug it back
Hooray, now it works
Congratulations, OP, you're a faggot
Linux is trash on desktop, welcome to the real world.
i know, but why doesn't it work with the first try, like in botnet operating systems?
not exactly the first time i haven't been able to quickly format drives and drop files on them before leaving the house (sometimes unplugging and replugging doesn't do shit and it SHOULD NOT happen in the first place)
> Implying Windows' disk manager and macOS's disk utilities aren't dumpster fires.
needed to quickly review and edit some TIFF images today.. just...
ooh i get it now
anons always say linux is crap on desktop but without knowing it they actually mean debian
maybe don't use a crap os with purposely broken packages op?
it's the Canonical's Debian known as Obabuntu 17.10, not the 'pure' one
i tried Debian, but it pissed me off because I couldn't normally install an up-to-date web browser on it (which I do understand is not the intended usage of Debian)
btw should I just use Solus? got it going on mom's ancient Acer laptop and everything works like a charm (except viewing TIFF images also. but, unlike obabu, came with working wireless drivers)
just install windows 10 you stupid fuck
no fuck you i will express masochist behavior through jumping different distros and complain on Jow Forums. next one is Antergos (Arch for less autistic people. had it running on VM for a while for webdev and it just didn't break).
then eventually return to win server 2012 r2 because it more or less just works and is less creepy than windows 10.
He fell for the Linux meme loooool
pic very much related
Debian is unironically the most stable gnu/linuc.
It just werks and doesn't cause much boot problems or bundles botnet like ubuntu.
don't bother with meme distros, solus will go the way all distros similar to it go - once the maymay ends it'll just become the 1000th distro nobody gives a shit about, stick to tried and tested distros
Budgie DE is comfy as fuck though
because the renowned 'flagship' communistos flavor can't display images?
because YOU can't
found your problem
GNOME Disks are better and can handle both encryption and LVM
Maybe because you're an idiot.
>doing anything important outside the terminal
i do remember using it at some point. the ui feels a bit confusing. since gparted has been around forever (used it on a thing called 'Crunchbang') i expected it to be the one partitioning tool that works. well, if you say gnome disks is better at this point, i may as well try it.
systemd is botnet
There's like 150-180 distributions listed here. So.. Gentoo?
Not sure if it still is the case, but partitioning with "Disks" often yielded misaligned sectors which needed to be fixed with Gparted.
actually you can [even on debian]
zorin is interesting
user, it's not that hard... I'm a newbie and could figure it out in 5 clicks on google.
>It just werks
except it doesn't
>t. actually installed it
it was the most pos experience i've had with gahnu and i hate installers now