How the fuck is the 1080 still the latest gaming GPU from Nvidia?

How the fuck is the 1080 still the latest gaming GPU from Nvidia?

Shouldn't they and AMD be swimming in cash to put into new releases?

I won't even be able to use my Vive Pro properly without resorting to SLI bullshit.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Killing Bites - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.38_[2018.03.23_19.05.57].jpg (640x720, 59K)

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You'll grow up someday and understand, kid. Don't rush.

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If I was a kid I wouldn't be flushing $800 down the toilet.

Why release new shit when miners buy every GPU you ship out the door? GPUs tend to hold value pretty well when they're still current gen on the used market, if Nvidia released next gen now they'd just end up competing against a bunch of used 1180s on ebay once the crypto market crashes again.

eventually amd will release "professional" or "alt" GPUs that are insanely more powerful than other GPUs and 30% cheaper than current ones but nobody will care because it isn't gamershit

Some of us just want to jack it to our chinese porn games in VR at photo-realistic resolutions.

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If the old stuff still sells as fast as you can make it why release anything new?

We already have those from both Nvidia and AMD. They are just the same cores with hardware corresponding to enterprise standards.

To innovate and advance technology?

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>hardware corresponding to enterprise standards.
which means?

If you were an adult, you would be reasonable and save your money. Video games are for immature children.

Damn, any 2d qts?
I might just dual boot again.

lol, navi? Just no...

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>2D VR

KISS and Illusion games are as close as you'll get.

I'm not buying a Switch here. I'm just trying to support VR.

Vr game name?

Should have bought a 1080ti when it cost less than $700. Non-FE versions beat the Titan XP half of the time while costing 2/3 of the money.

Until AMD brings some competition, I don't see them moving much this year. Next year, sure.


Because that's not how R&D cycles work.
Besides, both vendors are patiently waiting for new nodes.

The fact is only a few nolife faggots buy those cards.

Unless AMD brings something good out

Nvidia wont release shit while they are selling them faster than they can make them

>How the fuck is the 1080 still the latest gaming GPU from Nvidia?

It's not. It hasn't been since summer 2016. Right now there are three GPUs that surpass it (although it only makes some sense to buy one of them).

Then buy a WX9100 or P5000

Like leather jacket man said, the Pascal GPUs are good enough for gaming. This already indicates that the progress for GPUs has began to slow down from a decade ago. Much like the growth of transistors for CPUs, Moore's law is unfortunately dead.

>this will never be real

2000 series cards Q3 this year

they're the only ones to support ray tracing, while metro:exodus is coming out q3 and it will be the first game the showcase it


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I'm building a new platform because my old FX6300 is finally dying and investing in that platform is a bad idea. I can buy a 1800X or a i5 8600K for the same price (the Intel mobo is fucking expensive), is the 1800X the obvious choice? there isn't a single non-biased answer on forums. I'm going to be watching anime and compiling shit (both CPUs are overkill for that, anyway)

Don't laugh at him.

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Why should they release something if they're raking in money? That would cost them money.


Corporations exist for money, not for making the world a better place.

If corporations cared so much about money they wouldn't donate it to charities, dingus.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Killing Bites - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.34_[2018.02.17_05.59.37].jpg (760x718, 61K)

they only donate token amounts and only because it gives them good publicity

>what is investing
You must be from Jow Forums

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Reminder that non-profit means "all our profit goes to our parent company."

These graphics card companies don't exist to "innovate and advance technology." They aren't bound by any legal agreement that they must "innovate and advance technology." Their primary reason for existence is to make profit. If there is literally no other competition around and people are buying the cards faster than you can produce it, what would be the point in spending millions of dollars for research and development? Innovation comes as a side effect when trying to create a product that is better than the competition when you have competition. Either way it's still cheaper to just invest into marketing and underhanded schemes like Nvidia with the GPP, gameworks, and plastering their name over everything. But as of right now, nvidia has no reason to release new consumer grade graphics cards when their current already 2 year old cards are selling like hotcakes and there is no competition.

lets be honest in a few years every will have two 1080s in sli as a mid tier gaming pc and there will literally be no reason to buy new cards because we've just sat on the 10 series train for over 2 years now. No one is gonna buy new tech when you can probably just buy a 1080 for $300 and be set for the next five years.

They have deactivated some shaders

Fucking subhuman faggot - die.

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Why build something new and spend money on R&D when they can put this out for a long time and everything is sold instantly

muh capitalism spurs innovation is a meme

>If you were an adult, you would be reasonable and save your money.
Stop with the fedora tipping, for fucks sake. Most adults are really fucking shitty with their money. Stop being a faggot about him having a hobby.

He's probably equally shitty with money, but doesn't have the disposable income to blow on a $800 GPU, so everyone who *does* is stupid and irresponsible, duh.

GPU's are advancing, just not in the consumer space. Right now there is simply no reason to release Volta consumer cards. Consumers do not need Volta as evidenced by how quickly they gobble up anything Pascal or Vega, even if it's over MSRP.

I am starting to think we will see a fully fleshed out Volta Quadro line before we see Volta gaming GPU's

Maybe they'll start releasing new gpus after the pc gaming industry revives itself and starts releasing new games again

But VR needs it.

Why does VR 'need' it? If you need it so bad get a GV100.

It's precisely because people are handing over buckets of cash for current 2 year old cards that they aren't bringing new cards to the market.

Why waste money on new cards and R&D when the retards spend fortunes on the current old ones?

They be milking the current gen for all it's worth and some more until stupid people stop buying them or when AMD gets off it's ass and brings something better than Vega to the table.

Tfw size fetish why the fuck is there a little duderino on the floor

Why are they stupid, if somebody needs a card - they'll buy it. A single consumer cannot change the market averages that are now insane due to mining craze.

If I burn my card I will buy a new one for the price that makes sense in current market. I will not wait for a year in hopes that crypto becomes obsolete or that all consumers will some how collectively decide to stop buying.

The latest gaming GPU is the 1070ti retard

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pretty much this, 1080 is meme 4k gaymen

a 4k screen costs more than the card and if you have the money for the screen the card is probably peanuts, unless you're a poorfag in which case you're retarded.

>stop enjoying things I can't enjoy anymore

There's plenty of 4k monitors out there for less than the current price of a 1080, which was like 679 last I saw.

t. Guy with an evga 1080 hybrid that I bought last spring for 579 and just spent 2 weeks researching new monitors.

That shits too uncanny for me

I wanna play with her cute feminine penis.

Bullshit. A 1080ti only just barely gets 60fps at 4k half of the time, buying a 1080 for 4k is retarded.


> only at 1199MHz
> SLI Diasbled
Dood, who dropped you when you were young?

Fucking VR games are lego shit tier low quality games, you don't need a fucking 1080 for them.

Skyrim, Doom, Elite ...?

Go ahead and try playing IL-2 BoS VR on a 1060.

you are confusing having a job with being an adult. come back when you have some responsibility (eg family, company or something similar)

It's tax deductible

>implying any other card can even game at fork

nice try you trickster :^)

you are confusing time cost with monetary cost. The reason you don't buy GPUs when you have a baby is because you don't have time for vidya, not because babies are that expensive

>browsing Jow Forums
>find a lewd thread
>load up waifu and smash
A bright future indeed

We're in some kind of depression since last year. We don't know what's happening until late May/early June.

>you are confusing having a job with being an adult. come back when you have some responsibility (eg family, company or something similar)
What a fucking wise guy

Stop pretending you're superior because you chose a different lifestyle. I'm single, I am debt free (sans mortgage which has $60k left), I drive an old ass Honda I paid cash for used, I have 6 months of income in an emergency fund and I'm maxing my retirement accounts. I am a published author and I sell books and other materials from my own website/YT channel. Not enough to quit my day job, but enough to do all of the above AND buy a Vive pro AND buy a video card for double the MSRP. Get out of the thread if you have nothing to contribute. Yes I mad about vidya and VR prices anyway.

>get a family
>wife and kid eat up most of your disposable income
>find out your hobbies got reduced to inviting/visiting people you don't care about to talk about inane shit
>will probably get a cuck shed eventually to be able to pretend to get away from them and do something you actually enjoy for the small while your wife will be willing to tolerate


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>Jow Forumsentooman LARPing as a well-adjusted adult
Wew fucking lad.

wew lad !!!! wew, need sauce

shut up faggot

user please give me sauce, i need this


>Shouldn't they and AMD be swimming in cash to put into new releases?
They're milking their current products so they can put more R&D into new lines.


Come back T. your frens need you

Fucking hate T so much......

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Good thread lolz

>During the summer of her freshman year of high school, Yuzu Aihara's mother remarried, forcing her to transfer to a new school. To a fashionable socialite like Yuzu, this inconvenient event is just another opportunity to make new friends, fall in love, and finally experience a first kiss. Unfortunately, Yuzu's dreams and style do not conform with her new ultrastrict, all-girls school, filled with obedient shut-ins and overachieving grade-skippers. Her gaudy appearance manages to grab the attention of Mei Aihara, the beautiful and imposing student council president, who immediately proceeds to sensually caress Yuzu's body in an effort to confiscate her cellphone.
>Thoroughly exhausted from her first day, Yuzu arrives home and discovers a shocking truth—Mei is actually her new step-sister! Though Yuzu initially tries to be friendly with her, Mei's cold shoulder routine forces Yuzu to begin teasing her. But before Yuzu can finish her sentence, Mei forces her to the ground and kisses her, with Yuzu desperately trying to break free. Once done, Mei storms out of the room, leaving Yuzu to ponder the true nature of her first kiss, and the secrets behind the tortured expression in the eyes of her new sister.

Holy shit, what is this garbage? Even Love fucking Hina sounded less retarded. People unironically watch this?

What do you use your Vive Pro for?

Sauce on game is virt-a mate.

Imagine having her look at you like this

Are you developing for it?