Just installed Kali in mine laptop and looking foward to learn about its tools

Just installed Kali in mine laptop and looking foward to learn about its tools.

Been reading pic related, any more tips on where i can learn more stuff?

Also anyone uses it, if so what are some fun things you did with it

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Other urls found in this thread:

danwin1210.me/uploads/F3thinker !- Hacking 2017/1. Advanced Penetration Testing Hacking 2017.pdf

>Just installed Kali in mine laptop

Maybe these resources are what you're looking for?

>easy beginner bullshit

>prebroken images to work on.

>super secret club

>meme dragon distro but it just werks

>scriptkiddie starting point and swiss army knife

>From zero to OSCP-hero rough outline

>IppSec, video guides for retired HTB VMs.

>CEH, only looks good a resume to non-technical in HR

>OSCP, the big dick swinging exam, 24 hours to own 5 machines and a further 24 hours to write up a report detailing your methods.


>web app hackers handbook.
Thanks IBM!


>OSCP videos

danwin1210.me/uploads/F3thinker !- Hacking 2017/1. Advanced Penetration Testing Hacking 2017.pdf

>Advanced Penetration Testing


>learn assembly and C

Thanksooks like ive alot to read and learn

This is all stuff that should cover the bases of general hacking, not specifically kali, for the record. I'd just google for that.

Ye i figured that much, its mostly about the tools and knowing how they work and i know ill have to spend a few hours on google tho still not 100% sure if it will worth since ivent even though what i want to do with it

I just want to crack my neighbor's wifi...

You do know that kali/caine/backtrack etc. are meant to be live distros that are used for pentesting and forensics , right?
If you want kali, net install debian, grab a de/wm and the add the kali repos
to make a frankendeb. It won't be pretty but it's a LOT more secure than having a live distro running as a static build...

sorry user but could you dumb this down a little

>net install debian,
>grab a de/wm
>and then add the kali repos
to make a frankendeb.

If you're being sarcastic - fuck you. If not, hope this helps.

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I wasn't being sarcastic lol. Thanks this is helpful. I was also curious, why is it more secure than a live distro?

Kali/Backtrack are just Debian with a bunch of applications predownloaded, and were never meant for you to use as a bootable OS. They only exist for you to be able to launch live media without having to fetch a couple dozen packages by hand via a possibly unavailable network condition.

>why is it more secure than a live distro?
Short ver. - size of communities.

Debian has security.debian.org - specifically for security updates and is updated far more regularly than kali

kali's repos (I'm guessing) are really focused on updates to the tools rather than focused on security - they probably figure that most users are updating a live distro so their "bleeding edge" needs are for the best tools not the most secure environment.

I did read something about it a while ago (not using live distro like this as desktops) if i can find it in my bibtex I'll post it.

Have some blue board tits for not being a sarcastic cunt.

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>Have some blue board
picnic beauty that makes my heart ache with longing for a dream that will never be.


>You do know that kali/caine/backtrack etc. are meant to be live distros that are used for pentesting and forensics , right?
Being this stupid. Stick to bullshitting in person.

>he wants a desktop experience from a live distro...

Being this inexperienced with penetration testing and naive about forensic tool use... Stick to downloading userscripts kiddo.

not him but your fedora is showing user
just letting ya know

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>Being this inexperienced with penetration testing and naive about forensic tool use
You CAN use kali as a live distro for general forensic tasks and data exfiltration, but don't think you're james bond with a usb. Keep up the larping though.

You CAN use a shovel to chop wood, but don't think you're Walt The Woodsman with a hand linked and sharpened chain on your Stihl...

Using a live forensic distro as a desktop is not only a meme it also shows your complete ineptitude about how to use a computer as a means to an end rather than something you have a semantic connection to.
You are the /g equivalent of a hipster. Fuck off back to sipping your deconstucted coffee and unironically insta-ing pics of your smashed avo and poached quails egg on sourdough.

Cheers for the you's tho.

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If you need that dumbed down, you're not going to get a lot of use out of Kali.

I'm not OP, but yea I've still got loads to learn.

>but don't think you're james bond with a usb

>he doesn't use a cheap rooted android phone with a terminal app to do his wireless/bluetooth pentesting.

You're obviously an idiot and a troll, but I'll give it a go.

>stupid non-sequiter
Good one

>Using a live forensic distro as a desktop is not only a meme
Your entire argument is predicated on your claim that kali and laughably backtrack is ment to be a live distro. What evidence do you have for this?

>also shows your complete ineptitude about how to use a computer as a means to an end rather than something you have a semantic connection to
This isn't a high school cafeteria. You can't insult your way into being right.

>he doesn't use a cheap rooted android phone with a terminal app to do his wireless/bluetooth pentesting.
Yeah, that's how a live distro work. Wow, you're so smart! Are a private dick?

You seem really invested on winning this pointless argument with a stranger on an anonymous Algerian Wallet Stitching Comparison imageboard. Good for you.

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I know you are, but what am I?

>This isn't a high school cafeteria. You can't insult your way into being right.
The txt you quoted was the rationale. I believe this was the insult.
>You are the /g equivalent of a hipster. Fuck off back to sipping your deconstucted coffee and unironically insta-ing pics of your smashed avo and poached quails egg on sourdough.
Which had nothing at all to do with the argument.

>Your entire argument is predicated on your claim that kali and laughably backtrack is ment to be a live distro. What evidence do you have for this?
Backtrack predates kali. Both are similar in purpose. Caine is more oriented towards forensics rather than finding and taking advantages of security exploits and weaknesses.

Using offensive tools on a machine that has them installed is by it's nature a pointless exercise. you have ALL the incriminating evidence right fucking there. Running a live distro like kali provides 1 layer of deiability, using /toram for eg. would ensure even more guaranteed anonymity.
In short - if you're going to run programs that are clearly designed to be offensive in capability and nature on a machine that can readily be identified as yours - you deserve all the broken down doors and jackboots on your neck that are coming your way.

Anyway I've been a hypocrite and spent far too much time on you and this bread.
Cheers m8, hope you have a tipppytop day.

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>I'll have to spend a few hours on Google.
I have bad news.

>The txt you quoted was the rationale. I believe this was the insult.
Rationale? What? You can't toss in words into sentence to make yourself look smart.

>Backtrack predates kali. Both are similar in purpose. Caine is more oriented towards forensics rather than finding and taking advantages of security exploits and weaknesses.
Not sure why you created this paragraph.

>Using offensive tools on a machine that has them installed is by it's nature a pointless exercise. you have ALL the incriminating evidence right fucking there. Running a live distro like kali provides 1 layer of deiability, using /toram for eg. would ensure even more guaranteed anonymity.
In short - if you're going to run programs that are clearly designed to be offensive in capability and nature on a machine that can readily be identified as yours - you deserve all the broken down doors and jackboots on your neck that are coming your way.
Backtrack and kali is made for security professionals, not criminals and wannabe larpers. Also, if you want to stay anonymous, you need to use hardware that you can destroy. Stop being a faggot. No one here thinks you're cool.

Wow. You really are getting quite upset about this.
It may be time to have a rest from the 18hr shitposting on 4chinz days m8.
Just sayin'

>Also, if you want to stay anonymous, you need to use hardware that you can destroy.
This did raise a giggle form me tho, thnx for that.

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>Wow. You really are getting quite upset about this.
So mad rite nao. Raging

>This did raise a giggle form me tho, thnx for that
Right. Do wear a black hoody when you larp?

Was going to install Kali light, but since I'm on an XPS 9560, it got stuck in a loop trying to setup livecd. And trying to install it without livecd threw a shit-fit because it "wasn't a valid Debian image".
Now I'm on Ubotnetu

Switch to debian or install kali light like you would with arch. Worked for me.

I hate Kali. It's making the "hacking" community awful.
If you want to fucking "hack", get a fucking book. Get practical experience. Fuck, just go to wikipedia even.
You cant just magically press a button and get somewhere. You need to understand every fucking thing you do. Learn ASM, Learn tcp/ip, learn sql, and fucking master it.

>Do wear a black hoody when you larp?
You're big on this larping thing. Are you from /pol. Cause I am and that cuck-tier shit went out the window about a year ago.

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you'll have to spend a few YEARS on google

do you think she unironically likes japanese citypop?

>do you think she unironically likes japanese citypop?
I do not know.

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Kali is just a toolbox. You're right, but it's more like people install kali the same way that DIY enthusiasts buy a whole bunch of tools expecting that now they're pro woodworkers or whatever.

Normally I'm a Debian guy, just got lazy this time and did a clean install from the Ubuntu Server image. None of the bloatware, minimum botnet. Feels okay.
Will go to Debian though, when I get bored and have a few days off work to wipe it and reinstall, I need to setup KVM so I can do PCIe passthrough, and Debian's the shit for that.

Does this have guides on how to use the pre-installed tools in kali?

Another user here. Thanks for the info, since I recently made a third partition for kali, but im still clueless about everything. Have a good one.



Google Hacking is real and should not be overlooked. In terms of information gathering on subjects pertaining to hacking and cracking, I'd utilize Yandex or another search service.

You like to make assumptions. You're not as smart as you think you are. You remind me of this junkie I used to know.

OP, I use kali on the reg and though it may be confusing, you can really learn the tools and what the attributes do differently with each tool by just typing "man (tool)". So if you wanted to learn nmap, which by the way is probably where you should start, then type "man nmap". You can do this with pretty much every app installed on a linux distro and it will tell you what it is and give you a few examples. Good luck, I was pretty clueless about this stuff about a couple years ago and now I used my skills for a company that I work for. Good luck and have fun.

I just don't like cannonical. So, I don't use or support their products. Even their servers feels like it was made to take the "difficulty" out of linux.

Jesus, you came back for 1 more bite after nearly 8hrs...
>You seem really invested on winning this pointless argument with a stranger on an anonymous Algerian Wallet Stitching Comparison imageboard.
>It may be time to have a rest from the 18hr shitposting on 4chinz days m8.

>he blethers on about me larping repeatedly then lectures me on making assumptions....

>You remind me of this junkie I used to know.
Uh huh.

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Can you niggers like add eachother on discord and have your piss fight there?

WiFi is pretty secure by default these days. Don't assume it's possible.

You want some cunt?

Nuh it's cool - I'm enjoying seeing him get all worked up. It reminds me of a junkie I met once while I was totally not scoring smack off a stranger.
Sorry if it's harshing your vibe or whatevs m8.

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>he blethers on about me larping repeatedly then lectures me on making assumptions
Here's the difference, I know you don't know what you're talking about. You create this identity and persona for shitposting. That's why you posts photos with the same theme. Take all the little, petty jabs you want, you keep replying to me.