/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General

/mkg/ - Proper Thread Edition

Boy that last thread went by fast, probably the fastest in the last couple years
>Mech enthusiast starter edition
>Buyer's template:
>Where to Buy:
>Use the buyer's template
>Keyboard wiki
>Keyset wiki
keypuller.com (web.archive.org/web/20161101152119/http://keypuller.com/)

Last Thread We should really update these pastebin, that :started" edition isn't all that great

Attached: flow chart.png (1560x963, 220K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Are you faggots done arguing.
Recommend some faggot color keycaps for my Anne Pro that in the mail.

tai-hao miami

GMK Miami is the only option you really need since it's the OG fag set

Attached: miami.jpg (1296x745, 144K)

yes, it was settled that artisan keycaps are for effeminate faggots with shit taste

A few threads ago someone had a picture of a 65% keyboard with a split spacebar, if you're still here I was wondering exactly what board that was. The only thing I could find matching the profile was the yet to be released Z70.

Attached: 1500890936645.jpg (1980x600, 664K)

Thanks. I like classic looks but I also like faggot colors.
Artisan caps are gay tho.

well that keyboard in the picture is the Z70, but vortex is also working on their own keyboard called the cypher

>We should really update these pastebin, that :started" edition isn't all that great
is wiki.installgentoo.com toast?
we could put everything there

Y u haf to be mad tho?

Attached: palebluedot.jpg (955x637, 98K)

Yeah the picture was for reference. Okay that's what I gathered from the other user but I was unable to find anything about the vortex board. I'll try looking again thanks user

honestly the deskthority wiki is soooooooo much better. Why not just copy that

That is pretty cool user

>I was unable to find anything about the vortex board
really? it was the first result on yandex

Attached: cypher.png (496x634, 576K)

Cool story bro.

Attached: lememefrog.jpg (1080x1080, 111K)

>Are you a hipster
>Model M or Model F

Attached: imacomputer.jpg (480x360, 15K)

because it reminds me how pathetic we are that no one is able to put a decent guide for anything

Yeah I finally found it on facebook, their website doesn't seem to have anything though.

nah this... this is something you should kill yourself over. This is the appropriate amount.

hey we got a slightly outdated switch guide put together by a tripfag

Attached: official mkg switch guide.jpg (2499x2167, 679K)

Last one before I go back to waiting for my new keyboard in the mail.

Attached: silicaps.jpg (1080x1080, 104K)

That looks pretty sex. I like the color.

everyone knows model m users are commies

Attached: Lenin.jpg (570x427, 54K)

>tiny keyboard
>huge mouse pad
Found the /v/ermin

I might get that keycap just for triggering. That was a fun thread last thread.

Surely commies don't have money for those newly made model Fs though.

I am a rich commie

wait a minute I thought hipsters buy overpriced pretty shit.
The model m is a standard industrial beige keyboard you can get for cheap on ebay and lasts a long time.

How does that make sense?

Gud joke, comrade.

there are two types of hipsters user. There are those who buy datamancers, and those who buy old junk

There's probably a better term for them, but fascination with retro shit is part of the hipster grouping.

How do you find keyboards with non-standard switches?
I can only find MX and topre switches anywhere. I want to try some of the rarer Kaihua switches, but can't find a premade keyboard with them anywhere.

ok this may sound hipster-esque, but isn't the model m pretty up there considering that the case and mold construction is pretty tough. Not to mention buckling spring tech is expensive and rarely made that well today?

>I want to try some of the rarer Kaihua switches, but can't find a premade keyboard with them anywhere.
You won't find them premade... you probably need to solder them in because... well... they are not mainstream.

Get a GMMK and just hotswap it without soldering.

you guys talking about the sturdy construction and durability and long lasting shit is always ridiculous to me, I've never known a keyboard to actually stop working unless it was gamershit or somebody spilled on it, literally any random dell keyboard will last 50 years

mechanical keyboards has some

This is an off-topic question but I believe you guys are know better than the rest of the board.

Can you guys please recommend me some keyboards? I write lots of code and non-code text every day, on really busy days I feel a bit of pain.

I've heard of MS Natural Keyboard but it looks HUGE and I would rather not have my mouse even farther than it is right now.

I'm looking for the cheapest non-disposable thing I can afford.

depends on what hurts

chances are you need to fix your posture and your fingering more than anything, those are what really cause issues

then you want a low profile keyboard, the further the travel the more your hands tire out. something like a laptop keyboard is good

if you still have trouble, then you can look at other options but I'd bet $1000 your problem is posture, typing style, and not having low profile keys with no travel

>opetion 1
type standing and regulate proper distance with disposable hard drives
>option 2
lowe the angle of that dell keyboard or get a flatter one
>option 3
get a wrist rest
>option 4
kit that job
>option 5
don't go full meme just get something like an atreus, split but not split

just know that ergonomic keyboards are super expensive
the non mechanical kinesis freestyle is like 90 bucks

Hello, any Canadian have experience with shipping from mechanicalkeyboards.com?
I would like to know how long it takes those dog fuckers at customs to sniff my package.
my tracking info says.
Destination customs clearance underway - Mar. 29, 2018

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>you want a low profile keyboard
>the further the travel the more your hands tire out
That's completely wrong. Finger fatigue is entirely from trying to overcome a strong spring excessively, an excessive bump, or bottoming out all of the time.

They need to say what's bothering them more than a "bit of pain" because that could be anything. They haven't said what keyboard they're using either.

Trudeau outsourced shipping services to Sweden, so it has to go there first for customs.

yes some user has experience, he said that the packaged landed in Switzerland (being him Canadian)

nope, it's completely correct


travel is the worst thing for you

I'm that user, I ordered from canada and the package got sent to sweden for some reason. I used a tracking url detection site to figure it out. took maybe 2 months to arrive.

How does everyone feel about ortholinear keyboards?
I just got my Contra set up with box blacks. I'm going to have to take time to get used to all the layers but the keyboard is nice.

>Repetitive key tapping was performed as fast as possible using the dominant index finger for 500 s per condition (8.3 min) and a work-rest schedule consisting of 15 s of key tapping alternating with 10 s of rest.

Yes, just like what you normally do when typing. Hitting a key as fast as possible using just your index finger.

nice, lets look at all the evidence you provided that it's not an issue

oh its fucking nothing

How about you read the study you cite yourself to see how flawed the methodology is. Do you type using this?

Attached: iStock_000000590936Small__ctu181__.jpg (849x565, 385K)

how about you provide a shred of evidence then I'll spend some time disputing the obvious with you

Do you read what you post?
>key strike force decreased by 49% when the key switch over travel was increased from 0.5 to 4.5 mm.
>The greatest key strike forces occurred when the over distance was small
They say to minimize actuation distance but leave enough over travel. If anything, they're advocating for speed switches over normal switches but definitely not low profile switches.

You first, what you linked only proves you don't even read your own sources.

I was looking at getting a unicomp, but I've heard the build quality is shit. What is a good non-gayming full-size alternative under $100?

They're just not as good as the early model m's. They're about the same as the newer lexmark made model m's in quality.

Got a new artisan keycap. How are you supposed to know which way it should be oriented?

I hope that doesn't happen to mine

Attached: resize.jpg (150x191, 9K)

>depends on what hurts
The "outer side" of my wrists (i.e. right side of the right wrist).

>chances are you need to fix your posture and your fingering more than anything, those are what really cause issues
Today I put the mouse on the left so that I don't have to move the right hand so much. I'm a home-row keyboard user and I can touch type, but I only go full throttle if I really have to.

> They haven't said what keyboard they're using either.
I have a Microsoft Wired Desktop 400 at home and a standard HP keyboard at the office. I unironically enjoy both of them, but I've never ever used a mech keyboard and I don't know anybody who owns one (not even the gamers I know).

>type standing
I'll try to set something up on the weekend...
>get a wrist rest
I wonder if they sell them without the keyboard attached here. I'll check the stores tomorrow.

Oh both keyboards are the lowest setting, should I raise their backs?

Should be obvious, but you shouldn't actually be typing with your wrists on the wrist rests. You just put pressure on the carpal tunnel that way.

with proper typing posture the keyboard doesn't mater all that much. a good chair and desk will do a better job alleviating pain then a mechanical keyboard

There are a couple of keyboards with the Kailh low profile switches, and one with the box whites, but other than that you need to do it yourself. I just bought a blank GMMK and a pack of box burnt orange switches to try out. The GMMK seems like a good investment if you think you'll want to try new switches but don't want to piss about with soldering and de-soldering or buying a new board every time.

Attached: Soyboy.png (201x250, 5K)

oh wow you got me

kailh box speed switches when?

Lads, I'm thinking about trying out a Topre keyboard.
Please someone tell me not to do it, I don't need a new keyboard right now.

become a buypig like the rest of us

What's up my soys.

Attached: expanded board.jpg (2100x1400, 380K)

well definitely try one out since some people don't like them

Get a topre numpad

when there's enough demand for a community member to talk to Kailh about them

Would look better with an IBM model M SSK instead of that Costar keyboard, but good luck finding one for a reasonable price

that's right he did get you because you like gay keyboards and those gay keyboards reflect your personality.

KUL ES-87 vs HHKB?

neither, get a 660c

Do you like Cherries or Topres better?

What is a good price for a model m? I am currently selling my grey logo one for 60 + shipping, but noone is biting on craigslist.

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Don't regular kailh box switches have a slightly higher actuation point and shorter travel distance anyway?

hhkb is a meme board

Depends on the condition. I bought mine for that amount and it was nice and clean

Learn to control your impulses

This is actually a good idea, I actually need a numpad for my TKL. Too bad they're still $100 each.

So never? There only seems to be interest in replicating buckling spring in a cherry clone.

Looks like they do but not quite the same as speeds.
Speed: 1.1mm actuation and 3.5mm bottom out
Box: 1.8mm to 3.6mm bottom out
Speed actuation is 1/3 total distance versus 1/2 for box/normal.

honestly craiglist isnt a good spot for niche things like that, you need to sell stuff like that on ebay

craigslist is for stuff an average person might buy not specialty goods

I cleaned everything besides the plates... worth 60 bucks + 18 for shipping?

I strongly agree. I've been looking for one for a couple of years off and on but I'm not paying $500. That's a gun!

Attached: don't ever talk to me or my wife's son ever again.jpg (2200x1467, 522K)

There's a listing I saw recently on GH for a bunch of SSKs for $150 each. Don't know if any are left though.

Actually, here it is

geekhack org/index.php?topic=92113.msg2507187

are those comic sans keys on a model m? wtf

Hey man, unless youre into mechanical keyboards for the looks/feels of it, like you really wanna try them out, just stick to a regular keeb. As others said, it's probably your posture before anything. After that, I'd say get a reproduction model M off unicomp, theyre cheap, mechanism works okay, build quality is kinda shit but honestly it doesnt matter. If you wanna get into the hipster territory, by all means go ahead, but you dont have to spend too much money to get a good keyb as a unicomp model m. cheers man.

What's better for a mid-grade keyset, doubleshot ABS or PBT?

PBT dyesubs > *.

Why does everyone seem to have an obsession with Carbon?

Is there a place I can get keycaps with custom legends for cheap?

Why Filco? Overpriced plastic shit that isn't keeping up with the times

Help me turn off the LEDs

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rtfm nigga.

Dying thread

Americans aren't awake