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For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Jow Forums wiki headphone FAQ:
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How to request purchase advice:
For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Jow Forums wiki headphone FAQ:
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OwO what's this?
valhalla 2 w/dt990 for listening to synth
I'd like to spend ~60€ at most. I can go up to 100€ but I'd feel very uneasy doing so, so I'd only do that if there's literally no cheaper alternative.
If at all possible, I'd like wireless headphones. I'm only willing to go to ~100€ if theyre wireless, otherwise please treat the ~60€ as a hard budget. Oh by the way, prices usually have a $1 to 1€ conversion rate (even though they can vary a lot for some models).
Germany. If you want to bother checking my local prices,
Mostly my PC, but regularly my phone (both support bluetooth and have a regular headphone jack).
>Type of headphone
I don't care as long as it's NOT in-ear.
>Open or closed
Closed please, I don't want to bother my surroundings too much.
>Comfort level
VERY comfortable. This is literally of utmost importance to me, the #1 deciding factor. I want to be able to actually wear these for hours on end, I don't want to have to resist the urge of taking them off after 30 minutes. Ideally, I'd want comfortable wireless headphones so I can walk around at home and never take them off.
>Sound signature
I honestly don't know. I like to listen to house music more than anything, does that help? I also listen to lots of different stuff though, like rap and some metal. I'll probably use them more for when I'm talking to friends, listening to podcasts or playing games than for anything else though.
>Past headphones
Creative Aurvana Live! They sounded really nice albeit not amazing. They made it fun to listen to music, but I'd literally subconsciously take them off after an hour cause they hurt the upper tips of my ears so fucking much. Comfort >>>>> anything.
If I'm wildly off with my budget, I'd be happy if you guys told me how much I need to spend or what I'd have to make do with.
Definitely Takstar Pro 82
Thanks bros. Are open headphones cheaper? I was not aware of that. Also, how much would I have to spend at least to get really comfortable headphones that hopefully don't bug me at all and that I can wear for hours?
I just checked out the Takstar Pro 82 though and they're not available in Germany, fuck.
Post pic of your head for best comfy recommendation
six layers of irony: the pic
I'm the German guy from before who's looking for comfortable headphones that don't cost too much. Two of my friends (whose opinions I don't necessarily trust) recommended the same Sony headphones to me independently (MDR-ZX330BT). Have you ever heard of these, and how are they?
UPS finally gives location map of delivery truck. Fuckers 20 mins away.
>Thanks bros. Are open headphones cheaper? I was not aware of that. Also, how much would I have to spend at least to get really comfortable headphones that hopefully don't bug me at all and that I can wear for hours?
HD 559 are 83 euros on the german amazon and would fit your absolute number one requirement of comfort.
So in my quest to find the best SOUNDING Bluetooth earphones for gym usage, I've decided on the Bose SoundSport Wireless. It's pretty diffuse field for a brand that's considered to be shit by most audiophiles.
The closed version of HD5x9 series, HD 569, is also at 120 euros if you can afford it and want closed it's quite decent and there is no other closed headphone at that price point that could be as comfortable and light.
You can wear the Takstar Pro 82s for hours with no discomfort, they're probably the most comfortable closed headphone ever
>they're not available in Germany
You have to get them from Aliexpress
>Are open headphones cheaper?
If you don't need closed headphones, don't get them. In general you'll get better value for money with open headphones.
Since you are German maybe look at Beyerdynamic headphones, DT880 is praised a lot
That's a price that I'm comfortable with if the headphones are comfy enough to wear. How much will people in public transit hate me if I use these in public?
I also like the detachable cable aspect. Man, the amount of headphones or IEMs that I've had die over the years because of cable cancer.
Thanks man. How high would I have to go if I wanted something like the HD569/Takstar Pro82, but with bluetooth?
>You have to get them from Aliexpress
Actually, not a bad idea. I've never used that site before but I guess I might try it out.
u gon get raped
>If you don't need closed headphones, don't get them.
I'm buying the headphones with at-home use in mind. But, I'm a student and I have to commute for an hour twice a day so if I'm spending a hundred bucks on some headphones then I'd like to be able to wear them in the subway too without grandmas around me hating my guts.
Is it just one person repeatedly shilling the Takstar at every opportunity? Is he locally known as the Takstar autist?
>but with bluetooth?
Dude. No. BT headphones are overpriced for lower sound quality. Don't bother. Cheap BT headphones like the 4.40 are torture devices.
Friendly reminder to judge people based on how gullible for marketing they are.
>BT headphones are overpriced for lower sound quality.
This is a myth.
b-but I want to be able to walk around the house and clean the apartment and shit while listening to music from my pc, bro
humor me for a second, if it merely costs 30-40€ to upgrade to "same-tier" BT headphones then I'm willing to do it
>if it merely costs 30-40€ to upgrade to "same-tier" BT headphones then I'm willing to do it
It doesn't. 40 euros more than a 569 gives you something like the 4.40 or 4.50 which have extremely tiny earpads and high clamping pressure. You said you cared about comfort?
Looks fine but I never had a problem doing big compound lifts with a wired set of iems. Maybe it gets in the way on machines? I would try using some cheap headphones with a cable before going for non-LDAC/aptxhd Bluetooth.
Maybe get open headphones and just use some cheap IEMs in public
ok who was this
>Maybe get open headphones and just use some cheap IEMs in public
I had that idea too, but man, FUCK IEMs. They actually give me a feeling of uneasiness/nausea, I don't know what the fuck causes it but I can't. And I've used them for years because I was dumb before switching to over ear headphones
Okay then, that's all I wanted to know. I'm scratching BT from the list, it wasn't hugely important to me anyway.
Thought so. Damn, saving the 40€ wouldve been sweet.
How do the Pro 82 compare to the HD 569? I can apparently get the Pro 82 for $80 from China while I'd have to pay 120€ for the HD 569.
>This is a myth.
Cite even one bluetooth headphone with a FR that doesn't look disgusting, that has APTX support and no terrible latency so that videos aren't completely desynced with audio.
He’s been 20 mins away for ten minutes now
Need headphones for gaming (wide/large soundstage). Currently using JVC HA-RX900 which are great but after like 6 years falling apart.
Would takstar 82pro be any good or is the soundstage too small?
Playing CSGO mostly
>I can apparently get the Pro 82 for $80 from China
You are german, right? don't you have customs fees importing from outside the EU?
fill out the form in the OP if you want better recommendations
I didn't ask for an article on what could or couldn't be with wireless technology. I'm asking you to show me one, actual, manufactured bluetooth headphone, that can be bought right now, that has a FR that doesn't look disgusting.
Usually near the end of your legs.
fuck if I know m80. We probably do. I found a british store though that sells stuff from Aliexpress, they're selling the Takstar Pro 82 for 53€ right now and this should be fine since its within the EU
what are you listening to /hpg/?
Only complaint I have about the Pro 82 is the headband adjustment on mine was quite loose. Everything else is fine though. Also you should be able to get them cheaper than 80$, I got mine for £50 on eBay.
Do you really need Closed headphones? If you are gonna be gaming you could consider getting one with a 3.5mm jack and buying the Vmoda boompro
latency is only an issue if the devices are too far apart or if you're in an area with heavy 2.4GHz traffic/interference.
sennheiser is pretty good
everything else not so much
t. pretty smart & knowledgeable person
Kyle Fields
Got the cd a few weeks ago and i'm still enjoying the hell out of it!
Holy shit, I forgot to check ebay. Yep, I can get them for 50€ from there too. That's what I'll do I think, because you can get your money back very easily through paypal if you get scammed on ebay.
55€ for Takstar Pro 82 vs 115€ for Sennheiser HD569, who wins?
These actually look pretty nice and cheap. I'd be interested in buying them if they were on-ears or over-ears rather than IEMs.
>if you're in an area with heavy 2.4GHz traffic/interference.
I most certainly am. Lots of 2.4ghz wifi here and my general experience with BT has been lacklustre.
Is $85 good for MDRV6? also is it good for watching anime
It is good for nothing.
Wait guys fuck, I forgot to mention how the Creative Aurvana Live! drove me insane not just because they hurt my ears, but because they'd make my ears get hot/sweaty after an hour. From the looks and sounds of it, the Takstar Pro 82 will do the same. Is this a problem with all over ear phones? Goddamn
what did you buy?
inb4 hd600 and schiit stack
whats a good headphone for watching anime
Most closed over-ear will be like that, unless it uses velour.
get open headphones then
something as big as the 569 is the closest to not getting hot and sweaty though. 5x9 series earpads are huge.
MDR-CD900ST, it's what seiyuu use.
If you're too poor then the V6 is a good choice.
cute girls but why is she showing lies to everyone on the internet
TKD stereo volume pot.
>5 star average reviews
>not a single review mentions snapping
Get fucked. HD600 is the gold standard in headphone fidelity.
You know what, I'm thinking about just saying fuck it to listening to music on my commute. Should I just go with the open-back 559s? They're comfortable and shouldnt make me sweat, right?
Cause I know for a fact that I wont wear anything that makes my head sweat for long enough, the pressure/hurt and and the sweating both kept me away from ever using my headphones so there's no point in making the same fucking mistake again. Legit didnt even listen to music that much on the bus anyways cause I didnt like my headphones
Why not just get $3 in ear monitors from your local library?
>You know what, I'm thinking about just saying fuck it to listening to music on my commute. Should I just go with the open-back 559s? They're comfortable and shouldnt make me sweat, right?
Yeah, but I don't know if you remember the popular HD598s but I've seen some normies using them in public, at really soft volumes they won't leak much to bother people (but people still will able to hear what you're listening to) and well you can't block stuff like sound of the bus engine or environmental noise, etc.
Any other idolfags watching this season's idol (horse) show?
That's probably what I'll do - get cheapo earbuds for the bus and open back for comfort at home.
Open headphones should be the gold standard when it comes to comfort and lack of heat/sweating, right?
This was my original post btw Never seen those, but honestly I don't listen to music that loudly anyways and I dont mind ambient noise, in fact I prefer hearing it over not knowing whats going on around me. I'll get whatever I need for comfortable hours-on-end wearing without my ears heating up, and if I need open backs then so be it
Cute choker and cute garter belt. Checked.
You truly can't do better with your current budget as far as comfort is concerned. 5x8/9 are not my favorite headphones but I can vouch for their comfort. You don't feel them on your head and the open ones will breath and won't get hot even one bit.
>gold standard when it comes to comfort and lack of heat/sweating, right?
Open with velour earpads.
Thanks bro. Thanks to everyone else too, you've been immensely helpful. I'll just buy the 559 and hopefully be able to actually use them, rather than having theoretically allround headphones that I never use cause I hate them so much.
I love most of the smaller topic-boards. Jow Forums is based, thanks senpaitachi
It just makes sense. You’re gonna be constantly distracted by your environment so no sense putting real money into them.
Most comfy are Beyerdynamic dtx00
>Beyerdynamic dtx00
The Editions aka Premiums, the Pros clamp like a motherfucker.
>Most comfy are Beyerdynamic dtx00
Come again? I can't find a model with that name on google
But yeah I think I'm pretty set on buying open-back headphones (whatever is most comfortable within my budget) and just buying some 15€ earbuds for on the go, I've never cared that much about listening to music in the bus anyways
Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you. You need to buy a quarter inch adapter to 3.5mm too because as far as I recall Senn doesn't include one in the 559 box. It's cheap, like a couple euros.
The quality of /hpg/ has significantly increased due to the footfags being asleep. Keep up the good work OP.
Fucking jews.
Sorry, dt880, or dt990. Those are stupid comfy.
>Sorry, dt880, or dt990. Those are stupid comfy.
only the edition/premium model as the other guy said though. The pro branded have much higher clamping so that they don't fall off your head while moving.
fidelio x2
k712 pro
Aftermarket cables instead of just soldering metal coat hangers. You been meme’d my fellow user.
>posting smoothed 1/3 oct measurements
>not buying cables purely for aesthetic
poorfag reee
Can someone explain to me what's so great about idols? Not trying to shit on you, just curious.
>not buying dollar store earbuds and eqing them to sound like hd600
I think they fuck horses?
Nothing, just a degenerate hobby.
>not just humming the songs you already have stuck in your head
Believable characters, excellent character development, great character interactions, on-point humor, visual aesthetic, good cinematography, engaging plot, catchy songs, etc, etc
>people buying all these super expensive headphones
>every TV guy and studio guy i've ever seen uses sony MDR headphones that cost about 100 dollars
>not hiring live musicians to play at your house
fucking poorfags
Studio guys wearing them are not critically listening, nor listening for pleasure. They just need to hear backing tracks etc.
to be fair they're the yamaha NS10 of headphones
I remember stealing a bunch of these from work when I was a teenager.
>I'll just buy the 559 and hopefully be able to actually use them, rather than having theoretically allround headphones that I never use cause I hate them so much.
I can't guarantee you'd love the sound as that's subjective territory. But there is no way you'd hate wearing them. For a budget under 100 euros this is as good as it can possibly get. In truth there's not a whole lot of headphones that are -more- comfortable than the 5x9 series. Premium DT can be seen as more comfortable, the pads are nicer feeling, but they're also slightly heavier. HD6x0 are actually less comfortable than the lower end 5x9.
Studios use extremely expensive speakers to do the real mixing work. Headphones in studios are for tracking/recording and they care more about durability of the headphone and noise isolation than sound quality.
Yeah, that’s fair.
>tfw retards spend a lot of money on headphones that don't come with a service manual with a parts list so you can repair them for pocket change if anything ever breaks
if your headphones don't have one of these charts, you wasted your money
Damn, and now you’re obsessed with a board on 4chins. Karma is a bitch