So my pc is being dumb as shit.
It somehow forgets my gpu exists until i reinstall the drivers
What the hell can I do to fix this? i've tried all the basic shit i can.
Retarded PC
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Try reinstalling Windows and if that doesn't work your shit's broke.
If it forgets it exists, how are you able to see anything?
I have a stupid ass dual gpu set up.
The device manager shows the gpu and all that, but the nvidia control panel doesnt work and neither do any of the games that use it to run
I could refresh the system, its just a bitch to install everything and make a backup drive.
running windows 8.1.
Jow Forums pls
I dont want to have to reinstall drivers every hour to play a game
unironically install gentoo, it has excellent driver support
Figured this was more a pc thing than a game thing
delete the gpu
Tried uninstalling then reinstalling a bunch of times
still happens
no ,
not just uninstall
And then what?
Pretty sure i did that.
But who knows. maybe one more time will keep it from fucking up
delete the actual files from the driver directory
what do you think is causing the system to not read the gpu properly? never had a problem until recently
possibly failing power supply (try cleaning it if you haven't)
power saving settings
Battery settings are on max performance, but it could be the power supply
Laptop is like 5 years old by now.
Planning on cleaning it out thursday
do you use a cooling pad under it while playing games? what are your temps like while idle and while gaming? 5 years of gaming and near-overheating.... GPU might be starting to melt
I havent used a cooling pad. Didn't really play anything too intensive until about 2 years ago.
Idle temps are around 50c or so.
hits 80+when gaming
Stupid thing shows up, which is the strangest part.
how are you trying to get into nvidia control panel?
if you go to C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Control Panel Client and open nvcplui does it open?
tried disabling intel HD in bios?
try setting the other monitor as your primary
does it happen when your computer sleeps or hibernates?
through right clicking the desktop.
tried your method, didnt open either. got the same error message.
It happens after i get it to run and then exit the game.
So after reinstalling drivers and using the gpu.
I tried to open speccy to check my temps, but its been frozen for about an hour.
Ill try ddu.
Another weird thing that happened was i tried to install the same driver, but for 8.1. Shit wouldnt work,
So I try the Windows 8 drivers and it works.
Computers are weird.
Looks like DDU has done the trick for now.
Any good cooling pads worth investing in?