Post comfy UIs

Post comfy UIs
Everything in this webm is really nice and comfy

Attached: retrocomf.webm (1280x720, 2.36M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>files on desktop
choose one

Every little detail in this webm is pure disgust
>that little lame openbroadcast window
>screenshots scattered randomly on desktop
>weird wallpaper
>h4x0r conky
>that shit spotlight instead of dmenu
>retro arch
>almost full disk

Having your favorite program right there on the desktop, just waiting for your double click is the DEFINITION of comfy you pleb

>having icons
>not gentoo
>not i3wm
>not dmenu or customised i3input box
Clearly, you are the pleb

>hating on based rofi
>not replying spyro at least twice a year and then listening to the entire police discography afterwards
>not using conky to display vital system info
>not using retroarch for comfy snow background
>not using based waterfox
>not using your disk to its maximum potential

>all that shit

Attached: 1521651654923.gif (413x243, 51K)

Polybar looks way better and displays actual vital info

>all that shit
Atleast it's less autistic than your desktop

>implying anything above 14" and 640x480 is ever truly comfy

Attached: mac.jpg (2479x1653, 448K)

and not even organized files, just screenshots.

OP must have a very sad life if that counts as comfy


Fuck you my desktop is great

Attached: Screenshot at 2018-04-03 16-06-39.png (1600x900, 484K)

it's horrible

soybois on Jow Forums can't handle a REAL desktop

Attached: 2018-04-03-161536_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 495K)

>Everything in this webm is really nice and comfy
>those desktop icons

Attached: 1473307144887.png (555x655, 378K)

6/10 bait op, good luck next time but you're getting there =)

Clean your desktop.

Attached: 156165.png (792x792, 830K)

Attached: 1521681819038.png (536x800, 163K)


Attached: aid1054070-v4-728px-Avoid-Road-Rage-Step-16.jpg (728x546, 62K)

my desktop is perfectly clean and functional user

Attached: Screenshot at 2018-04-03 16-23-47.png (1600x900, 381K)

W-what's wrong with a T460? A-asking for a friend.

Attached: 1489555546258.jpg (389x389, 13K)

costs more than $150

conky setup ?

I have a j- My friend has a job though.

>crimzon clover

Attached: 075.jpg (1024x576, 51K)

so do I, I still have like 5 thinkpads that i got for under $100 each

But why do you need 5? Why not just get 1 that has newer hardware and just use that?

that's the thinksoy curse, they revel in their cheap laptops but end up spending hundreds on collection slow, old useless machines

oh it's the starless user. is that all you read? give me your newest gnu/eroge experience

whenever i see a T420 for $50 on ebay, I buy one.

also I gave a couple away because i'm nice like that

I took the futa pill user, no going back now

Attached: Screenshot at 2018-03-29 12-55-31.png (1600x900, 1.35M)

send me one

It is terrible

Attached: screenshot at... FUCK YOU.png (1600x900, 544K)


Attached: S.jpg (485x362, 30K)

Imagine being THIS mad at an image you found online

holy shit this is such an ugly desktop.
why do people with shit taste even bother to change appearance?

Attached: 24862169_513027362429538_8777722149051842053_n.jpg (335x248, 11K)

Attached: gnome-3.png (1920x1080, 30K)

Attached: 2018-04-03-224337_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 2.51M)

Ahh, I see you too are a man of culture

Attached: 1521531301453.png (1280x878, 72K)

>schizophrenic mess

That's not a 600X

So uhh... what is this? Asking for a friend.

>anything other than an anime girl on the right with a shitfetch on the left is a mess

user, cmon, the fucking screenshots on your desktop aren't even aligned which is completely besides the point that you're saving them their to begin with.

did you meant post desktops

Attached: isac's fourth pc.png (3072x1080, 2.05M)

May allah forgive me for this

Attached: Screenshot at 2018-04-03 17-02-21.png (1600x900, 1.27M)

what’s wrong with futa?

Attached: C65120C1-26F3-4223-8C01-1DC51CCFE0C6.jpg (1920x1080, 843K)

sauces? Still asking for a friend

Have your friend DM me on Jow Forums and I'll hook him up

Attached: low.2018-02-08-184328_1920x1080_scrot.png.jpg (1920x1080, 324K)

Thanks fampai

>desktop cluttered with useless files
>upper right corner has multiple files stacked for no reason
Stop everything else that you're doing and use your home folder for your files now. You can open it with a shortcut button so it's not even inconvenient and can fit endless amount of files.

I love the combination of cute anime girls and The Chronic

Nah I like my desktop the way it is

I kind of miss small screens as a standard. I know there's laptops, but I want an actual computer.


Attached: 2018-04-03-181230_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 1.26M)

Attached: 1522421080518.jpg (2125x1573, 343K)

how fucking autist you have to be to count in hexa

>le everything is soy meme

I love the combination of a cute anime girl and A P*nis

not everything, just everything i don't like

that's why it eventually becomes everything, other people dislike different things

Sauce me right the fuck now


Attached: wgfd.png (1280x800, 1020K)

Attached: 1522694613400.jpg (1426x740, 160K)

What's his name?

Attached: Screenshot_20180403-211718.jpg (305x288, 34K)

comfy pape but running windows with a top panel makes you look like pic related

Attached: jorge.jpg (500x500, 55K)

I don't like soy, tastes like shit.

Yeah, that's me.

what launcher is that?

It looks like mutiny. You can use it through mate.

No hate please

What os is that

Dan "if you scream I'll cream" Schneider

Aforementioned photo

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 1.69M)

nanoOS /arch/ GNU/ linux

Linux mint.

Attached: Muh screenshot.png (1920x1080, 1.09M)

Rofi's nice :(

That's very sad, how long have you been using that bloated fucked up desktop

10/10 taste in music and games but seriously dude fix that shit up what the fuck

pick one
chads have literally every file thrown somewhere on the desktop
serious file organization is legit only for incels

that is a shit tier UI
I am running that shit on a pc not a console, gimme a break

Working on adding a bunch of shit to make it actually comfy, but this is the boilerplate I'm starting with.

Attached: Image 1.png (1920x1080, 3.19M)

>2 clocks

2clocks lmao

God said 640x480 is a covenant like circumcision.

Attached: image.jpg (1469x1102, 335K)

It's a placeholder until I finish the lua script for the other one. I don't know Lua, so I've been having to cobble shit together, and it's taking forever.

>bitmap fonts just in one specific place

cute boat


Attached: 2018-04-04-111545_1600x900_scrot.png (1600x900, 654K)

>God said 640x480 is a covenant like circumcision
>amerimutts actually believe this

needs more soy

You're literally the reason Gnome is dropping support for desktop icons. I hope you're happy.

No, normies have all their files on their desktop, they are too retarded for drag and drop

Attached: 1522555775309.png (2560x1440, 1.41M)