Password Manager

What's the best password manager currently?

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Your brain. Stop giving your password to the botnet.

I’m using KeePassXC

Any whose name has "KeePass" in it.
Every other one is complete shit.

I want to get an old Palm pilot or PDA device to store passwords. But is there a way to keep them in a first gen PSP 3000? I want to got the obscurity/security route.

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made the switch away from keepass a while ago when it continued fucking up on my system

Attached: quill.jpg (1000x751, 73K)

your brain

>wasting brainpower on something that can be automated

How does it feel to be a burger flipper?

> It continued fucking up my system
Care to elaborate


Attached: Screenshot_20180119_040539.png (1053x500, 264K)



So your brainpower is completely untouched and well preserved? Good for you.

This. Easy af to use.

google chrome

The fuck mang


Other mangers are not worth using.

>Proprietary password manager

>using third party password manager
>not encrypting a txt file with all your passwords


Your head, lol? I was joking

that's what pass is for. Stores all your passwords in a local git repo and it supports encryption with your public key.

Pass + private git repo

But humans are even easier to hack than computers. Most breaches happen due to phishing.


What you do is you write them down and mail them to a random company.

Your brain! If you have one

The thing is, I don't so I need a solution that doesn't rely on that.