Gnome 3

user, have you realized which DE is the best yet?

#most popular
#default in most distros (Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu etc).
#arguably the most supported, stabile and reliable linux environment out there.

Attached: gnome.jpg (700x400, 80K)

You mean KDE? Yeah, I use it all the time.

let me shorten that thread a bit

>muh calculator
>but granny
>not an argument
>xfce is better than kde and gnome anyway

321 posts and 21 image replies omitted.


xfce? I agree. it's the best. seconded by mate, also known as gnome 2.

I hope the 321st post in this thread is a reply to this post

>user, have you realized which init system is the best yet?
>#most popular
>#default in most distros (Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu etc).
>#arguably the most supported, stabile and reliable linux environment out there.
Same corp, same tactics.

Attached: byB68uS.png (500x700, 57K)

Gnome is supported by payed developers, since Rhel is an enterprise offering.

so yeah, it's best by default now and will pribobaly wipe the floor with meme options despite the indexer shitting up your performance and leaking memory like an unmilked cow

>mate, also known as gnome 2
They're basically GNOME 3 now.

>#most popular
the statistics have shown that KDE has been the most popular for the last 13 years now.

Stop lying

KDE is supported by payed developers, since Opensuse is an enterprise offering.

so yeah, it's best by default now and will probably wipe the floor with meme options

Isn't gnome the absolute worse thing ever though?

Attached: 1522715638653.jpg (894x712, 265K)

This not yours is it?

AP( )4:381:146:4710:08
AP( )7:569:0210:396:41
AP( )5:167:059:4311:24
AP( )8:3112:044:571:49
AP( )5:163:324:297:01

Attached: atv.png (533x400, 294K)

what statistics?

KDE and GNOME are both great depending on what you want out of your DE. Personally, I prefer the customizability and performance of KDE, although I appreciate GNOME's simplicity.

What's the best DE if you wanna focus on programming?

XFCE is GTK3 rubbish now, just look on some programs, ewww...

Whatever you're most comfy in and what works on your machine. I use xfce mostly or i3 if I just am doing one thing. Try out lots. Cinnamon and Mate are great places to start.

GNOME is unbelievably comfy, but it has tons of performance issues. I haven't used a DE with a better multitasking UI, and though I get a lot of people's complaints about Nautilus it's by far my favorite file picker.

>first billion dollar linux company behind it
>still cant get thumbnails in the file picker after having bug reports over a decade old


Attached: uncalculatedw_.png (411x336, 84K)

used nautilus for over 5 years now (iirc), but recently switched to thunar
pretty happy so far since it doesn't have those "required" folders for the sidebar.

I wish there was a vertical Dash to Panel.

I suppose, if it was usable.

Why are people mad about the KDE calculator?

>mfw maximum comfy
GNOME is the only non-sjit DE when it comes to Multiple HiDPI monitors

Attached: 1509160817273.png (2560x1700, 1.5M)

have you seen the ''new'' tweaks UI in 3.28?
whoever changed it should be shot