Why are we still using this antiquated 1970s garbage in 2018?
Why are we still using this antiquated 1970s garbage in 2018?
First tell me what we gain from losing it.
Is ARM the future?
Because I'm not crazy enough to let firefox/chrome have full unlimited access to my RAM
The decoding problems are not that severe. And it has been continually updated (x64 and a bunch of extensions). Frankly only recently with ARMv8 has their been a reasonably popular alternative. But jumping from an proprietary CISC to a proprietary and bloated RISC is no great gain.
You do anyway now since x64 got rid of memory protection/segments.
Only for low power shit. It's really not meant to replace desktops.
>Why are we still using this antiquated 1970s garbage in 2018?
Backwards compatibility.
Isn't it cool that you can install DOS and play old ass games at breakneck speeds?
Year of mips desktop when?
ARM is not as power efficient as x86 on desktop/server.
At least he's not moronic enough to believe that x86 is the only architecture that has memory protection.
Fucking idiot. paging != segmentation.
We still have paging.
Jesus christ, the fucking morons on this board.
Uhm, no we dont, Large pages are disabled by default. stop writing rust and try again please.
>x86 is the only architecture that has memory protection
but x86 doesn't have memory protection
Spectre applies to high performance ARM and MIPS cores too.
No I meant that x86 can access a limit of 4GB
The translation layer is pretty much free, and the CISC nature acts like some sort of shitty code compressor.
RISC code just eats a lot more memory.
Also unlike the ARM platforms, x86 have a guaranteed way to boot shit on it, which means pretty much all x86 devices can run stuff like linux.
Why are we still using internal combustion and electric engines from the 1800s in 2018? They're outdated garbage.
Still better than ARM garbage
this is related to chip design not x86.
Because PCs are 20 years behind consoles in adopting new technology
A typical nintendo 64 game generally use 8,9,16,32 and 128 bits, but never 64.
8 on the cartridge bus, 9 on the memory bus, 128bit packs of 16bit numbers on the RCP (SIMD),and 32bit on the main CPU, because while it supports 64bit precision, there's no reason whatsoever to use it, and it is just slower than 32.
Why does everyone seem to forget ARM is antiquated 1980s garbage?
Came here to post this. In PC land we take for granted that we can download an OS ISO, put it on a flash drive, DVD, or pretty much anything, and boot from it. x86 has a lot of creaks and clanks and "jesus fuck, why would they do it like THAT?" places, but the system layout - what's connected to where beyond just the CPU - is pretty widely standardized. In true x86 fashion its a fucking messy standard, loaded with hacks and backward-compatibility, but it generally works.
This isn't something you can count on in ARM land at all. Its why for most ARM systems you need a custom OS image built specifically for that platform to boot. This is why when you go to install Lineage on an android phone, every model has a different image you need to download. And why they use such ancient kernels, since they literally won't boot without blobs, because that's how that particular ARM SoC vendor implemented that particular ARM system. Next generation they redo it for the new chips, which means adding another pile of (nonfree) patches to their already huge pile of patches until the thing comes up. At which point its frozen and shipped and that's forever going to be the only thing you can boot on that ARM system. ARM is a fucking shitshow once you're out of userland.
Also people forget that you don't just have to be better than x86 to displace it. You have to be better enough that people will go to lots of trouble and expense in order to shift to your architecture. That's an incredibly high bar to meet. Your enemy is "This is good enough", and lots of projects have died on that hill, including at least three separate well-funded efforts by Intel to supplant x86 with RISC (iAPX 432, i860, and IA-64)
Well, people still using Linux and BSD, so...?
there are likely people itt right now who think ARM is some new thing that started with smartphones
Because it has the highest performance/watt and ST IPC which is very important for even consumer stuff. The only actual reason ARM exists is because it's too expensive to implement x86 on phones. The moment that becomes possible android will seamlessly switch to x86.
>and lots of projects have died on that hill, including at least three separate well-funded efforts by Intel to supplant x86 with RISC (iAPX 432, i860, and IA-64)
Apple also tried for ten years to get rid of the original Mac OS kernel before buying a Unix kernel to build OS X on. Once something gets well-established, it can be uncommonly difficult to remove.
Speak for yourself.
Whatever chip Apple is now developing is the future!
Make RISC V Great!
Because of proprietary software.
A x86 processor without the x86_64 extensions is still able to access more than 4GiB of memory. Just not at the same time.
>Uhm, no we dont, Large pages are disabled by default. stop writing rust and try again please.
We don't what? We don't have paging?
Are you literally retarded?
RISC V for Victory
RISC V for Imtiredofwaiting
Only if it comes with an standard way to boot shit, and all systems implementing it have it as well.
Apple is going to make the next architecture revolution in 2020 that Jow Forums will hate at first but then acknowledge it's better in every way.
>post jobs apple
Their destiny is to be IBM for hipsters.
I'll stop using it whenever RISC-V takes off
powerpc and sparc
naisu desu ne
There were x86 Android phones back around 2010. They were overheating potatoes with shit battery life and quickly died.
They're just scaling up their ARM chips from the iStuff.
Apple is already ahead of the curve, APFS replacing their 30 year old HFS, now it's time for new chip architecture too
Because they were the cheapest x86 parts intel could bin out. Put a KL-Y core-m on a phone and it will demolish any ARM chip in existence. But again
>apple publicly shits on x86
>suddenly 50 threads a day from apple shills against x86
kek this is
>"audio jack is the reason your phone is thick" threads 6 months before the audiojackless iphone release
level of shilling from apple shils. kill yourselves.
The translation circuitry has grown linearly while the op execution circuitry has grown exponentially. In other words, it's fucking nothing.
If you think you have a better arch prove it mathematically and significantly.
Because there's literally nothing better out there?
Nothing competes with it at the consumer grade for generic computational tasks
>but ARM!
Nope, those low power devices still can't compete.
We did over a decade ago already user.
We use x86_64 now.
>What is Risc?
Antiquated 80's garbage.
But we didn't came with anything better yet.
z256 when
>/v/ tier bait
I can do that on my ARM smartphone too
that's the stupidest name I ever heard
x86 oses consumes less hard drive space, not to mention ram, PAE kernels are my way to go at least on VMs or older machines
It's a quite fun bait, specially taking account that most people still think in terms of "90's console war bits".
*replaces your servers*
>DOA shit
Can't wait for Intel to glue 32 GLM+ cores together to kill it.
Emulation is just not the same.
You want that AUTHENTIC experience.
oh yeah?! well at least you HAVE heard of me
Will we ever actually get 128-bit CPUs?
Why would you need them?
It's more copmlexity for no reason.
Cuz bitches like you can only complain and complain and complain and can't come up with something better.
because it's the most optimized processor ever made. they got money. they optimized. got more money, optimized it more. no one could catch up because of their resources.
sure it wasn't the best architecture (theory), but it delivers (practice)
bitches don't have the cash to pour into R&D that Intel has
only the big dogs like AMD, maybe IBM or Apple can, but who'd place their money betting against a monopoly?
at this stage, just count on mobile pushing Intel off of the stage. otherwise, only a nation-state or multinational could pull it off (assuming they wish to invest $1 billion or more. those fabs are expensive man)
The "64" bit in x86 only really refers to address bus. Why would you need support for more than 2^34 GB of memory when there's not a machine in existence that even has a tiny fraction of that installed?
As for instruction set, it can already do 256bit and even 512bit calculations with extensions like AVX and such.
I want to address more than 2tb of RAM
In theory yes, you could bank switch the RAM if you wanted to bother.
Apple is a god tier CPU manufacturer
But Apple uses intel themselves?
Because only retards who don’t even write any meaningful assembly code and just want a different sticker on their case care, and most of those retards are advocating for antiquated garbage from the 1980s (ARM)
Because I'm not seeing other 4GHz desktop chips.
There's UEFI for ARM. Android needs blobs because phone manufacturers decided so, it's not an inherent problem of ARM.
But that's the thing, there is nothing forcing the android manufacturers to use UEFI at all.
On x86, you need your x86 device to be compatible with UEFI AND legacy bios, or your shit won't sell.
On android, you can do the fuck you want.
Wat. You can address 16 exabytes of RAM on 64bit.
Because in this modern age we build all things on antique foundations slowly losing not only the ability to rebuild these foundations , but a solid understanding and close familiarity of the principles behind them as well.
>First 64 bit WINDOWS os
It's windows that's behind, not PCs.
The thing is, even in the early 80s, the 8086 was not regarded as the best 16-bit CPU around; everyone was fapping to the Z8000 and 68000 back then. IBM literally saved the chip from an early demise.
>he doesn't know PAE
>What is paging
Just because paging is mostly disabled in protected mode or people for whatever reason decide to bother with identity paging doesn't make it nonexistent.
>Spectre applies to high performance ARM
And so does Meltdown. ARM got incredibly lucky the chip most affected hadn't been released yet.
Because of microshit windaids.
Year of the RISC-V desktop when!?!?!?
What about Treble/Oreo? Does it help with this?
It does sound like lt.
Now need to see if the vendors won't halfass it.
AFAIK Google won't allow them, unless they choose to stick with pre-Oreo... which isn't a long-term solution.
tl;dr: Based Google to the rescue, as usual.
Get a Pinebook. Golden ARM laptop.
delet this?!