This is it, Discord shitters
Discord should be illegal tbqh
I seriously expected more explanation from Stallman rather than linking to another website.
Oh well, here's the link:
Nice samefag.
Believing what a commie says.
Only one link about discord.
No source.
Get fucked, Richie.
Everything is sourced in the article he links. Get a brain.
A few quotes, for the retards here who still think Discord is safe when it's not and never will be.
>It is impossible to download the Discord source code and compile Discord, which means that it is impossible to prove that Discord is not spyware
>Discord is confirmed to log every conversation you have through Discord, and record everything that you say on Discord, and view all images you send through Discord
>Discord contains the "opt-in" spyware feature called "Social Media Integration
>This allows you to "sync" your persistent user identitiy on Discord with your persistent user identitiy on other spyware platforms such as Facebook and/or Twitter
>Discord has been confirmed to record the open processes on your operating system
>The CTO confirms that this spyware feature is mandatory and cannot be turned off
>Discord does not charge it's users any money to use it's services, yet it can sustain 4.2 million concurrent users on it's network according to its website. This is because it gets all of it's money from investment and data mining (spying on) it's users
>Discord does not charge it's users any money to use it's services, yet it can sustain 4.2 million concurrent users on it's network according to its website. This is because it gets all of it's money from investment and data mining (spying on) it's users
100% speculation and not proven
>Discord has been confirmed to record the open processes on your operating system
If you read the linked reddit thread they aren't sending this data back to their servers and are not recording your open processes.
>Discord contains the "opt-in" spyware feature called "Social Media Integration
This is literally opt-in and not at all required
>It is impossible to download the Discord source code and compile Discord, which means that it is impossible to prove that Discord is not spyware
>Discord is confirmed to log every conversation you have through Discord, and record everything that you say on Discord, and view all images you send through Discord
Do you understand how the internet works? Jow Forums does literally the same thing. It's literally what the service is advertising.
Nice tinfoil hat lmao
$5 have been deposited to your Discord Nitro account
>>Discord does not charge it's users any money to use it's services, yet it can sustain 4.2 million concurrent users on it's network according to its website. This is because it gets all of it's money from investment and data mining (spying on) it's users
>100% speculation and not proven
I wonder how do you get out of 1 million dollar debt by keeping all messages from people and saying in your ToS that you collect everything, hmmmm.
>>Discord has been confirmed to record the open processes on your operating system
>If you read the linked reddit thread they aren't sending this data back to their servers and are not recording your open processes.
Oh yes, like I'm supposed to believe that? Why don't we all use Facebook Messenger because it *says* that it encrypts our data?
>>Discord contains the "opt-in" spyware feature called "Social Media Integration
>This is literally opt-in and not at all required
Just give me your phone number if you want to post.
>Do you understand how the internet works? Jow Forums does literally the same thing. It's literally what the service is advertising.
Who can be behind this post?
>Nice tinfoil hat lmao
Everyone, just host a mumble server.
It will run on literally anything, and if you don't already have a server of some sort, you can get a free EC2 instance.
Agreed with this, IRC for text, Mumble for voice.
If I could pay $5 a month to opt my server out of data collection, I'd do it. I'd imagine that's more money than selling it to advertisers nets them. How would you guys feel about such an option?
Do you not know what discord is? This list seems like a rant from someone who doesn't understand the basic features of discord. I mean, there's irc and other alternatives if you're a creepy old paranoid schizophrenic.
Discord may be spying on everything and there's nothing you can do about it. So stop using it.
I don't use discord for encrypted private chatting, if you do, you're a fucking idiot. This is like whining about twitter because your tweets are stored on twitter servers. It's nonsensical and shows a complete lack of understanding of the purpose of the program. I use it because it's convenient, accessible, and has many powerful features. If you only use it for talking with friends about games, then there isn't really a problem. I'm fine with that data being sold in return for the service. If there was an opt out () I'd do that as well. If you're paranoid about it, why not run the program in some sort of sandbox environment?
wait js in my web browser has access to my process list?
no. this is the desktop client only
Stallman was right again.
I am not some retard pedo so I have nothing to hide unlike all you no life retards. And if I did have something to hide it certianly wouldn't go through discord, because I am not a fucking moron.
>then there isn't really a problem
The problem is supporting a service that employs anti-user, anti-privacy tactics as a business model.
>I'm fine with that data being sold in return for the service
Yes, you clearly are a retarded, consumerist drone who chooses convenience at any cost. Your ignorance allows such garbage to flourish unhindered.
While I do agree that Discord is a privacy hell, what the fuck are these ‘sources’ on? You can’t know if it’s spyware because you can’t read the source? Of course you can, just analyze the fucking binary like every anti-malware has done since malware has been a thing. As if you couldn’t hide malware in plain sight on open source code anyway...
I’m fine with surrendering my anonymized shitposting history to a company in exchange for a convenient service.
*tips fedora*
>powerful features
meme emojis and embedded youtube videos, so powerful
>If you only use it for talking with friends about games, then there isn't really a problem
Hey Bob it looks like the report we just bought from discord says that conversations among gamers about furry porn is up 150% this week. Better cut funding to the next PUBG update and instead switch over to making yiff skins.
>The only people who should want/deserve privacy are pedophiles
so we're on this again
>Rejecting streaming DRM is an etical imperative because streaming technology is intended to divide people and make them antisocial
ha jokes on them. I am already antisocial
>The Discord communications system requires running a nonfree client program that collects lots of data about users.
you can use pidgin to connect
GTFO Discord shills. Also Discord was funded by Time Warner.
Stay cucked faggots
Pretty much everything on the web is collecting data on you. The only difference is in how much data they collect from you.
Even if it's just a cookie that is necessary for a site to work properly (logins, preferences, history).
The more data you give them, the more monetisable it is.
So that's why you should never post your real name, picture, address, nothing too specific. As long as you're shitposting on their platform, you're giving them bogus data.
>can't sign up without running non-free code
>segfaults every 5 minutes
>absolutely does nothing other than send and receive messages
>still sends data to the botnet
>no source
Maybe you're new to this game, but with non-free software in general, it can always contain malicious things until proven not to. This is one of the biggest reasons to only use free software. It's safer and more secure.
damn, you sure told them. How will they ever recover?
neck yourself shill
What does stallman thinks of Jow Forums though?
>100% speculation and not proven
You retarded? Do you believe they're hosting hundreds of GB of data because they're kind? Do you think the same for Facebook?
>are not recording your open processes
Prove it.
>Jow Forums does literally the same thing
When did Jow Forums start downloading my voice data?
Discord or anything alternative, can we be so sure what's secure or not?
I say we go back to these bad boys. No gobb'rnment watching us now. Cups are open-source.
>pic related
a third person could hook a cup with a single thread on it onto an existing line and listen in
(also the lines have to be tight)
>The Discord communications system requires running a nonfree client program that collects lots of data about users.
Except it doesn't, i use it through Firefox and dont even have the client installed
Jow Forums ruining our reputation yet again
If u use a email and only shitpost on their platform it should be fine r-right ?
>rapes your computer with tens of megabytes of non-free JS
nothin personel kid
don't they ban emails
>a javascript client isn't a client
wow, mind blown
>non-free javascript clients
Normies... when will they learn?
Why do they always wait til it's too late?
I don't really care about most of the things mentioned in that link but thing about source of income of discord really made me fear about crypto mining, is there a possibility that discord could be using our pc for crypto mining? since it demands nothing in return
>100% speculation and not proven
it literally says so in their privacy policy you illitirate fuck
>I don't care that they are appropriating and selling my thoughts, feelings, content of my relationships with friends, etc
>but if they fucking take one of my spare cpu cycles with their shitty app written in javascript i'll be goddamn furious
I don't understand this mentality
this but 100% unironically
IRC you fucking retard
All of us are sinning right now by using Jow Forums's non-free javascript
when will riot stop being fucking shit
can't they use some of that money they've been receiving from those companies and hire a good UX develoepr
> not using FireJail
there is even a profile for discord
says you
t. 4chanx
>gaymer leddit culture meme messageboard is a botnet.
Wrong. I use qtchan.
People who unironically defend Discord should get the fuck back to
I created a few different accounts on Discord the previous week. It began to ask for mobile verification to proceed using the account. And now it outright denies the mobile number exists. So I'm locked out from creating new accounts.
There is no additional information. Just "Your phone number is invalid".
Anyone have any suggestions how to solve or bypass this problem?
Stop using Discord
I don't respect the app or it's general userbase too much. I joined it just recently and use it mostly just to troll.
This is a blessing in disguise
What do you mean?
It doesn't send any more data than you wouldn't send to any IRC channel
You're right about the frequent segfaults though. And about requiring nonfree signup software.
I mean you were forced to not fall for the Discord meme
Discord btfo
He didn't even do anything, he just endorsed some dude (good for him though).
t. Cuckscord CEO
>Mumble for voice
But who would I speak to? I have no friends.
What the fuck? My posts were deleted. Why?
Who deleted my posts?
You should be banned for phoneposting.
My desktop computer is broken at the moment.
Fix it instead of phoneposting.
>being this butthurt because someone uses a phone
I am fixing it you fucking cock. Why don't you get over your weird phobia of phoneposting?
>weird phobia
Sounds like you're just a dumb phoneposter making excuses.
It sounds like I'm not interested in your problem. Respond to this one as well.
Do people legitimately believe the bullshit these companies spew and/or give them the benefit of the doubt in situations like this? All "le tinfoil hat guy" and "le freetard" shit aside this is such a fucking naive point of view. The fact that you don't think you're constantly being datamined/tracked by every single service imaginable seriously baffles me. Even if it's not true there's literally no reason to believe it's not.
I just run it in a sandbox with a junk email. If you discuss anything of importance on a proprietary platform, you're an idiot.
Only edgy kids use discord, so I don't care.
I have a script that I can run to delete all my messages, but what if I wanted to poison the data and edit all my messages. Anyone have a suggestion for such a script?
Am I correct in assuming that poisoning the data is better than simply deleting? Because if the data is poisoned then they update the database with the new comments, whereas if you delete a comment, it could remain in their database but they just set a column to IS_DELETED TRUE?
That doesn't solve the problem of the Discord userbase consisting of people you'd never want to talk to ever.
>people still take this person seriously
Why would you use a pay toilet? Can't you shit before you leave the house?
Using a public bathroom to take a shit is disgusting no matter if it's paid or not. But taking the time to tell people not to spend money to pee like a civilized person is cringey as fuck
If this is the price to pay to not use other shit software like skype, mumble, teamspeak or ventrilo, I'm fine with it lmfao.
Good thing I only shit on the beach like a Pajeet.
That said, I never have paid to use a toilet outside of "customers only".
>normies posting their actual information like real names
>being this retarded
seriously, that's literally the only reason I can see muh privacy being an issue.
all I do is use it for games and yiff erp with my furry bfs using a fursona. I don't use my real name. You fags are retarded and paranoid.
This took me about 30 seconds to set up:
If you run linux:
>install firejail
>create /etc/firejail/discord.profile with the following contents:
# Firejail profile for discord
# This file is overwritten after every install/update
# Persistent local customizations
include /etc/firejail/discord.local
# Persistent global definitions
include /etc/firejail/globals.local
include /etc/firejail/
include /etc/firejail/
include /etc/firejail/
whitelist ${DOWNLOADS}
whitelist ${HOME}/.config/discord
caps.drop all
protocol unix,inet,inet6,netlink
>run firejail discord
>optionally, edit /usr/share/applications/Discord.desktop and replace Exec=/usr/bin/discord with Exec=/usr/bin/firejail /usr/bin/discord so that discord will automatically start in a jail
If you're on windows, there's no point for obvious reasons
Also, nice to see all the paid discord shills in this thread
Stallman hasn't got a house. He sleeps on a bench on the park.
doesn't work with canary, but that's fine.
Very good, keep defending the botnet my fellow go... I mean anons.
>taking anything this neckbeard posts seriously
this isn't even bad bait, this is just sad
omg why are millenials so fucking retarded?
thanks bruh, I used it on my steam and now it's broken
then edit it
this works with discord-canary
oh, i forgot the config dir
show us where
>>It is impossible to download the Discord source code and compile Discord, which means that it is impossible to prove that Discord is not spyware
But discord is javascript based, so this is technically not true
>Discord is confirmed to log every conversation you have through Discord, and record everything that you say on Discord, and view all images you send through Discord
Well no shit, that's how any persistent group message system works.
This is also all 100% moot if you run the browser version instead of the downloadable version. The only feature you really even miss out on is push-to-talk.
>yiffs, has a fursona
>calls other people retarted
Holy shit. This is literally a child's mentality
>hurr durr these crack addicts don't have a fucking quarter to go do crack in the restroom
>that means you can't have it either