This shitty resolution needs to die. There's no room to do shit. There is no excuse for not being on 2K or 4K in 2018.
Other urls found in this thread:
>trying to sound smart about resolutions
>uses "2k" and "4k" market-speak.
Happy now cunt?
i'm just fine on my compatible-with-all 1366x768
yes thank you, friend.
But you said 2K, which is 1920*1080 since 4K is 3840*2160
Even though 2K is 2048*1152 and 4K is 4096*2304
Not talking about laptops
Pic of you
But 1080p IS 2k.
>Be a retard
>Gets told he's a retard
>Replies with a picture of himself.
Why are you outing yourself?
what if we have come to the point that technology is only relevant to the human analog and how things have plateaued, it's harder to actually progress without diminishing returns.
At this point, I'm thinking of buying the new ipad.
So that's how you look like when using a magnifier?
Stop being a consumerist cuck.
pic related
no u
I agree 800x600 needs a comeback.
nice bait, fren :) name another resolution that can be both 16:9 and 4:3 natively and I'll buy it
>what is 1440x1080?
playing most of my gaymes on 800x600 still
let me guess, gpu heavy for no real reason :^)
1920x1200 -> 1600x1200 / 800x600
What said.
What will be the true 1080p replacement?
I feel like the best experience on current hardware is 1440p 144Hz, but marketing is pushing 4K so hard that most people will go straight from 1080p to 4K.
Basically, 1440p is great right now, but it will never get adopted by enough people to become a standard before 4K takes over.
>buy 4k monitor
>need 125% or 150% scaling so you can see shit
Fucking genius
I'm using 900p and i see no problem whatsoever.
You can't scale 1080p content evenly to 1440p so unless you're not watching video content it makes no sense to move to anything other than UHD.
4k is a meme
also, OP is a faggot
it will remain the king of compatibility forever
My main monitor is 1440x900 and my 2nd monitor is 1366x768, fite me
t. everything hooks up and just werks
>Buy 4K monitor
>Okay with the work space of 1080p
>Set scaling to 200%
>Everything looks just like you're used to, but WAY clearer
I wonder why people would want clear visuals..? Hmm...
I'm a poorfag
Too bad Windows' scaling is still remarkably shitty.
I guess but as a gaymer I think it's hard to justify 4K right now.
It can be pretty hard to tell the difference between 1440p and 4K if your monitor is 27-Inch or smaller, but the frame-rate hit will be massive.
Overall the 1440p 144hz experience will be far superior to 4K 60Hz.
If you're not a gaymer I can see how 4K would be comfy though, but you won't get mass adoption without them.
>get vr
>setup any resolution monitors you want, infinite possibilities.
Jokes aside, someone on Re... um had the idea of setting up virtual canvases with Wacom tech. It was actually a great idea, until you walk in on a relative drawing imaginary g/fur on a wall or something.
this, everything looks so crisp and clear
going back to a "normal" screen is awful now
Looks okay to me.
I'm not happy. 1920x1080, 2560x1440, 3840x2160.
I'm using 1080p on my laptop and TV/monitor (and 720p on my phone) and I see no reason why I would ever want a higher resolution.
No, I'll keep my guaranteed 60fps thank you very much
You're too stupid to know what you want.
but I have no money
> There is no excuse for not being on 2K or 4K in 2018.
2K is 1080p you double retard.
I only have 125% scaling and I still have to go and turn it off manually for non-native programs because almost every single one looks like a blurry turd with it on
You know why?
They are square
They are best seen when they are either 1x1, 2x2, 4x4, 8x8, 16x16 etc.
You scale at 1.25x1.25
Now what do you think happens to a perfectly square grid when 0.75% of a pixel is infested with another color?
>People in this board spent 700 dollars in their meme 75hz/144hz monitors
>They have flickering
>Shit TN panel
>500:1 contrast
>less than 12 million colors
>ghosting because meme overdrive
Then tell cryptocucks to stop driving up the price of the hardware I need to run at that resolution.
Scaling video evenly isn't really an issue, especially since you're working with a decently high resolution to start with. It's not like a 2d video game where you want exact multi scaling.
damn user you're so smart, I guess scaling will never work, I guess those apps that do have it working are cheating my eyes will evil illusion magic
You don't have to act retarded you know.
sorry I was tempted to go along with the tone of the conversation
I always thought 1080p source on 4K monitor would look bad.
I set up my 1080p dell monitor next to a 42" 4K monitor both running videos and games at 1080p. Thankfully the 4K monitor displays 99% identical to the 1080p monitor thanks to its decent DPI. If you want a 1080p monitor to look really crisp you must buy a 21.5" otherwise it will look the same as if you were using a 43" 4K TV/Monitor
in the shithole i was born in they still sell 900p at 1080p prices. fhd monitors are 300+ dollars. 4k are 600+. i'm still using my pentium 4 computer.
>Gets told in the most simple way that scaling that isn't following pixel perfect sizes will invade other pixels thus making it blurry for obvious reasons
>replies with a hurr durr reply
>Gets another reply telling him he doesn't have to prove he's retarded
You know you can just google a few images on Google on how pixels work and save yourself the embarrassment of being seen as a retard.
it's really amusing to be told how scaling works (or doesn't) because pixels are square, while I'm looking at certain programs that do it fine and others that don't (the vast majority). Please tell me more about invading pixels and how impossible scaling is
I don't believe you, unless you're in Angola.
Not even Brazil prices are that bad.
>while I'm looking at certain programs that do it fine and others that don't
>Old 3rd party programs doesn't scale it's Maikrosafts fault!
You're complaining about scaling when using 125% on programs that doesn't do scaling correctly.
No point in talking to a dense retard that doesn't know what scaling is.
Looks like you've finally caught up to my point. Now if only Microsoft could devise backwards compatibility scaling for legacy apps like Apple did (probably linux DEs as well though haven't tried those)
What the hell
>Old 3rd party programs
I wasn't aware Speccy, Everything and Pidgin were legacy abandonware
1920*1080 is FullHD and 3840*2160 is UltraHD
speaking of 1080p is 27" a bad idea for one? I bet it looks all pixelated and shit
>Even though 2K is 2048*1152 and 4K is 4096*2304
Can't read the second sentence?
I'm using my 42" 1080p TV as a monitor while I wait for my actual monitor to arrive and it's fine.
Yeah it's pretty bad. Stick to 24" for 1080p.
No way, not with the current price of GPUs anyway
damn that's horrible. MS pajeets can't code for shit
Works on my machine.
Have you tried using the 1x1 -> 2x2 -> 4x4, Instead of 1x1 -> ¼x¼ -> ¾x¾, as already explained?
Don't use an OS with shitty font rendering you retard.
No, it's because Microsoft is incompetent. Linux does not have blur issues when changing resolution or scaling.
Upgrade your GPU and you'll still get guaranteed 60 FPS you cunt.
Get off of this board salty linux toddler
>yes goy, upgrade to a 1080ti for double the MSRP
t. (((Schlomo Goldstein)))
Fuck off jewish merchant
Kill yourself pajeet
4K is a meme right now. 1070 is guaranteed 60 FPS at 1440P.
I didn't know I needed a 1080 Ti to not make Windows lag at UHD.
Having a UHD monitor doesn't mean you have to force that resolution in games.
>Advocating for ancient technology (1080p) to die
>gets accused of being pic related
>calling me pajeet when he uses pajeet software
Top kek lad.
You're replying to a different person.
is not or >Don't use an OS with shitty font rendering
Rendering looks fine.
The image is upscaled if you didn't notice that, "you retard".
>No, it's because Microsoft is incompetent.
I'm not denying it.
>Linux does not have blur issues when changing resolution or scaling.
Linux is tied to pixels just like Windows, unless you're using a vector based OS instead of raster based one.
have you tried reading to understand the point about how apparently everybody can do scaling at arbitrary resolutions except for MS?
>resolution fag
>his monitor is shit in every other aspect
>his monitor isn't even more dense, just larger so it's like a 1080p monitor with extra sides glued on
hahaha enjoy your shit monitor
>muh smooth edges
>muh real estate (even though he's still on single monitor like a pleb)
>1080p is 2K
The absolute state of OP's thread.
why are there no 1440p screens in the 50-70" range but there are for 1080p and 4k?
not running your games at native res looks like shit
maybe years ago when they first started appearing on the market. a non-IPS, non-1440p fast monitor is pretty cheap these days, even ones that aren't TN since samsung has some good VA panels now.
16:9 and wider aspect ratios should be illegal
so, are there going to be affordable UHD monitors with 122-144hz this or next year? Or i should wait another 3 years?
Still a retard, but at least you're open to criticism.
frogposting should be illegal
frog website
Full HD™ and Ultra HD™®©
>Ugh it's current year, quit liking things I don't like, reeeee