Where does Jow Forums store their porn? What do you think is the safest way to store it both offline and online?

Where does Jow Forums store their porn? What do you think is the safest way to store it both offline and online?

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Why the fuck would you store porn? Are you not aware free porn sites exist?
How do you even jerk off to all the same shit over and over again?

Safe from what? your parents? remember global rule 2.

I just store it in /storage/private/porn

I guess I would have done something different if I had a lot of underage or otherwise illegal stuff but I don't. So I don't really care that much.

The vast majority of sites offer you garbage quality for free. You have to pay or use torrents to get 4k. And sure, if it's great artwork then I'm fine with watching it more than once.

That's some hot shit

He dosent have a 10TB P: Drive

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>watching porn in 4k

because I want videos that I actually like instead of whatever random garbage happens to be on pornhub this week.

Video quality. Kinda hard jerking off to blurry pixels after being spoiled by modern HD porn. Also, for the couple times of the year when my internet goes down

In the windows folder with leetspeak names

The more you watch the videos you "like" the less you "like" them, user.
>growing emotionally attached to porn.

30 TB RAID 0

If I can jerk-off to the pixel fucking porn, so can you.

Encrypted Bitlocker PC with LTSB 2016, I'm into some weird fetish shit that no nigga needs to see. Especially Tyrone the Thieving Black Man.

Well yeah, it's just much less enjoyable though

I store porn on my desktop not afraid of anyone looking at it because I live alone, being an apprentice wizard has its merits.

In ~/porn

Porn is bad and wrong.

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Porn daemon?

>The more you watch the videos you "like" the less you "like" them, user.

Sometimes you find something so hot you masturbate for years watching it.

>Current year

>not ~/.porn

I also thought so when I was younger. I still return to some gems from time to time, but nothing will excite you as much as it did the first time.

If Akari says it, it must be true.
Akari always speaks truth and love.

Give me a break, the computer I use is a hunk of shit that doesn't work with Linux or Windows 7. So I'm stuck with Windows 10.

Just don't.

I'm 35.

straight onto my main PC because I have a gf who respects my privacy and don't have any other visitors

Too bad you've posted a shitty weeb picture which invalidated everything you said ^;)

What a pure guy you are...

Porn is bad and wrong.

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Naw, your sex drive just sucks.

Not everyone becomes a limp dick asshole that can watch something incredibly hot and not get a twinge.

Too bad the doggo can't possibly read.

Porn is good in moderation, but in instances of the entire userbase of Jow Forums, it's porn addiction.

>literaly "no you"
Pure as a child!

>porn addiction
Jerking off is natural.

Cucks who can't get an erection at something hot are emotionally and sexually broken.

I'm both of those things and I can still get hard.

>I'm both of those things
So you're a cuck who can't get an erection. Understood.

If you knew half the shit I did to girlfriends I even suspected of cheating...

I'm like schizo tier uncuckable.

Jerking off daily or weekly can lead to overstimulation which can then lead to addictive tendencies, etc.
I mean severely broken, to the point that they can't even get off to anything.

>addictive tendencies
Oh christ...
lead to addictive tendencies???

I have to beat off twice a day so I don't stare at jailbait all day at work and walk around with an erection.

So, you've said yourself you're a cuck, and now you're going back on your own word. Are you even a man?


>Are you even a man?

I'm a pussy that gets insecure at the drop of a hat because I know deep down I don't feel anything for them and am constantly paranoid they will realize that.

So when I even remotely suspect anything I do horrible shit to them so that I won't feel like I can win them back.

that's rich coming from someone whose friend was peeking in her panty drawer in the first two minutes of the first episode.



On my server. small 1.4TB collection of stuff. Cause you know torrents can die and pornhub quality is just shit. I also got a girlfriend and a decent job. Most of it, I got before the girlfriend entered the picture, before things turned serious, you know more than just "few dates/few fucks and that's it type thing" But hell can't really delete it. lots of time building it up. don't seem right to just chuck it out the door.

>works with botnet10
>doesn't werk with lunix

>watching porn
>stocking porn

>not using your imagination

"C:/Users/All Users/Desktop"

trips truth

"Pornographic content" when removing every other letter.

>stores porn locally
>doesn't bother with a DRP
>doesn't use the 3-2-1 strategy
>doesn't regularly check file & hardware integrity

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Obviously all your drives are encrypted already so that's not an issue.

Just stick all your porn in ~/Documents/old, then put your decoy collection in ~/Videos/porn.



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I have it all on an external hard drive. I used to work offshore so we'd share hard drives with each other and exchange the latest movies and the best porn.

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Wow what a life

it was like prison except you got to go home every once in a while

>doesn't work with Linux or Windows 7. So I'm stuck with Windows 10
Makes no sense. If you're system will run 10, there is no reason it wouldn't run 7 or Linux. Unless you only have a license for 10. At any rate, Linux is free.

Oh hi government official. I just want to have stash when you idiots go full islamization and outlaw it.

Veracrypt, 2TB unlabeled partition in a 4TB external drive. When you plug it in it appears as 2TB and hosts SFW movies and documentaries.

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>Where does Jow Forums store their porn?
images directory, where else
>What do you think is the safest way to store it both offline
same way as storing other files
>and online?

Just store it on Google Drive, wtf user.

>downloading 4k video to watch pixelated genitals

>watching porn
lmaoing at your life cuck

I don't, there's plenty of free porn and remembering keyword for your favorite video is more comfy

>addictive tendencies
better addicted to my hand than to women or society in general

This has it's benefits for sure. Pussy is way better, but there is often bullshit drama with female's. Socializing is overrated. No man is an island. However, keeping too large of a circle may increase the likely hood of cancer in your life. Equally balancing pussy, socializing, and flying solo, works best for me. I was a total hermit for a long time and I've not a larping fedora wearing mouth breather in mom basement.

>Pussy is way better
that's what boner tells me every six months, after hour or two of furious sex with hooker you realize you got identical serotonin spike you fought for but with much more effort, dependency on another person, loss of money and some mess to wash afterwards, it's like shooting heroin vs ritualizing and worshiping heroin

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>Where does Jow Forums store their porn?

You don't.
Trash all of the files and stop watching porn.

I don't do that and you shoudln't either

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Unironically this

I purchase lewd doujins and books from mandarake because piracy is a crime

But I can't let the botnet know my fetishes.

If botnet knows your fetishes it'll perform better at finding them for you.

>Having fetishes that the botnet willingly helps you search for

My gf know I watch porn. And she sometime ask me why I added this or that to my collection/

Your AI wife won't be very good to you in a few decades user.

Also I made a folder called Secondary Interop Assemblies in D:\Program Files/Microsoft.NET, keeping hidden files unchecked when not in use.

>Your AI wife won't be very good to you in a few decades user.
I won't live that long anyways.

the pictures that I took or girls send me count as porn?

Crypt your data with cryptomator or rclone. Compressing them with a strong password would also do it


who needs porn when facebook exists


facebook fapping

I have an external enclosure that holds 2x 2.5" laptop drives. I had 2 spare 500GB drives from old laptops laying around. So I put them in the enclosure. One has a 250GB encrypted container on it. The other is backup.

I've got nothing risque, but I kills me inside to even think about my parents finding out my fetishes if I were to kick the bucket unexpectedly. Especially my mother.

Probably thinking of near nudity sites on FB such as: FB: LXXT-Latex-and-more-644347038964317/

on my desktop of course

The only reason people would be storing porn is if it were the type that were otherwise illegal to distribute and or possess.

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No i'm talking about my friends profiles

So, OP, you need a way to secure your cheese pizza...

The solution is Veracrypt, specifically a hidden volume so that if compelled to give up the key, you are able to give a different key that unlocks the decoy volume.

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Are you that guy on /ck/ who makes the fml threads

sory doggo and anime i delet :(

Nice ftp://collectivecomputers.org:21212/Images,%20Art,%20Memes/black_lagoon/f44885d7-9eab-4d5a-cd0b-d0f7a979b8a2.png