Office has a game room and a fridge with microbrews

>office has a game room and a fridge with microbrews

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We don’t have a game room but we have 3 kegs on tap. It’s a bit meme-y but I don’t mind it too much since most companies do that kind of shit to offset bad pay/benefits while I have food pay and benefits on top of the millennial memes like beer. Can’t complain too much.

What is this? Are you talking about K-Cups? Fuck you those far more efficient

>What is this?
Meme beers that taste like shit to normal people.

>he doesn't into beer

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Microbrews are basically like indie beers.

literally lmaoing @ your life right now

>go in to play in game room
>get yelled at for not finding extra projects to work on if your main work is done


Can you give me a quick rundown? I rarely drink and when I do I have to be a faggot and drink screwdrivers because thats all I can stomach.


its just small batch beer made in a small factory for BIG TASTE MY FRIEND

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Basically, if it's a beer you never heard of, it's a microbrew. It's going to taste like pure hops and you'll have breaded faggots wearing pink problem glasses tell you it's the shit.

Is it the BSD of Alcohol, Anons?

Microbrews are literally just beers made in microbreweries, aka not huge mass production ones owned by huge companies.

More like the Arch of beers, everyone who drinks it is gay

Why would I want to play games in the office when I could play them at home on my gaming rig?

Why would I want to drink at the office when I can go home and drink in the comfort of my own home while at my desk reading Jow Forums?

>not being part of the """culture""" at the office
>not being a team player

You do know in non-coastal states there are small local breweries that aren’t hipster nests, right? Nothing wrong with supporting local breweries. Hoppy beers/IPAs are shit and if that’s the only thing microbreweries make near you hen you live in a shit coastal town

What kind of companies have stuff like this?


Man I hate that shit. I get along with my coworkers fine, and all. We're shooting the shit all day while we're working.

But at 5 we all go home and live our lives. Work should be work. I don't want work to be my life. Silicon Valley was a mistake.

Because, silly! Here at Cooldavesawesomestartup dot com we just chill and totally kick back. You like movies, brohiem? we watch /hella/ movies here dudeson!

I fucking hate this cancerous office culture.
I work hard and efficient while I am at the office and I don't mind overtime, but when I am done for the day I fuck right off.

I don't want to spend my free time in the office, and neither do I want to spend my free time with the majority of my colleagues.

When I used to watch that 70s show like 10 years ago I always thought the bald father was a moron who couldn't handle new ways of thinking. Now I see this kind of shit in actual work places and he makes a lot of sense.

>H-Hello Sir I'm r-ready to work in my grey cube.
>N-no sir I won't talk to any of the employees as that would be an irregularity
>*puts 50c in water cooler*
>*takes adderal because the office has no colors or open windows, just LED lamps*

okay satan

That's some interesting fanfiction you're writing, user.

Trips of truth. I work to suffer not have fun.

If you want to be old and grumpy go work at a Pawn Shop. I don't want work to be miserable just like I don't want my homelife to be miserable.

Shittty hipster beer that gives you low T. Men drink liquer

>I don't want work to be miserable
Neither do I, which is why I interact with my coworkers most of the day.

We just don't drew microbrews in the gameroom after work. You need a healthy separation of work and home, user. Constantly spending your leisure time with your coworkers is not a way to do that.

>breaded faggots wearing pink problem glasses tell you it's the shit.


But if it were really THE shit then it would gain popularity very rapidly, they would expand production, and then it's no longer a micro brew.

So usually they are just talking out of their asses.

Nobodies saying stay after late with your lads. I see no reason why work can't be entertaining. Suicide rates are through the roof these days , user!

>I see no reason why work can't be entertaining.
If you're playing games and drinking beer, you're not working.

>something is popular means it’s good
You’re right, Facebook is the pinnacle of technology and Call of Dury is the best game series in history

Surely that just depends on the job. Casual drinking and ski-ball is a fantastic down time at the auto shop.

>Casual drinking and ski-ball is a fantastic down time at the auto shop.
You're on Jow Forums, and OP clearly mentioned an office. Now fuck off.

That stuff is meant to keep you at the office longer and the culture in companies like that try to guilt trip you into staying longer.
Its shit. I'm glad that where I live work means actually work and not fucking around and doing some work in between.

>He doesn't want to play games inbetween spread sheet sprees
I pity you user. Humans aren't meant to be so mechanical.

>spread sheet sprees
What are you even talking about? Data entry shops don't have fucking break rooms with beer and games. Silicon Valley software shops do. If you don't even understand the premise of the conversation, you have no place in it. You need to leave Jow Forums immediately. You don't belong here.

God damn this place is in the fucking shitter.

I said good things become popular.
I didn't say popular things must always be good.

Are you really too brainlet to grasp the difference?

>God damn this place is in the fucking shitter.

It's what mutts call beer that isn't pisswater.

And Silicon Valley is where all that comes from so that is a moot moint fwega

>it would gain popularity very rapidly, they would expand production, and then it's no longer a micro
Not necessarily. The liquor and beer industry is run by a small number of players, so it probably wouldn't be too hard for a microbrew to get cornered out of the market, get jewed out of a good distribution chain, or get bought out by a larger company and then rebranded

I'm not really a fan of any ((microbrews)), but I'll try a new IPA or something every now and then

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Given that you heavily implied good things are never unpopular, you are the brainlet lad.
Plenty of good microbreweries even among the shitty cookie-cutter “dude lets make the most bitter IPA possible!” shops. And they’re almost all better than the pisswater that most Americans drink (Coors, Budweiser, fucking Natty Light)

>so retarded he can't form a coherent argument and can't even type a coherent sentence.
Last (You).


>>office has a game room and a fridge with microbrews
and do not have sane private space. fuck openspace, really.

>trendy startup
>walk into interview with cofounders
>one is a fat fuck wearing company logo t-shirt who won't shake my hand because reasons
>other is pajeet
>know i'm not getting the job

>apply for position at a trendy startup
>phone interview goes well
>they send me a fucking programming assignment
>complete it
>they want an in-person interview
>it's at a coffee shop
>guy is like 15 minutes late
>interview goes well
>they want ANOTHER interview, but in their office
>talk with the founder for a little bit, goes well
>bring in some pompous dick who I guess is their CTO or something
>keeps reminding everyone that he has a Masters degree in Computer Science
>bunch of softball questions
>gives me some whiteboard problem
>yeah just do a binary search
>gives me another whiteboard problem with schedule conflict resolution
>struggle with it a little bit, since I don't even use a calendar and scheduling isn't something I ever think about
>think on it for 3-4 minutes, then write out a solution on the board
>>he's been acting really impatient the whole time
>it's the correct solution
>leave office
>1 week later
>sorry you're not the candidate we're looking for

As long as they're Thirsty Planet or Dale's Pale I'll drink it.

Otherwise discard

Alcohol is a disgusting and for degenerates.

If you drink alcohol or eat meat, get off Jow Forums



I'm a lot of fun. I don't need alcohol to interact with people because I'm not an alcoholic with social anxiety.

Send them a bill for your wasted time

Never work for startups, if you are somewhat good at your job only go for fortune 500 companies.
Better pay, better work environment, more room for growth, better job security... the only reason to work for startups / small - mid size companies is that the big dogs don't want you.

Imagine being so mentally distorted that soulless stringent corporate workplace ethics is something right up your alley. I fucking wish my office had a game room, the damn place wouldn't have been nearly as depressing.

Well yeah, I work in a fortune 100 company now doing random shit and consulting with other teams, so it's all good.

bruh, you got used, they just wanted the programming thing done for free. there was no opening

A quiet grey cube is 50x better for getting shit done than a noisy as fuck open office where everyone is screaming across to each other.

Not with that attitude

Where do you live?
Come hang out with me. I live in St Louis, MO.

Why on earth would you live inland?


>apply for senior front end dev
>they send me a programming assignment
>pass with flying colors
>they want phone interview
>everything goes smoothly
>on-site interview with CTO
>solve all white board problems
>everyone visibly impressed
>when can you start? etc
>say no thanks

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fun fact:
A lot of microbrews are part of the same half a dozen beer megacorps in the pic, for a few years now.

>Beer in office

Terrible idea, id be pissed by lunchtime and i only get real work done in the afternoon

>you grew up to be Mr. Foreman
I know that feel. Feels bad man

I don't know where you guys frequent, I mean I live in Florida and any sports bar or world of beer is going to stock nearly all crafted beer. Not Hipster chains at all.

Anyways, the stupid trend is to add a giant amount of hop oil to fucking everything and ruin it. I don't know why everyone decided a type of beer made solely for thr ability to be stored for long voyages at sea is the one everyone had to copy.

Anyways, I have to drink Craft beer, nobody but small breweries makes a Milk Stout, at least in the Southeast.

>pic related; not gay beer

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Not him, but I'm going to be driving across the country this weekend.
Let's hang out.

Because it’s cheap and not overrun with third worlders

lmao what

Beer worth drinking desu. Most people who hate beer say so because they’ve only ever had bud light or some other popular macro brew (opposite of micro brew). They think all beer must taste like that and say things like “Beer is beer! It all tastes the same!” Not understanding that there are so many different styles and unique flavors to try.

But apparently they intimidate people here. Weird. But honestly at the age I assume most people here are, I didn't like beer either. Now I really like it and want to try different styles and whatnot.

I don't think it's a problem if a macrobrewery buys them. They've at least seen the profit in diversifying their products.

The problem was up until 15 years ago the only mass produced domestic beers were extremely light lagers and maybe one brown ale

REAL developers work in shitty cubicles and have to pay for their own lunch and coffee everyday

enjoy your .NET/Java job while you're at it

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I love when underage Jow Forumsyards say retarded shit like this.

-somone who never drank good beer

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I'm probably the age you think people here are but it sounds pretty interesting to me. So far I mainly like lagers and am into trying different obscure brands and finding good tasting ones

No, they just think it's pretentious. Which it is.

Not everyone who dislikes you is afraid of you or jealous of you, though I guess that is a convenient story to tell yourself.

Kek, this. Always some fucking kid with zero experience on the matter.

I agree that alcohol is probably one of the worst drugs out there.

To claim it's only for degenerates and lump it in with meat it idiocy.

> Christian. Conservative. Family First. MAGA

No, yes, yes, no

You're into some fun times. There's such a huge variety of different styles and tastes.
> (You)
>No, they just think it's pretentious.
You limit yourself to bulk beer because you see microbrews as "pretentioud"? That's dumb as fuck my friend.

Working for a big company or the government is actually the most comfy.

Just show up, be nice, do your work, and enjoy your stable job with benefits.
No open-plan office bullshit, no cancerous culture of making work your life, no expectation to pour your heart and soul into someone else's company.

>You limit yourself to bulk beer
I didn't say that. You seem to be creating a false dichotomy as a rhetorical technique.

I don't drink beer often, and I'm sure some of them are fine, but most of the people who drink microbrews are constantly going on about MUH MICROBREWS and it's extremely pretentious. It's like a combination of obnoxious wine-os and potheads constantly going on about DUDE WEED.

They eat meat.

>complaining about having games in the office

Topkek. Why apply?

But company maybe, but public sector is the worst. Even private contractors working for the government.
t. Worked for Lockheed Martin for several years

So really you have a problem with people who drink microbrews and not the microbrews themself?

I'm in the military doing IT and it's honestly super comfy aside from not getting to choose where I live.

Are you serious?

You're okay, guy


A thousand times this. I worked for a startup for three years, and this was after being unemployed for a year out of university. I had no other choice. The hours were shit, the pay was shit and to top it all off, my boss was one of those typical power-tripping Type A entrepreneurs who believed himself more capable than he actually was. I was an idiot because I bought into his bullshit, that we were just about to go big, our stock options were going to be worth a fortune, etc. Imagine my shock and dismay when I went to work one day and the front door was locked, with a note on the inside explaining that the company had filed for bankruptcy.

Thankfully, the team of people I worked with were pretty good, and my supervisor gave me a good reference so I could get in with IBM. It's only now that I realize some of the shit I brushed off as "normal" was completely insane. I make far more money working far fewer hours with better equipment and much less in the way of workplace politics. I wish I had studied harder in university so I could have gone into this from the start and avoided wasting 3 years of my life.

Because I can.