When will this shit die so I can finally play some vidya?

When will this shit die so I can finally play some vidya?

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>play some vidya
Grow up.

>customizing his desktop for the pretty colors
>getting excited over booting live images of new distros
>using i3
>posting on Jow Forums whatsoever
Grow up sourgrapes nigger.

You can play vidya with even an intel integrated GPU. Stop pretending like you need 4K 120Hz Ultra settings

70% of games before 2010, maybe. Otherwise, even Skyrim cannot run on intel hd. Dumb retard.

Never because buying drugs online is too convenient and safe for druggies to suddenly stop doing it

>implying use as a currency is even 5% of bitcoin transactions
It's pure speculation now. "Investment".

Though I guess user could've also meant other cryptocurrencies.

Buy a console lmao.

Yes it can.
Special Edition runs fine on the HD5000.
I'm playing it on a HD4000 at 1024x768 on low at 70FPS, and that card is old and shitty.

look at this /v/toddler acting all tough expecting us to answer his fucking pleb question this way.
Buy a console, dipshit. You're just being ripped off by nvdia, amd, razer and co way before crypto became a thing when they realized there was kids and manbabies using their pc for gaming and nothing else.

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I'm surprised the miners haven't bought all the consoles and ripped the video cards out of those too.

>using video "cards"
this is what /v/ actually believes

You mean it's all integrated shit? No wonder consoles are still crap.

I sometimes play skyrim on a hd 530 when I am really bored and away from home.

Did you think consoles had something like a regular computer MOBO inside them with components plugged into sockets and slots?

What did you think, that it had some pci-e graphics card in there?
There's a GPU but it's soldered with the console's main board.

check prices, it's all dying, ETH, LTC, bitcoin kinda too

You don't need 1080Ti to play good games.

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Miners don't use consoles because, while entirely feasible, is not cost effective. Consoles have dogshit computational power for what they cost.

Then more the reason for you to buy a PS4 pro and get used to it. Miners ain't going anywhere until the engineers at nvidia or amd create GPU only for mining.

Besides, pc gaming is only worth if you play online games such as overwatch, fortnite, MOBAs or MMOs. And you don't need a bleeding edge GPU for those.
For a sane person who wants to just play anything else, a console is more than enough.

But you wouldn't settle for that cuz you're a scrub with shit for brains (enthusiast) deadlocked in an imaginary war of consoles versus pcs.

I'd settle down with the option that charges me only $600 a couple of years.

You suppose to mine buttcoins with GPUs not play so gayass games

Shit, last time I owned or even looked at a console was when the Sega Genesis came out. I figured the boards were custom made but wasn't really sure how much of it was integrated considering consoles today are basically computers.

>playing tetris
lol, what year it is, grandpa

It's basically like a laptop MOBO where all the components are soldered in. Consoles just have room for bigger heatsinks and fans and shit than laptops so they can use hotter, more power hungry components.

Jesus... All of that from someone telling you to grow up.

Tetris is classic, comrade

So when are consoles going to run Star Citizen?

The question is: who the fuck plays star citizen

Early release testers.

you can find the 1050ti at MSRP if you look hard enough. It can play anything at 1080p med/high

Just live on newegg / amazon / whatever you like and snipe a manufacture refurbished gtx 1060 6gb for literally msrp like I did last month
> And then still only play CSGO which you could run just fine before
It was worth it amirite guys?