Why do you faggot hate systemd?

Why do you faggot hate systemd?
>muh nsa botnet!!
Do you have any proof of that?

Attached: 15217214878000.jpg (1536x2048, 411K)

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Fuck off, Lennart. Nobody here likes you.

Nice try, NSA.

SystemD is like sunny delight, but without delight, and with poison added

The idea is that one monolithic piece of code makes it easier to embed a botnet
Realistically though there's already NSA backdoors in loonucks anyways

Nice legs
Surprised it's some lady and her daughter taking the pic and not some creepy obese guy

You don't seem to understand.

Attached: 1494513362453.png (1024x946, 179K)

>tfw no qt transwoman coding gf

Attached: cxx0ze1-1.jpg (575x767, 92K)

It's a trap, the mom is probably supporting his transition or we

Systemd is what Putin uses to make / keep Drumpfuck his anal bitch.

>Why do you faggot hate systemd?
Honestly... my primary reason for hating it is that it's different. Really. If I wonder why some program starts up and does things that wake my HDDs in sleep mode, for example, then I'd go look in /etc/cron.*/ - not run
systemctl list-timers --all
to figure out that unneeded garbage is starting up and doing things regularly.



The problem is mostly the stupid way it does things rather than muh botnet.

When you put it that way

systemd has a 0 day
where if your username starts with a number
like 0day
you get root
And Lennart has no intention of fixing that

Why use some complex and shady clusterfuck, when you can use something elegant, like runit. Runit is also faster. SystemD tries to devour all, but there will be a day when it becomes unmaintainable and sysVinit will rise again

>but there will be a day when it becomes unmaintainable

just like linux

>take a simple and deterministic boot system
>turn it into a parallelized hotmess of cascading dependencies and race conditions
>shit on a good chunk of simple and established user-space methods while you're at it

Thanks redhate.

Attached: angry-must-resist-l.png (1500x846, 752K)

why did everyone swallow that pill so easily?

Because Gnome made certain aspects of systemd a hard dependency. Thanks redhate.

gas the foot, desktop wars now

>if only there was some way to make my computer boot three seconds faster

Attached: syndromed.jpg (671x715, 391K)


Just you wait until redhate finally gets wayland into the mainstream, it's the unix wars all over again.