What's the official Jow Forums router?

What's the official Jow Forums router?

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ay yo hol up wut you call me white boy?

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Computer with two network cards running the Linux or BSD of your choice. OPNSense if you're lazy. Zero (0) consumer plastic-box routers are worth buying, even if you replace the firmware on them.

What are the benefits, as opposed to consumer routers, that justify that?

open source hardware + OpenBSD

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Better security - you'll actually get patches for it. Faster, won't choke on gigabit internet, or if you just fire up a torrent and make a gorillion connections. Can be managed just like any other computer, not as a "device" that can't just be SSHed into or booted from a flash drive. Lets you run fancier stuff than just NAT and a firewall, like an OpenVPN server. Is as reliable as the parts you choose to put in it.


Nothing. Bridge your ISP modem straight to your computer.

Routers are bloat.

>bloat is bad

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i swear ive seen this bus in jav


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It would be more expensive than just buying a router though, initially and over the course of time.

Rolling your own is the official router of Jow Forums

Turris Omnia would probably be the best for prosumer premade routers.

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Not really

Mikrotik RB3011
>10 1000BaseT ports
>LCD display
>RouterOS is good
>POE port for WAP
>low power

I have an athlon 5350 and a 60GB ssd running pfSense.

What is Jow Forums's thoughts on the apu2?

that's the typical argument you hear from everyone that has no idea about IT.
bitch, what is return of investment.

has AMD PSP. i personally like it, have mine running for close to a year running pfsense. to bad both the hardware as well as the software isn't really trustworthy. pfsense now demands that the hardware is aes-ni capable, and if you know a tiny bit about aes-ni, you'd ditch it.

if someone would just influence the risc v people to design a mini board. shit would sell like hot cakes

PRG AV4202N + OpenWRT snap

This bad boy + LEDE/OpenWRT is pretty great.

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>and if you know a tiny bit about aes-ni, you'd ditch it.
is this like the RDRAND situation?

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Not just that, a router will have a SoC with low power consumption.

Buying better car is also more expensive.
So what?

>God Tier
Own built hardware with an open source OS and self configured config files

>Good Tier

>Decent Tier

>Bad Tier
Any commercial plastic shitbox router

>Normie tier
Router provided by your ISP

Are there any guides for building your own router?

pcengines apu2 running openbsd
any router running openwrt




Does pfsense and/or opnsense support vlan tagging if you have fiber?

how do i do this

Zyxel Zywalls.

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You search, you learn, and then you configure.

well, routers are for the internet so you should use netBSD

w-will the gubment arrest me for making my own modem

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No, just make sure to incorporate clock-like device and they will invite you to white house instead.

cisco router, cisco switches

a lot of posts without that jagged crown / spidery looking router

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>Turris Omnia:

Is it any good? It's open source and open hardware

ASUS RT-68AC with WRTMerlin.

>cheap, all-in-one solution
>no need to spent time setting up "muh pfsense superior" expensive shitshow of a router which is already overkill for basic home use
>stablility rivaling the Linksys WRT56G

Why do that shit when LEDE is available?

Netgear AD7200.

Alternatively, the ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AC5300.

This. For home use there is no use to make a full personal computer to manage your network

This is the only acceptable router
Just like windows is the only acceptable os and Linus tech tips the only good tech review channel

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How linux can be not best os, if he makes best reviews?

came here to post this, only viable answer if you don't want to build your own
it's the thinkpad of home (wifi) routers
Mikrotik has some nice stuff too

The One True Router.

FritzBox 7490 my niBBa

its i2p router

Aes-ni has been verified to be "secure". That is, if you trust your microprocessor then you might as well trust aes-ni.
Rdrand, on the other hand, shouldn't really be trusted as the sole source of entropy. It's very difficult to subtly compromise aes. It's very easy to subtly compromise rng.

tp-link archer c7

pfScene running on the 2500k/2600k you retired after getting Ryzen.

How the fuck does this have 54 replies with only 3 of them giving a roughly correct answer?

You dont need an expensive pc to run pfsense. I run pfsense on an old shitty netgate device.
I guess if your not good with networking it can be difficult but it is definitely worth it when properly set up.
Kinda sucks that 2.5 will require AES-NI support. I'll probably upgrade though since I was planning on buying a new device anyways to easily run snort or suricata. IPS/IDS is too much for my shitbox now.

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i'm glad that's fake.

I should have mentioned you will need a switch and an access point for wifi. I used to use an old router and turned it into an AP.
Recently got a ubiquiti UAP-AC-PRO and couldnt be happier with it.

Uh-oh. Not read the news lately?

Yeah, seems good, if it covers all your needs go for it.


Anyone got a good supermicro board or SoC that can run Pfsense and handle gigabit?

I fucking hate having to use the stock FiOS router since there's not a single router on the market that supports hardware NAT with DD-WRT. They all fucking die on my gigabit line since software NAT.

>2000 + 18
>not watercooling your router

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because the hardware is still shit

What I don't understand is how do you set it up if you have multiplayer computers you need to connect by wire? Do you need to get a network card for every fucking computer or two? The most ports I've seen on a network card is 2.
Also doesn't really mean anything when you have 4G internet. I don't know of any device that can comnect 4G and which I can hook up to my PC so the most I can get out of it is taking some load off of the router

I think you are in need of a switch

yea I think so too, not sure if it's worth the investment
I just wanted to fix bufferbloat

>not using the router provided to you by Google fiber
Lmfao peasants

pfSense installed as a virtual machine.

You can get switches for pretty cheap

Talking about pfSense?
Get a quad port gigabit Intel NIC on Ebay. You only actually need two ports for LAN and WAN, then you can use a normal switch for fanout. Gigabit switches are cheap.

You'll also need a typical consumer wifi "router" for WLAN. Hook it to port 3 and put it in AP mode. Make sure it's not doing NAT or any dumb shit like QoS.

In the same vein, should I use DD-WRT, OpenWRT, or Tomato? Or something else?

Not OP, and I have an R7000

Now that's edgy

Tier Jow Forumstard: Old Atom box running OPNsense
Tier Faggot: Juniper
Tier NORP : Xiaomi with LEDE firmware.
Tier forced meme: Cisco

>don't know of any device that can comnect 4G and which I can hook up to my PC
This post was made on a computer tethered to a phone on 4G.

That's great and all but what if I have a vDSL line? I don't wanna bridge my router to a self-built box. I want to remove the router.

"any device other than a phone or a locked-down consumer router" is what I should've said

>pcengines apu2 running openbsd

>Broadcom "Housefire" BCM4708/4709 SoC
Use the newest DD-WRT - tomato is more stable but has a really old cuck kernel.
OpenWRT/LEDE doesn't work with the wireless thanks to muh freedums. Broadcom, never again.

Xiaomi Router 3G flashed with OpenWRT/LEDE seeing how cheap everybody on Jow Forums is.