Tfw I stay on Windows just for this shit

>tfw I stay on Windows just for this shit.
Why Developers don't make games only with OpenGL?

Attached: Direct-X-9-Download.jpg (465x300, 14K)

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most opengl implementations on windows suck

because DX12 covers 95% of the copies they sell

Being this mad over kids shit

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But I want to play new gen games.

Attached: p_101528432.jpg (360x360, 23K)

who even uses that

There are no 'gens' in PC gaming.

Because consumer GPUs weren't cut out for full OpenGL back when they developed DirectX.

Into the trash it goes

Even with OpenGL, the API calls can have vastly different behaviors on different operating systems. It really boils down to how the operating system handles the low level instructions of libraries such as OpenGL.

This is also why tech like Vulkan is being shilled so much. Vulkan shifts the power over API calls to the graphics card manufacturers so they can determine the behavior regardless of the OS.

it lost the war for a reason.

Most OpenGL Windows games are working flawlessly through wine.

He wants to play newgen console ports i guess?

Then he should just buy a console.

didn't carmack shit on openGL back then? vulkan is probably the way to go right now.

Then my 3dfx card should be able to run far cry 5? Wtf I love pc gaming now

Yes, that was absolutely what I meant.

it should be though it won't since it does not support whatever shit it runs on i assume dx11? but the requirement for the support for a certain software does not mark a generation

so do most directx ones except dx12

Both are crap, they should use Vulkan.

historically DirectX was a lot more convenient for the developer. because of switch, 3ds and ps4 supporting some forms of OGL or GLES, more companies are starting to write OpenGL renderers for their game engines

vulkan is also starting to become a thing but only with valve's games

EA DICE and Activision are expected to continue using DX11 for some time and then start supporting DX12. EA DICE and Activision have a strong business relationship with Microsoft, and the "culture" in those companies is a deep trust of DirectX

>Why Developers don't make games only with OpenGL?
The main reason is probably that you can't precompile shaders. Developers of proprietary software hate this, and it's also a lot slower than compiling from bytecode, which is really bad if you have a ton of shaders.
The other reason is that OpenGL draw calls are more expensive than DX9 draw calls, which means that you have to be less of an idiot to make your game perform well. I have no idea how this affects DX10 and DX11, but I assume it's probably similar.
The way OpenGL is designed is also very antiquated at this point. It's designed around a single thread doing GL commands, while I think DX supports some level of multithreading.
Another potential reason was that the Xbox probably supported DX.

DX is really slow through wine, unless you have the d3d9 patchset.

Switch uses Vulkan, user

>DX is really slow through wine, unless you have the d3d9 patchset.
>it's slow unless you do the thing that makes it fast

the xbox used dx8.x
"xbox" literally stood for "directX BOX"

as for opengl, it's been around longer than direct3D, and was initially designed for more professional purposes, while direct3D was always meant for games, so while i'm not a programmer, it does make sense to me that d3d would have been, at least to start with, easier to make games with

More or less you can say that since Direct3D 7, each new Direct3D implementation marks a sort of generation.
The difference for the same game using DirectX7 and using 8 or 9 is abismal, almost like different games, look at for example Need For Speed Most Wanted (2005 version).

that word doesn't mean what you think it means
"an abysmal difference" suggest almost no difference

>Another potential reason was that the Xbox probably supported DX.
Of course it did, like said
And the PlayStation 3 uses OpenGL, what is your point? Pretty sure the PS2 can't use DX, so it probably uses some variant of OpenGL too.

did you purpusfully ignore the first definition? it's perfectly clear what he meant

Attached: キャプチャ.png (603x449, 21K)

>slow by default
>literally requires 3rd party patches to make it fast
>only amdgpu and i915 have a d3d9 driver on Linux

There were more OpenGL games back in the OpenGL 1 era. Possibly because of Carmack. I'm guessing OpenGL 2 is what killed the API.

thanks user

>literally requires 3rd party patches to make it fast
so? this is linux, "third party patches" is what it's all about
>only amdgpu and i915 have a d3d9 driver on Linux
it's in Gallium, so any modern free driver can use it

Did you purposefully ignore the word "difference"?

>And the PlayStation 3 uses OpenGL
There was something available called PSGL. I wouldn't be surprised if they added a ton of API extensions, so that your desktop OpenGL code wouldn't just directly port over to the PS3.
>Pretty sure the PS2 can't use DX, so it probably uses some variant of OpenGL
Most consoles just use some proprietary API that suits that hardware.

>t's in Gallium, so any modern free driver can use it
last I checked, it doesn't work on nouveau

abysmal difference = very deep difference
I don't see the problem, how is that "almost no difference"?

>last I checked, it doesn't work on nouveau
it does

Most big boy AAA games get released in console at the same time as on pc. In addition, certain special leaps in either engines or graphics cards can be considered a "gen"

>Then my 3dfx card should be able to run far cry 5? Wtf I love pc gaming now
could be possible if you write a wrapper and create a on the fly texture resize converter.

Goodluck for the next 5 years and let us know when you have it working

>In addition, certain special leaps in either engines or graphics cards can be considered a "gen"
ATI Radeon 9700 Pro was best Gen

>Switch uses Vulkan

games using vulkan - zero

fucking Khronos fucked everything they touched for years
>yet only 7 DX12 games from the ground up

you fucking realize 7 games using vulkan means ZERO

>7 games
that are absolute worthless garbage


>no I play newer titles
but why? anything good that uses dx has been written with dx11 or older

Wine 4.0 will own directX. After wine 4.0 windows is fucking done.

OpenGL sucks balls.

DirectX is easier to develop and result in better performance overall

You should be shilling for Vulkan, OpenGL is shit

PCs don't really have gens, instead they have eras. Like DOS era, 95/98 era, etc. Or you can just group them by dates.

What a retard.

There are no "gens" in general _anymore_, doesn't mean there weren't.

Neither would consoles, if the point is games, when you can have the same "gen" game on different "gen" consoles and making the point even more obvious, have games from one period of said "gen" look graphically massefly different over another game on the same "gen".

Generations are a marketing term.

Consoles do mark generations though.
Even the same game in 2 different gens show the abysmal (yes, abysmal, as in deep, big difference) difference in quality in video and sometimes even audio.
Compare almost any game that was made for X console and then ported to a previous gen, there is just no comparison.

DirectX was all about convenience of development and compatibility across Windows versions. OpenGL was more about ideological purity and maintaining unix philosophy. Now MS uses DX as upgrade bait and devs no longer care since using the latest and greatest means nobody can run the game. SGI died like a bitch due to the hardware people being tards and Khronos group is now all about the gaemsssssss. It is kind of strange how the two APIs trades places like this.

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to date the dx9 support is only there theoretically
in practice games either don't run or with unsightly big amounts of fixing shit

>freetards believe this

Never had problems with dx9 games w/ wine desu

>Wine [current+1].0 will own directX. After wine [current+1].0 windows is fucking done.
Since 1993 lads.

>mfw programming with DirectX

Save me.

Microsoft should just open source Windows and DirectX. This would make the world a freer place, facilitate innovation, and make the computing world truly cross-platform.

from the top of my head i can think of several visual novels that don't work

>This would make the world a freer place, facilitate innovation, and make the computing world truly cross-platform.
>Microsoft should just open source Windows and DirectX.
why? What is in it for them? you think they care about anything else than money and staying a monopoly if possible? they will only go opensource when they fear DX will die without it, as a last resort.

What's the deal with ComPtrs in Direct X? Did 9.0/10 use them?


Suck it up and buy/pirate Windows and dual boot then.

> the state of Jow Forums

They will open source those when Windows' market share becomes irrelevant as a marketing trick. They're already setting up the stage with the Linux Foundation.

This is debatable. There's plenty of examples of a late game for a previous generation looking far better than a launch release for the next one.

Console generations are only hardware classes and really a normie marketing term.

Where/how did you learn DirectX?

because querying OpenGL extensions is haaaaard, waaaah, why can't they just do everything for us?




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Dx lost the war. Most games are opengl or something based, all video, all web. Only desktop and Xbox use dx. And that's the 1%. Mobile is everything, & console fags

Have you tried playing any OPENGL games with an AMD GPU recently?

Shit is beyond fucked.
Hell even DX9 is kinda fucked.

> - Unpredictable general-purpose backend performance
> - Never ending zoo of extensions for your vendor-locking pleasure
> + Easy to use
> - Easy to fuck up with valid-looking usage

> + Predictable backend performance
> - Version X is a completely different animal than Version X+1
> - COM

Vulkan (because why not)
> +/- Obnoxiously verbose frontend translates to better overall predictability
> - Even bigger zoo of vendor-specific extensions
> - Need VkRenderPass for almost everything
> +/- Its LowLevel(tm) and Explicit(tm), so WYSIWYG (so far, so good)

With both, there's still something called "driver unpacking", which you can't afford btw, and is something Unity et. al. have already done to bring you their brand-locked shitty toolkits.

That said, I've had less trouble actually getting something to render using Vulkan + standard validation than compared to the thousands of inexplicable blank screens with OpenGL over the past decate+1/2 of my working with it. With modern OpenGL, your chances of getting a blank screen after the first build are increased multiplicatively with every extension the driver exposes, and sometimes for reasons that would require gutting your renderer.

With Direct3D, however, ItJustWerx(tm) on any compatible windows box.


i mean his is so tech illiterate that he doesnt know that vulkan is literally what opengl should have been a decade now

OpenGL API is fucking retarded
who the fuck thought merging samplers with images was a good idea?

They can't even get developers to make games with DX12 so what makes you think they would use openGL?


only on id software

Attached: rin ara ara.png (740x720, 655K)

How about growing up and not having "video gaming" as a hobby?

This is my favorite meemay.

> api does different things on different os

Thats because of shitty drivers breaking shit.

They're using Vulkan already, even big companies.
OGL is shit

Why is everything related to GPUs is such a fucking mess?

Linux PC/PS4 master race

Are there even any good libs for vulkan that make it bearable to work with yet?

Just write your own open-source DirectX driver for linux ;^)



Opengl is cool, but also sucks dicks, and is hella bloated, DX is more than just a gl, far far more, vulkan is closer to DX, but still sucks ass in comparison.