Attached: yt.png (1555x891, 1.97M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Patients are being treated at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital
>Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital
>Zuckerberg Hospital
There's no stopping the lizard, is there?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

is it a good time to pass my CV?

Probably gonna be some vacancies there now.

Attached: 1478023281621.png (280x332, 12K)

Hey, it's not often we get happenings of this nature on Jow Forums.


Attached: malice.png (1280x720, 949K)

I heard the cops had to leave their weapons in their cars due to it being a gun free zone.

If post ends in 6 fucking everyone dies and jewgle hq is next

3 and youtube shuts down in 5 years

So close user, but I'll get it right 4 you.


>shooter is a white woman in a headscarf
This has potential to be incredible

Attached: 1520121277603.png (337x372, 19K)

It would be great if this was related to YouTube deciding to ban or demonetize videos about guns.


Attached: 1516015798500.png (642x409, 58K)


Who of you did it, faggots?

Kek. What about the framerate?

This tbqh.

It's a passing thing anyway, mods. Just let it play itself out.


It's literally in their lobby

Shooter is female they say

Probably some tranny

This is why you should crack down on mental health and gun problems at Youtube HQ.

But I doubt they'll ever use that headline.

God bless that user.


I can't wait to learn the shooter's preferred pronouns.

Attached: MESSIMESSIMESSI.gif (359x360, 2.15M)

He can't keep getting away with it!

Attached: sh.jpg (186x186, 7K)

Absolutely this.

Attached: 20018bb1f63715a3494dac4d654ca0c8_view.jpg (405x214, 24K)

post yfw moot got killed

Attached: 1518744611164.png (640x595, 1.46M)

also wore a headscarf, allegedly

Pic in the last (deleted) thread. She was mutt. Wearing a "headscarf" that's totally not a turban.


Attached: 1520445728897.jpg (800x771, 43K)

He works at a separate company under Alfabeta.

This doesn't belong on Jow Forums.
No. You're a fucking idiot. Go to Jow Forums you shithead. This has to do with a company that has to do with what you regard as technology.
The actual event has nothing to do with technology beyond the usage of tech, guns.
>yeah just let the rules be violated
>it'll be over soon
There's millions of threads about this on Jow Forums I imagine. Go there. You don't belong.

Attached: won't forget moot 2 1522629355306.jpg (610x660, 64K)

are you autistic?
how is youtube not technology-related?

Guise, I found the rat.

We did it bros!

Attached: jesus christ how ebin.png (444x440, 73K)

So much disinfo being spread from shitposters and memesters I'll just wait until a few hours later to see what really happened

Hi YouTube.

>stop liking things i don't like!

Attached: f136732080.jpg (650x650, 118K)

wait, people weren't trolling with this one? i don't know anymore.

Police scanner link:

The actual event immediately supervenes upon technology.

t. jewtube employee
Hope the tranny muslim shoots you next faggot.

Doesn't moot work there?

He's mocking rednecks who make uninformed arguments about gun free zones being the actual problem which allows mass shootings to happen.

Dark Side Phil is going out in style.

Attached: DSP_CowboyHat.png (237x200, 58K)

>gun free zones help
>criminal wants to commit a crime but can't because he is not allowed

Not anymore.

has sam hyde gone too far

Literally every school shooting in America has been in a gun free zone. How is it uninformed?

Oh user, I expect the average "youtuber" monetizing this. Same that every american shooting

YouTube is.
An attack on YouTube isn't.
No you're the rat. You're spreading your fecal matter all over this board.
It's not about that. This belongs on Jow Forums. Go to Jow Forums.
Oh really? So we can post anything here if it happened recently? That's great. And who's the arbiter for the time span?
How brain damaged would you have to be to think YouTube employees care about how you're shitting up the boards?

Because he's a diehard demofag and reading the truth hurts his feelings.

It would be nice if the shooter's motivations had to do with YouTube censorship and adpocalypse, etc. That would lend credence to the argument that censorship of people and opinions you don't like simply leads those opinions and people to go other places and become more radicalized and dangerous.

Unfortunately this is likely just a lover's quarrel bullshit.

Does Jow Forums make the list now?

Attached: 1501009937179.jpg (7182x1000, 1.55M)

How about the Vegas shooting? Would white knights be able to fire back at the assailant there?

Besides, cops and security are still armed.

I think that is pretty obvious at this point that this female identified as a privileged white male.

t. still a jewtube employee, this time extra assblasted

If the headscarf and """woman""" things are true, then it's probably some asshurt about jewgle not being inclusive enough.

Great repost from the other thread. Didn't even try to change the wording.
So you're posting this for political 'awareness' reasons.

Technically speaking if they didn't have so many server glitches yesterday this would not have happened.

I did change the wording a little. Couldn't remember exactly what I wrote in the last thread.

this tbqh

wholly deserved.

Watch, it's just going to be a dumb youtuber with a million followers that no one's ever heard of.

Attached: 1430431389914.gif (500x250, 824K)

YouTube is technology. The event is about YouTube.

Just because you personally feel like this doesn't belong here doesn't make it so.

You're not god, so fuck off.



nice phonespacing my dude

Are there any confirmed deaths so far?

The shooter was a female. If I had to guess, it was a basketball american.

So Youtube, how'd banning gun videos go? That working out for you?

Reminder that strict gun laws aren't necessarily correlated with reduced gun violence.

But they are clearly correlated with less mass shootings.

In the decade before Australia passed their gun restrictions, there were 7 or some mass shootings. Since then there have been none.

Mass shooters overwhelmingly get their arms legally or through people close to them who have gotten them legally.

Lax gun laws equals more mass shootings. This is incontrovertible and confirmed by multiple studies.

Hopefully they're all dead.

So good chance of 10 deaths minimal?

>ban gun videos
>get shot

they are replaceable

Read the rules you dense fuck. There's no reason to go here over Jow Forums for this.
You're only faced with Jow Forums posters on this topic.
Nice technology related post friend.

We can always hope.

Why? You think the tech staff are the right guys to kill, over fucking Youtube?

From what I gather, we only know of injured people so far.

Don't bother with thinking for these people. They don't have the brains to absorb it.

You're just continuing to dictate your personal feelings about what should belong on this boards upon us all.

Oppressor. Tyrant.

fucking kek

So where should the shooter have attacked to best take on the real youtube?

There's a confirmed death already

>This doesn't belong on Jow Forums.
Google IS technology. YouTube is technology.

This is possible. We'll find out soon enough. Envision that you started as a small youtuber and you grew and got a ton of subscribers and advertisement revenue and after a few years you decide to quit your job and do it full-time. So you keep doing it full-time for a few years and take out a mortgage and buy a house. Then suddenly YouTube decide that you don't have the right political opinions or you said something they now decide is controversial in some old video and suddenly your channel's just gone, censored away - and your income's just gone. Your life is basically ruined. I could see how someone would want to take revenge.

Yeah we can always get more H1B1.

you can always go back you know

>Oppressor. Tyrant.
sounds like a jewtube employee that needs a stomach full of lead, amirite bros?

Technically speaking this was Python's fault

Actual woman or a tranny?


>Nice technology related post friend.
Well, gun laws are related to this technology related event. Deal with it. Sometimes different subjects are intertwined. Fuck, it's like I'm trying to explain reality to a child. kys


Are you assuming their gender?

oh man, imagine if it was a tranny

Fuck your edgelord horseshit, you thirteen-year-old turd.

Of course if they'd been using Thinkpads instead of Fagbook airs, they could have used them to stop the bullets

YouTube is written in Python?