What is the best image viewing software?

what is the best image viewing software?

Attached: 1474326957852.png (1055x790, 1.37M)

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Not the default
I use honeyview on Windows
Haven't found one I like as much on Linux

ACDSee 2.4



JPEGView, everything else is pure garbage.

but which one can play webms?


webms aren't images

gThumb displays the video with a play GUI button, but it doesn't work for any format. It plays audio files though. I imagine it's probably just a bug for me that I haven't bothered fixing otherwise why would it have the play screen?

Which one can display OpenEXR ?


there was this rustfag doing a resurrection of impression:eyes by the dead SK guy (utilhaven)

I used to love pornview back in the day on Linux. I wonder if it's still around?

Jow Forums



FastStone Image viewer (fsviewer)

Jow Forums. Just dump everything you have in here.

Irfanview for wangblows

What is the file isnt a JPEG?


Windows Photo Viewer alone is good enough, but if you still insist, I recommend CDisplayEX.

It sucks since it cannot play mp4 or webm

add the ffmpeg binary (ffmpeg.exe) in the add-on folder and you get thumbnails for anything.

>inb4 bait
i'm replying only because i've seen people being this stupid unironically
OP said "image viewing"

Image viewing includes video formats

Impression:Eyes = Best all around if lack of UI is not an issue for you.
ArtSage = Best for still images
IrfanView = Best image viewer with UI. Supplement it's poor .gif handling by using impression:eyes only for .gif file extensions.
MMCE = Unlisted but is best for viewing archived images.

0 reason to use Bloatview3. 0 reason to use XNView. 0 reason to use FastStone.

Image Viewer | Memory Used
Still Image |
ArtSage | 2,852 K
I:E | 5,244 K
IfranView | 5,348 K
MMCE * | 8,072 K
MMCE * | 8,888 K
IMV | 14,876 K
FastStone | 25,436 K
XnView | 26,840 K
HoneyView3 | 40,572 K
Animated Image |
ArtSage | N/A
I:E | 3,324 K
IfranView | 5,346 K
HoneyView3 ** | 40,536 K
FastStone | 46,024 K
XNView | 50,752 K
HoneyView3 ** | 171,220 K

Still Image | a.pomf.se/fedf08274.png
Animated Image | a.pomf.se/77e7336a9.gif

ArtSage best for stills.
Impression:Eyes best for .gif
Impression:Eyes best for no GUI
IrfanView best with GUI
MMCE is best for reading manga.
*MMCE, by default, uses a 2 page view.
Two tests were taken, one as default
and again as 1 page view.
**HoneyView3, by default, opens .gif
files to take up the entire display.
Two tests were taken, once as default
and again by maintaining .gif aspect
ratio to "be what it should be".

you're shit outta luck

Nomacs nomacs.org/

Attached: nomacs.png (596x499, 263K)

cat IMG.png | lolcat

This, though.

feh + mpv and you can view/play just about anything.

anyone know a way to rebind keys on Impression:Eyes? it's perfect but i just want next and last on arrow keys instead of space and backspace

which image viewer has the least amount of UI?

Attached: avatars-000302566505-9jewa8-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 53K)

feh, no ui


Simple Gallery for Android. Sorry, desktop software is simply garbage.

Am I the only one who uses picasa?

Attached: splashbk.jpg (640x235, 43K)

Windows: Impression Eyes
Linux: Feh
Pic related. An image opened in Impression Eyes.

Attached: 1485649914323.jpg (500x690, 36K)

memes aside, okular for 1 image or gwenview for many images


is there anything that's exactly like it but better?
(IE: centered on screen with black tinted background, no UI)

On Windows: imageglass (imageglass.org/), It's open source.

On Linux, I use the default with KDE.

I just use the image viewer and deleted everything else because of how fucking intrusive it is.

Viewer is based tho

Thank you, sir.

this. Super light weight but feature heavy.


I use nomacs. just werks


everything else listed in the thread is retarded/waste/redundant.

>/threading your own post

Attached: 1513208906402.png (355x541, 179K)

>what is the best image viewer that can also download torrents,do my laundry and inflate my truck's tires?

this and I dont understand why


>Windows & OSX only
Yeah no.

unironically windows photo viewer

How can you make it so images that are larger than your resolution get minimized so you can see the whole thing?

this, I thank the annon that shilled me on it

Impression:Eye has two settings. Fit to Scale and Fit to Window.

Fit to Scale will load the image in its full resolution. Fit to Window will resize it to fit your monitor based on the height or width (whichever is the constraint). You can always zoom in to resize and it supports a few different resize algorithms.

I'm retarded you were asking about feh. Pass the following args.

--scale-down --auto-zoom

Thanks. Is there a way to set it to do that automatically?

Aho viewer or feh?

I don't use Linux much but couldn't you just alias it?
alias feh = 'feh -. -Z'

That worked, thank you.



I unironically think Gallery by Simple Mobile Tools on F-Droid is the best software at doing what I need without bloat. Is there something similar on Windows? I'm still using HoneyView 3 on my PC.

cp /usr/share/applications/feh.desktop .local/share/applications/
Exec=feh -N -B black %U


mpv --autofit-larger=1800