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You are linking to a chronologically later spam thread which should be deleted.
What are those things with all the holes in them and cables, user?
he needs to stop ban evading
Well, you know what they say, foot fags come faster
Cute kitteh. Which of those headphones do you prefer and why, user?
accurate chart
What's that thing on the lower left? A musical instrument?
Bottom right is a bass organ. You play the four barres that have sliders on them. Top middle is dual digital delays/loopers with middle analog oscillator section for modulating or as sound sourc etc. These are modular synths, the Holes are inputs and outputs, but unusually in ciat-Lombarde instruments the ins can also be outs and vice-versa. Very unique circuits.
The real accurate chart.
>a bass organ
>without keys
Yes, that is a Karimba.
no ath-ad headphones :(
dt 990 are one of the shittiest headphones in mid range.
>I can barely hear treble because I am 90 years old: the chart
This is extremely true.
>no ath-ad headphones :(
I merely rearranged the chart. The ads would have a place on the fourth row otherwise.
Isn't this pretty cheap for an sa-1000?
I thought they were way more expensive
Why do you have all this stuff? Do you work in music for a living?
Except that they are 880.
>the HD600 is a little bit more neutral [than the HD650
>the HD600 is the better value [compared to the HD650]
>I'm really confident that the HD600 will be the better fit for me long term [compared to HD650]
>I prefer the HD600s over the HD650s
>if I had to choose one I would go with the HD600 over the HD650
>describes the HD650 as "more colored"
Those are also some of the shittiest headphones in the mid range.
There are barres instead of keys, each barre controls envelope of an oscillator. Each barre has a piezo mic attached to it, and you rub, tap, squish or whatever to make a sound. These are stereo instruments so your press gesture goes out the left signal, while the release gesture goes out the right signal. The patch bay in the middle is for patching between the oscillators. Here’s a pic of the Sidrax Organ, and Tetrax Organ.
That sounds difficult to play.
Easy EQ, then! With the non-driver matched (To +/-1db) HD 600s, you never truly are going to know what to receive. A shame, really...
Yes. Headphones is hobby
Said the NHA who has heard nothing.
Yes and no, depending on what you’re trying to accomplish. Playing the barres is quite expressive
HD600 are driver-matched. They are also the best headphones in the world.
This isn't okay, you fucking people need to stop with the double threads. As a frequent poster here it's annoying and it's probably even more annoying to people who don't give a fuck about this thread. If there is already a thread do not create another.
What's the advantage over playing a synth organ with keys?
this one came up first
Her3 are his other organs, the Deerhorn. There are three “theremin” like units per instrument. Similar stereo output where your hand approaching the antenna sounds from the left while your hand moving away sounds from the right. They are pretty incredible.
Post this in the other thread, which was intentionally created after this one as a spam thread.
Then the other one needs to be deleted. I'm fucking mad.
Do you have an actual theramin? Those are cool as shit.
i wonder how mad anti foot fag user will be when his thread gets deleted AGAIN. he might kill himself
>Then the other one needs to be deleted.
We are in agreement. The OP of the other thread did the same thing yesterday and intentionally created a second, superfluous, spam /hpg/.
Ah, but are they driver matched to +/-1db? That's where the superior, driver matched to +/-1db HD 650s come in :^)
I don't speak outdated, non-official statements, btw
well he got banned the other day for that and ban evades with tor so what do you expect?
Aside from the stereo response of playing the barres, the oscillators per Organ have their bounds connected in a circle. so tuning one will effect the oscillator on either side. With the patch bay you can get into chaotic territory, you could patch the press gesture to FM another oscillator for instance. You should really check out and dig around.
Nice Thinkpad, nice best headphones in the world. What are those DAPs?
>but are they driver matched to +/-1db?
Yes. That is confirmed both by the screenshot and the links in the post you are replying to.
FiiO X3 II (I use it for sports with Bose sound sport earbuds)
Yeah, nothing fancy like the Deerhorn which are three theremin. Have a simple Lastgasp Art theremin. It’s fun.
Why do you have two of them?
Cool little theramin. Want.
Nowhere does it state, though. Hence why you had to email Sennheiser for confirmation
I don't speak non-official and non-up-to-date statements, btw
So the $200 hd650 isn't worse than the $1k msrp lcd2 or $800 msrp + 2 hours modding he500. Ain't that some shit
This is a top tier pic what a god damn cute I want to kiss her neck
The best one for daily travels and the other one for sports so I don't care if I break or lose it
I'm sorry you can't read English and you can't read graphs, user. HD650 are not driver matched. Pic related.
Were you unfortunate enough to not learn about Clip+ before it got discontinued? That's the ultimate beater DAP.
It’s a discontinued model. Check yahoo japan etc. Lastgasp Art Labs was originally Japan and they show up used more often in Japan than likely on sites like reverb. I think I paid $35 for it. Good luck!
>So the $200 hd650 isn't worse than the $1k msrp lcd2 or $800 msrp + 2 hours modding he500. Ain't that some shit
Of course it's not. It's Sennperior. You should hear an HD600. You'd really be impressed then.
Posting defective graphs is not going to help your cause, my dear user! As every headphone enthusiast clearly understands, the HD 650s are driver matched (+/-1db) using the highest of tech mankind has to offer, whereas the HD 600s are not. A shame, really
That is not a defective graph. If you think it is you clearly can't read graphs.
This is also not a defective sample.
Maybe I'll trade it for one or something. I bought it to be my warm utterly non-fatiguing headphone because I listen to music for like 16 hours in a row some times and even the he500 gets fatiguing after that long but now that I have an lcd2 to fill that role theres no reason to have an hd650 instead of the hd600.
At the moment I'm looking into like stax and the hd800
My FiiO DAPs can drive almost everything, their DAC are proven accurate and I can store many, no need for anything else
Sexy as fuck feet.
>I bought it to be my warm utterly non-fatiguing headphone
Well it's certainly that. HD600 is not that quite as much. It's more neutral, so bright recordings will be actually bright. If you specifically want a headphone that takes the edge off of bright recordings just stick with what you have.
mfw bitch about other forums banning/censuring but applaud it here. Serious tism
Clip+ can drive almost anything and its DAC is measurably accurate too. Alls I'm saying is back when it was available it was a much better value and was the very definition of "don't care if it breaks" at its low price. I'm glad you're happy with your current stuff though.
Is this acceptable driver matching for a $400 headphone?
anyone ever use a german maestro gpm 240? it uses the same frame as old dt 880s
I don't bitch about banning on reddit and I also don't post there either, I report sapphire with a lurker account whenever I see his posts because it's funny. He deserves to be banned if he keeps coming back to a place where the moderators actively try to keep him out and he keeps coming back.
cracks me up every time
Interesting. Does it also have ear rape treble?
Nico a cute. A cute!
Wow, that HD600 is really accurate and that HD650 is really veiled with really bad driver matching.
What mods did you do to your HE500? Why did you feel the need to mod it?
But user, they clearly are not matched to +/-1db, thus, defective. Whereas, there is no limit to the HD 600s, driver matching. You never truly are sure what you're going to receive :^)
How old is your Thinkpad? Can it play 720p anime without frame drops?
This is a defective sample of the HD600. If you cannot identify this, you obviously can't read graphs. Have a non-defective HD600 sample measured by the most credible internet measurement website with the most credible, accurate target curve:
Is there a guide on how you should use a EQ.
Just got my M40x and I'm going to put some HM5 pads on it! I know what the EQ is for but I don't know what I should be looking for when making changes.
Any M50 user here? I'm buying a new pair of ear pads replacement, should I pick velour, pleather or hybrid? How do these pairs affect the sound signature?
My mod was the jergpad 2.5 mod that you see on headfi. I felt that the pleather pads were too bassy and the velours were too far the other way. The jergpads are comfy and land right in-between the two and they also had measurements that looked more neutral so I went for it. Extremely pleased with the result. They sound incredible, I was just surprised how good the hd650 was in comparison. Kind of expected the he500 to be head and shoulders above but it's just different, not better.
Changing earpads will greatly complicate your EQing efforts. EQing is much easier when you have online measurements (such as measurements of your M40x) to refer to, but those measurements become null and void when you change earpads.
kek, user has spammed the old thread no less than four times with links to his new spam thread. He mad.
What material are the Jergpads?
Use these:
They won't change the sound much, are very soft and will last much longer than pleather earpads.
Can't I use those measurements as a base and try to mimick the sound after the change of pads. I rather have comfier ones. Going for some HM5
That's an X250 still under warranty with 2 batteries. That's my working machine because all I need is typing text and browsing the internet
They're made out of the pleather and velour pad. You kind of sew them together on the inside and flip them back over. So it's like the stiffness of the pleather pads but with the velour actually making contact with your ears. You then cut holes around the inside of the pad to vent them a bit more. You also slide some double stacked adhesive back felt trips behind one side of the pad to slightly angle the driver.
This shows how it's done
You could, but I doubt you'll be able to match the earpad changes by ear.
Huh, velour comfort without velour bass leakage. Headphone manufacturers should take note of this.
Thoughts on the MEE Audio M6 PROs?
They couldn't even find a guitar without dirty, rusted strings for their promo pic?
A few things I can think of from my experience with velour and leather ear pads:
pros: fuzzy, warm in winter
cons: sweat can make it disgusting (not a problem if it's washable), not sure how it handles summer heat compares to pleather.
pros: greater noise isolation
cons: not as comfy, will probably be hot and disgusting in summer but at least I can wipe them with cloth
Hybrid (basically velour but better?):
pros: medium noise isolation, still as comfy as velour
cons: same problem with velour
sound signature: ???
How do they compare to HM5 pads?
That and the terrible glue job are part of the charm
They should theoretically change the sound less than the HM5 pads because they are more similar in size and shape to the stock M50 pads. The HM5 pads should change the sound more because the move the ear further away from the driver.
Kek, didn't even notice the glue job. That's awful.
how do you put them in your ears? im genuinely curious
Thanks user, I'll check to see if there's any shop in my city sell this pair. Kind of unlikely but who knows.
Pleather pads get sweaty and slippery as fuck and this is a non-starter.
Beyerdynamic already knows how to make velour earpads that keep the bass.
Why can't you just order them online?
Custom Studios are nice. Like DT770 without the excessive treble. If I needed closed headphones I think those are what I'd buy.
Because I currently live in commieland and I'd rather not wait for months and pay shipping fee higher than the pads.