What are some low level IT jobs that pay well?

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>low level
>paid well


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nobody's going to hire a retard unless they're forced to

Head of programming socks department

you guys are really helpful

succing dicc

Go to college man.

We could be even more helpful if it was possible to slap someone through the internet. If you want a well paying job then learn a trade, get an education or suck some dick. If a job is low level then it won't be paid well.

If you want an actually helpful advice: Nothing in life is free.
Either you earn it, get lucky or know someone.

>what are some triangles that are also squares???
>you guys are helpful
Stop chasing the easy money meme

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play stupid games, win stupid prizes

I want to __________ Plumeria

This, would have done this if I knew what I was getting myself into.

>After high school I decided to get 2 higher specializations (networking and programming) instead of just going to college
>Got a job quickly doing Level 2 support, eventually promoted to Level 3, and now I'm already doing Sysadmin tasks.
>Not happy with the current conditions, so I'm now looking for a better job, found out that no matter how much experience you have, if you don't have a college degree, your application goes straight to the bin

God Plumeria is so hot

>t. murrican

Would earn for this job 5 or 6 times what I do now if I was in Murrica

Is plumeria a gal / gyaru in canon?
If so, I would smash her bu$$y.

> low level
> pay well
Make up your mind, kid.

Go be a ticket monkey for some MSP that'll take advantage of you and pay you 40% less than the industry standard.

>Totally not what happened in my first IT job... At all

Just do the needful and get a fake degree.

I'm currently a ticket monkey at an MSP where I get paid 40% less than the industry standard. This is also my first IT job. I've been here for close to two years, so I've started looking elsewhere. In terms of gaining experience, it's been great. In terms of a job experience, it's been rather stressful for the amount of money being made (by my bosses)

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I would be surprised if Nintendo didn't take inspiration from the Gyaru girl to create her.

The only useful export of Japan is gyarus and assorted choco-bu$$y JAVs. Otherwise it needs a few more nukes.


Nothing really. They're low level for a reason. If they paid well and were low requirements more people would be in them.

That's not the case though.